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Thread: Why can't we mine?

  1. #1

    Why can't we mine?

    I've been playing Project Entropia (a new mmorg that is currently in test stage) and I've mined like I've never mined before.

    Then the question pops up. Why can't we mine here in AO? Ore could be used to create armor, weapons and other nice stuff.

    My personal opinion is, that mining is a needed aspect in any mmorpg.

  2. #2
    It's certainly a nice idea! As an engineer who is currently looking for something to set his class apart something like this would be perfect.

  3. #3

    Thumbs up


    I mined like hell in UO

    You should also get minor exp consedering your lvl.

  4. #4
    Hmm, Mining is a great part of AOs backstory, the Opifex race is even created by Omni-Med to be used in there (Tunnel runners).

    But some peasky stupid people (Read: Clanners) did not want to work in there so.... well, noticed the war going on?
    Level 125 Enforcer
    Advisor Of Deus Ex Machina
    Rubi-Ka 2

  5. #5


    YES, YES, YES!!! pickaxe, ingots, 50 miners in minoc cave - nostalgia

  6. #6
    Originally posted by Rustot
    YES, YES, YES!!! pickaxe, ingots, 50 miners in minoc cave - nostalgia
    Surely does bring back memories Even with lot PKs and thieves it was all fun :P Of course hiting macro button all the time will get boring but it gave you feeling that you really had accomplished something

    Anyone one running UO server emulator with before trammel crap ?) Would be sooooo much fun!
    Last edited by Flope; Jul 15th, 2002 at 15:26:19.

  7. #7

    Re: Why can't we mine?

    Originally posted by Talion Atley
    I've been playing Project Entropia (a new mmorg that is currently in test stage) and I've mined like I've never mined before.

    dare i ask how much money you blew on PE to mine?

  8. #8
    Actually not much. Before I found out there was gonna be a reset, I played it safe. Only mined in well know places and managed to break it even (with a small lose, but my skill was low).

    After I heard about the reset, I mined in more remote places and tried placing bombs every where and therefor had big red numbers on my mining account.

    Now I just look forward to the big patch next week...PE is a game I follow closely, cause if Mindark gets it right, it's gonna be hufe. If they don't, it will crash and burn like the rest.

  9. #9
    Mining, or some other form of gaining raw materials for income, is IMHO a good idea. It's used on text RPG Core 2651. You're basic job is to mine ore. You're mining level dicates where you can mine. Where you mine dictates what ore you get/money you make. You get paid based on how long you mined and the value of the ore you turn in. To prevent people from mining all the time to boos their income, there are several shifts that you can join, each encompassing around two to three hours a piece. The ore that you mine goes into the planetary warehouses, where it is refined and shipped to player run stores that make items from that ore. Armor, weapons, etc. Thus creating a stable economy. You mine ore which pays you money that you spend on items created from the ore you mined . . . . . . you get the point. AO needs an innate economy like that. Of course, that's just my opinion.

  10. #10
    Originally posted by Talion Atley
    After I heard about the reset, I mined in more remote places and tried placing bombs every where and therefor had big red numbers on my mining account.
    i would have gone mining some more, but i only have like 4 cents, least i get it back, and (some point) a $30 (rl) apartment -

  11. #11
    Holy crap mendas! that is the best Idea Ive heard in a long time, and it fits in perfectly with the AO story.. its too bad this thread will never get read...

    Im actually really disappointed, because I think mining would be an amazing boon to the game, and clanners couldn't do it because they hate mining =)
    Level 220 16 Philip "Phil" Proteus, Engineer Equipment

  12. #12
    Hi there.

    In my opinion tradeskills should consist of 3 processes.

    1. Resource gathering
    2. Construction
    3. Selling

    The reason Anarchy Online is failing is the terrible method of "resource gathering" ie running around shops looking for the right level pieces to buy.

    Mining is a great way of getting resources, and I must say that the Project Entropia method is nice for a science fiction type game.
    I'd also like to see the ability for us to make the individual pieces of the gun as well (kinda think of Ultima online type constuction menus)

    This would leave us with:-

    1. Mining to get our resources.
    2. Construction of the pieces required to make our gun and assembly of pieces, from the resources.
    3. Selling gun for profit.

    So....why cant we mine?


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