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Thread: Active Omni orgs at Rimor 100+

  1. #81

    Root pls
    Proud agent of the Disciples of Omni-Tek

    Commissioner of the RKDC

    "One should not lose one's temper unless one is certain of getting more and more angry to the end."
    William Butler Yeats

  2. #82
    Quote Originally Posted by Naefen

    Root pls
    Hugging naefen

    Upupa (220/20/60) Valhall Guardians. equip
    Tantal (220/25/68) Atrox Keeper

  3. #83

    OT Alliance

    I better add something about OT Alliance to this post.

    We are a newish org (3 months) and are currently PvM orientated. Currently recruiting at all levels, the majority of our active organisation is in the 60 - 125 level range, with a number of alts in the TL 1 - 2 bracket.

    We have a nice big HQ in Andromeda, close to the farm, but we are currently not actively organising alien raids until our level 125+ player base improves.

    Anyone who wishes to learn more about the organisation and our aims are welcome to message either Alosha (our leader, who doesn't appear to read the forum boards ) or Rudel (yours truely).

  4. #84
    Virtual Insanity, 149/19, PvM. City close to Clon**** grid - currently recruiting 60-220

  5. #85
    Updated the list over omni orgs with more then 100 members

    Upupa (220/20/60) Valhall Guardians. equip
    Tantal (220/25/68) Atrox Keeper

  6. #86
    Oh btw Omni tek forever has merged with Virtual insanity, all lvl 60+ have been contacted since there were many froobies who left the game in omnitek forever

  7. #87
    Quote Originally Posted by Lal
    Oh btw Omni tek forever has merged with Virtual insanity, all lvl 60+ have been contacted since there were many froobies who left the game in omnitek forever
    oki, so what org shall I list?

    Upupa (220/20/60) Valhall Guardians. equip
    Tantal (220/25/68) Atrox Keeper

  8. #88
    The Illuminati just disbanded.

    Ainesis is still alive though (alt org)
    Morphinee - 220 SOL Gear - Pic
    Injecter - 215 DOC Gear - Pic
    Evilpoon - 154 CRAT PvP Gear - Pic
    Dymwyt - 110 FIX Gear - Pic
    and numerous gimpy alts......

  9. #89
    Quote Originally Posted by Morphinee
    The Illuminati just disbanded.

    Ainesis is still alive though (alt org)
    I have removed Illuminati from the list.

    Upupa (220/20/60) Valhall Guardians. equip
    Tantal (220/25/68) Atrox Keeper

  10. #90
    Got new numbers in Paradise ( 209 / 92 ), checked lists and lost a fair few inactive members.
    Eternalist - Enlightened heal monkey.
    Field Marshal

  11. #91
    I will take a breake, sort off, from AO. bump this thread from time to time will u

    I´ll be back.

    Upupa (220/20/60) Valhall Guardians. equip
    Tantal (220/25/68) Atrox Keeper

  12. #92
    time for a bump

    Upupa (220/20/60) Valhall Guardians. equip
    Tantal (220/25/68) Atrox Keeper

  13. #93


    I got a message from the president of Nibelungen, Leonora, that they currenly are recruting. However thu guild is to small to make it to the list.

    Talk with Leonora if you want to join a small guild to grow in to. Many times that may be better then joining a big established guild.

    Upupa (220/20/60) Valhall Guardians. equip
    Tantal (220/25/68) Atrox Keeper

  14. #94


    bump (yes I am still on a breake)

    Upupa (220/20/60) Valhall Guardians. equip
    Tantal (220/25/68) Atrox Keeper

  15. #95
    bump time again
    Proud agent of the Disciples of Omni-Tek

    Commissioner of the RKDC

    "One should not lose one's temper unless one is certain of getting more and more angry to the end."
    William Butler Yeats

  16. #96


    -=VIRTUS=- city in Pleasant Meadows. Currently recruting 50+ (russian language guild).
    /tell Dobriy
    /tell Sephirot

  17. #97
    Quote Originally Posted by Upupa
    oki, so what org shall I list?
    Virtual Insanity

  18. #98
    Death Defiance just disbanded, most member go to B.O.S.S , so add B.O.S.S to list plz ^^

  19. #99
    Quote Originally Posted by Santafe
    Death Defiance just disbanded, most member go to B.O.S.S , so add B.O.S.S to list plz ^^
    I deleted Death Defiance from the list.

    I have made some smaller updates.


    Upupa (220/20/60) Valhall Guardians. equip
    Tantal (220/25/68) Atrox Keeper

  20. #100
    Quote Originally Posted by Omutb
    Our city is a short run west of the Clon**** grid exit.

    As for PvP...we have a Roche for that.
    Where Roche gone btw? He is one of the best in the lowbie pvp range.

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