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Thread: Active Omni orgs at Rimor 100+

  1. #61
    Peace $ Love, inc has city in milky way, mostly do PvM, alien raids etc. most actives are 150+ number of online personell varies with time of day. Also have low set of towers incase members want to get involved with tower raids. always accepting applications TL4 and above ...send a tell to aeriella(BigBossLady).

    and bump for rooted thread
    Peace $ Love, Inc. - Since April 2002

  2. #62

    Upupa (220/20/60) Valhall Guardians. equip
    Tantal (220/25/68) Atrox Keeper

  3. #63
    BOSS is still alive? heard lots of ppl went to WOW

    (lubbed the org.. was my first org )
    Harios - [Enforcer] cookies 220/30
    Advass - [Adventurer] nerf 220/21
    Wackios - [Shade] gankzsz 220/16
    Soldios - [Soldier] FA Burst 220/22
    Docios - [Doctor] healsplxz 220/20
    Cratios - [Bureaucrat] tape 220/19
    Proud Board Member of Dark Front Cookies >> Bacon, remember that!

  4. #64

    Atlas Shrugged

    Atlas Shrugged are a newish org with a city in Central Arterial Valley. We are a friendly socially oriented bunch, mostly TL 2 and 3 atm who enjoy teaming together. We look forward to exploring the mid level content of the game together. We do semi regular alien raids and are active in both Euro and American timezones.

    Members assist each other in any way they can and those less experienced with the game are given the knowledge they need to develop and most importantly have fun.

    We are currently actively recruiting. Please tell Shairena, Jekylynn or Ozman for further Information.

    I really need to get a signature :-)
    Last edited by Servalan; Feb 28th, 2005 at 13:28:28. Reason: updated contacts

  5. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by Servalan
    Atlas Shrugged are a newish org with a city in Central Arterial Valley. We are a friendly socially oriented bunch, mostly TL 2 and 3 atm who enjoy teaming together. We look forward to exploring the mid level content of the game together. We do semi regular alien raids and are active in both Euro and American timezones.

    Members assist each other in any way they can and those less experienced with the game are given the knowledge they need to develop and most importantly have fun.

    We are currently actively recruiting. Please tell Shairena, Jekylynn, Ozman, Jaundice or Cazz for further Information.

    I really need to get a signature :-)


    Upupa (220/20/60) Valhall Guardians. equip
    Tantal (220/25/68) Atrox Keeper

  6. #66

    Smile Atlas Shrugged

    Quote Originally Posted by Upupa
    Don't forget our city. It really is very pretty and very convenient for picking up carbonrich rocks :-)

  7. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by Servalan
    I really need to get a signature :-)
    There you go, a signature

    And an uber bump for Upupa's time for doing this!!
    Onlyman Level 220/23 - Agent
    General of Dark Front

  8. #68
    Im not letting this go far down the list anyways....might aswell root it
    Proud agent of the Disciples of Omni-Tek

    Commissioner of the RKDC

    "One should not lose one's temper unless one is certain of getting more and more angry to the end."
    William Butler Yeats

  9. #69
    Quote Originally Posted by Naefen
    Im not letting this go far down the list anyways....might aswell root it
    Hmm, ok I agree rooting it if the admin feel it is a good idea.

    Upupa (220/20/60) Valhall Guardians. equip
    Tantal (220/25/68) Atrox Keeper

  10. #70
    Did a real houseclean in PS, recheck our numbers :P
    PREDICAMENT|220:26| SENZOR|220:17| TWERRAX|218:11|

  11. #71


    Quote Originally Posted by Predicament
    Did a real houseclean in PS, recheck our numbers :P
    from 150 to 50 members..he he..but some of the names there is very active..and I let u stay on the list for a little more.

    Upupa (220/20/60) Valhall Guardians. equip
    Tantal (220/25/68) Atrox Keeper

  12. #72
    Shall I add?

    1) link to homepage (if the org got one)
    2) Names of people to contact if you want to join
    3) Joke of the week

    Upupa (220/20/60) Valhall Guardians. equip
    Tantal (220/25/68) Atrox Keeper

  13. #73
    Midnight Reveries is like totally active, we even have the NT professional in our guild.


    *runs off*
    Last edited by Spammerific; Feb 18th, 2005 at 01:37:57. Reason: Because i wanted to. DEAL WITH IT BIAAAATCH!
    Spammerific - General of Midnight Reveries (RK2)
    WoW 4 teh win plx, look for Spammerifiq on Ravencrest (unless you're Alliance, in which case i'd have to kill ya)
    My bro - My equipment

  14. #74
    Quote Originally Posted by Spammerific
    Midnight Reveries is like totally active, we even have the NT professional in our guild.


    *runs off*
    A little few members to be at the list

    Upupa (220/20/60) Valhall Guardians. equip
    Tantal (220/25/68) Atrox Keeper

  15. #75

    Upupa (220/20/60) Valhall Guardians. equip
    Tantal (220/25/68) Atrox Keeper

  16. #76
    Thanks for including Peace in Death on your list.

    We do both pvp and pvm and we have a city in Coast of Peace. We are currently recruiting. We are routy and we love to have fun.
    Omni Fixer "Towerman" level 161 - My GA4 blitz bish

    Omni Engineer "Blazin0" level 200 - Trox engy's are a bad idea ok? - Current Setup

    Former Member of The League of Fabulous Ninjas on RK2

  17. #77
    NATO Corp. is a fairly new and small Org. We just put a city in CAV yesterday (Atlas Shrugged are our neighbors). We are mainly PvM but will be adding more PvP shortly. We use Teamspeak and are currently recruiting.

  18. #78
    Quote Originally Posted by Uberspider
    NATO Corp. is a fairly new and small Org. We just put a city in CAV yesterday (Atlas Shrugged are our neighbors). We are mainly PvM but will be adding more PvP shortly. We use Teamspeak and are currently recruiting.
    Your guild are still to small to make it for to the list. Carry on and good luck with your new city

    Upupa (220/20/60) Valhall Guardians. equip
    Tantal (220/25/68) Atrox Keeper

  19. #79
    Added my old guild , Unity, who have restarted with Jona as director. The guild is a mix of some experienced players and many new.

    Upupa (220/20/60) Valhall Guardians. equip
    Tantal (220/25/68) Atrox Keeper

  20. #80
    Quote Originally Posted by Upupa
    Shall I add?

    1) link to homepage (if the org got one)
    2) Names of people to contact if you want to join
    3) Joke of the week
    2. All details on the guest forum pages, Code of Conduct etc etc
    3. Too many to choose from

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