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Thread: Targetting Toggle Switch, Please :)

  1. #1

    Post Targetting Toggle Switch, Please :)

    I find it painful to hit <tab> during a battle, only to have to cycle through my group, random players, and 3 other groups around me before I can actually target the mob (tough to click them in lag, but tab works).

    If possible, what I'd like to see is a "show enemy players with tab" toggle.

    So, if you're a hardcore PvPer or in search of other players in the area, you would turn it on.

    When you're grouping with neutrals (or, in some cases, the opposition), you don't have to hit tab 30 times to target a mob.

    Anyone else think this would help?


  2. #2
    I totally agree buddy

    that and have an auto-targetting that now matter who or where your attacker is, you have already automatically HARD targeted the person who just shot/nuked/rooted, etc you.

    Currently as an NT, I have to hard target my opponent, if i cycle??? who ? where? I dont know, the only clue was "Attacked by xxxx" well where/who the hell is xxx...."ARRRRRGGGGHHHHAAAHHHOOOHHHHH" Reclaim.

    That is the #1 I dont PvP, cuz the only real solution is for me to be the aggressor and shoot first, and I dont like being accused as a camper/ganker, etc. so i just dont. taht and cuz the entire rest of PvP we havent touched on is horribly broken also anyway.

  3. #3

    I'm doc, and most of the time I have just no idea about how the fight is going.

    Why? Because I should use "tab" to catch that ****ing monster. If I do... I end up on another player, then another, then... huh, time to get back to that one I heal!

    That's just silly.

    The solution is that /assist macro that is 3 keys farther... That's what I use, but it would be a lot simpliest if their was a "next enemy" key that don't jump on teamates or on peoples that can not attack you! Like if they was enemies...

    Btw, when you press f1, you target yuourself, when you press it again, you get back to your previous target... It would be beter if it would be shift-f1 or such, because, when there are lags (and sometimes they are just plenty), you don't know how many "f1" had been taken in account by the system... It's a cool way to die, indeed.


  4. #4
    Unless you help people from the sidelines (i.e. not in team), you can target your teammates very easily.

    f1 - YOU
    f2 - Teammate #1
    f3 - Teammate #2
    The pen is mightier than the sword, you say? Very well, get out your pens, essay writers, and prepare to have your logic tested by steel!

  5. #5

  6. #6

    It toggles between you and the last target. Of course, you have to get the person who hit you targeted in the first place, but c'mon how hard is it? Even I can do it.

  7. #7
    does the assist command work for pets?
    say i want to help the tank with my pet
    does /assist send my pet to help him?
    MP lvl 139 Mysticknight

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