This is a complete list of all Keeper nano's and where you can find them. Let me know if you find any wrong link or missing information and I’ll fix it up. (I will add later which IPS sell what)
*Giving some credits to Trenchrot and Chrome for the info they gave me.*
Fury Line:
Fury Dyna loot, Also drop from Elysium mobs
Evade line:
Elude Pain Dyna loot
Sharpen Instincts Dyna loot only
Quicken Reflexes IPS vendor
Sidestep IPS vendor (The Harbour)
Strengh/Stamina line:
Guardian of Might Dyna loot
A Keeper's Physique IPS vendor
Transfuse Vigor IPS vendor
Vengeance Line :
Vengeance of the Immaculate Dyna loot
Vengeance of the Pure Dyna Loot
Vengeance of the Holy Inferno Garden and Sanctuary + mission reward
Vengeance of the Blessed Inferno Garden?
Vengeance of the Virtuous Penumbra Garden
Vengeance of the Resolute IPS vendor
Vengeance of the Steadfast IPS vendor (The Harbour)
Vengeance of the Loyal IPS vendor (The Harbour)
Enervate Line :
Enervate Imprisonment Mission Reward + Dyna loot
Enervate Bindings IPS vendor + Mission reward
Enervate Shackles IPS vendor + Mission reward
Enervate Impediments IPS vendor + Mission reward
Enervate Constraints IPS vendor + Mission reward
Enervate Bonds IPS vendor (The Harbour) + Mission reward
Ward’s Line :
Warden Ward Pandemonium Garden
Sentinel Ward Inferno Garden
Guardian Ward Adonis Sanctuary
Benevolent Ward Scheol Garden
Ward Elysium Garden
Imminence Line :
Imminence of Carnage Pandemonium Garden
Imminence of Slaughter Inferno Sanctuary
Imminence of Bloodshed Inferno Garden
Imminence of Warfare IPS vendor + Mission reward
Imminence of Havoc IPS vendor + Mission reward
Imminence of BattleIPS vendor + Mission reward
Imminence of Conflict IPS vendor + Mission reward
Imminence of Scrimmage IPS vendor (The Harbour) + Mission reward
Barrier Line :
Barrier of the Righteous Mission reward
Barrier of the Resolute IPS vendor + Mission reward
Barrier of the Veracious IPS vendor + Mission reward
Barrier of the Devoted IPS vendor + Mission reward
Barrier of the Staunch IPS vendor + Mission reward
Barrier of the Loyal IPS vendor + Mission reward
Ambient Line :
Ambient Invigoration Pandemonium Garden
Ambient Renaissance Inferno Sanctuary
Ambient Revitalization Mission reward + Dyna loot
Ambient Amelioration IPS vendor + Mission reward
Ambient Regeneration IPS vendor + Mission reward
Ambient Convalescence IPS vendor + Mission reward
Ambient Rejuvenation IPS vendor + Mission reward
Ambient Rehabilitation IPS vendor + Mission reward
Ambient Alleviation IPS vendor (The Harbour) + Mission reward
Ambient Restoration IPS vendor (The Harbour) + Mission reward
Tone Line :
Tone of Bliss Pandemonium Garden
Tone of Serenity Inferno Sanctuary
Tone of Unity Mission reward + Dyna Loot
Tone of Benevolence IPS vendor + Mission reward
Tone of Rapport IPS vendor + Mission reward
Tone of Harmony IPS vendor + Mission reward
Tone of Tranquility IPS vendor + Mission reward
Tone of Purity IPS vendor + Mission reward
Tone of Accord IPS vendor (The Harbour) + Mission reward
Tone of Clarity IPS vendor (The Harbour) + Mission reward
Sanctifier line :
Divine Sanctifier Pandemonium Garden + Inferno Sanc quest reward
Sainted Sanctifier Pandemonium Garden
Pious Sanctifier Pandemonium Garden
Reverential Sanctifier Dyna Loot
Venerated Sanctifier IPS vendor
Glorious Sanctifier IPS vendor
Exalted Sanctifier IPS vendor
Honored Sanctifier IPS vendor
Sanctifier IPS vendor (The Harbour)
Reaper line
Evangelical Reaper Pandemonium Garden
Fanatic Reaper Inferno Sanctuary
Crusader Reaper Inferno Sanctuary
Carnage Reaper Penumbra Sanctuary
Havoc Reaper Adonis Sanctuary
Reaper Scheol Garden
Fervor Line :
Fervor of the Zealot Dyna loot
Fervor of the Fanatic Dyna Loot
Fervor of the Disciple IPS vendor
Fervor of the Minion IPS vendor
Fervor of the Devotee IPS vendor
Fervor of the Henchman IPS vendor (The Harbour)
Parry/Riposte Line :
Discipline of the Vindicator Mission reward + Dyna loot
Grace of the Samurai IPS vendor + mission reward
Guardian's Balance IPS vendor
Warden's Resolve IPS vendor
Defender's Poise IPS vendor (The Harbour)
2he Line :
Colossus of Swords Mission reward + Dyna loot
Finality's Edge IPS vendor + Mission reward
The Adjudicator's Blade IPS vendor
Judgement Bringer IPS vendor
Decision Maker IPS vendor (The Harbour)
Impartiality of the Blade IPS vendor (The Harbour)
Keeper's Edge Starter nano