Nov 8th, 2004, 11:14:06
Council of Testers
The Incredibly Basic AO Skill Emulator v2 with Source
Whilst we all wait for Nillan's next release of his bells'n'whistles skill emulator, I've decided to post the current build of my Incredibly Basic AO Skill Emulator. It's likely not perfect (there are occasional odd rounding errors I'm still trying to track down, the perk data may contain bugs, and it is, as the name duggests, a lot simpler than Nillan's... but it does the job).
Recommended Use : (See Readme)
You may find rounding errors mean a skill is 1 less than it should be (something to do with skill caps, I'm looking into it), and you may find you use more IP than the game (again, probably a rounding bug, though an emulator and the game will almost certainly never agree on IP expenditure).
As I said, a lot more basic than Nillan's emulator, but as the current build of that's pretty buggy at times, it's a useful tool for now (hope Nillan's still working on his, though its been a while...)
Any mistakes, errors or issues with it, please PM me here.
Note: .NET Framework v2.0 is required.
Last edited by Darkbane; Oct 1st, 2013 at 22:55:37.
Nov 8th, 2004, 20:43:38
Great little app Darkbane - always nice to be able to play around with configs while bored at work 
I have a small question for you:- the program has the ability, from looking at the menus, to import equipment configuration files. It looks like the files are in XML - is there an easy way to generate these files or do you have to edit them by hand? Also, is there a way of seeing the equipment that you "have on" the char in the GUI short of the numbers showing +skill?
Another question - I don't want to hijack the thread but when you say "but as the current build of that's pretty buggy at times" about Nillan's program would this include strange attribute values e.g. I have X in stamina but Nillan's program says I have X-5? I've been through the implants and equipment + buffs etc with a fine tooth comb but it is all correct. Every other stat is correct only Sta is wrong. I've been pulling my hair out over it but if this is the sort of bug that it has then I can stop wasting time trying to work out what I've done wrong and just live with it!
Anyhow thanks again for the app - shortcut on the desktop job 
Nov 9th, 2004, 09:07:21
Council of Testers
Currently you just start the app, enter the modifiers a piece of equipment gives, then use the Save Equipment menu option to save it out with a suitable name, then you can Clear Equipment and enter another... clunky, but it's there (I usually use AODB's equipment config to get a list of modifiers for a set up and just plug those in directly...) So no, the equipment is just the modifiers. Note that equipment and buffs (if you have them as individual files) can be loaded and unloaded, so a list of loaded equipment and buff should be do-able... maybe that'll be next on my list.
Nillan's has a few data errors (most are easily corrected if you edit his XML mind you), but it's worst attribute is at time it is incredibly slow... last i heard he was still working on a new version, so finger's crossed
Dec 20th, 2004, 01:36:38
Council of Testers
Updated the download to fix a couple of data errors I found with perks.
Jan 10th, 2005, 15:44:41
Council of Testers
New version.
A minor update really, but added a better means to get the equipment skill modifiers into the program. Currently only supports aodb.info, I'll add auno.org soon though.
Basically, use aodb.info's equipment config screen to put in your gear, then highlight the list of modifiers it produces and copy them to the clipboard. Then, in the program, goto the equipment menu and select Add/Remove Equipment Modifiers. Paste into the text box and use the Add or Remove button to apply or clear the modifiers from that equipment. Press close when you are done.
Link is in first post.
Jan 11th, 2005, 12:57:52
Council of Testers
Minor bugfix for Body Dev on aodb and added support for Auno's equipment configurator output. Link in first post as before.
Jan 12th, 2005, 11:16:34
Council of Testers
A few more tweaks to the auno/aodb code and a fix for loading characters and perks.
Download here as before.
Jan 17th, 2005, 16:29:01
Council of Testers
Added the ability to add modifiers from spirits like the equipment entry feature as iMatrix doesn't support spirits. Again, just use aodb's/auno's implant configuration screen and copy/paste the modifiers into the window, then press add or remove.
Mar 9th, 2005, 17:03:01
Council of Testers
Some corrections to the perk data and a few minor bug fixes. Use the link in the first post.
May 2nd, 2005, 12:41:06
Council of Testers
Perks and Buffs are now extracted direct from the DB, and the handling of buffs is now rather different. The buff column is no longer directly editable and there is now a buff manager window via which all buffs can be applied or removed from a character.
This means that any old character files will load correctly, but it is recommended that you then clear any buffs and redo them via the new buff manager.
(It is possible to add new buffs via the buff edit feature, once activated, you can type the buff values into the relevant skills, then simply save out the new buff - note the naming format, the same prof names and general format must be used or the manager won't find your new buff).
Link is as in first post (here).
May 2nd, 2005, 13:32:23
Supa Leet
Really nice Dark, thanks for this new toy.
Btw if you manage to get items definitions into it (like let's say an offline AODB/AUNO), I'd definately carry your babies as the lone worker I am, with mean sysops proxy blocking both of theses DB sites.
Thx again for good work, keep up
May 2nd, 2005, 14:16:25
Council of Testers
It's being worked on, but it's not as simple as the perks and buffs...
May 2nd, 2005, 16:36:20
Council of Testers
Eep, minor problem with the SL perk data file not always being parsed correctly. I've updated the 2.04 download to sort this, so if you've already downloaded, please do so again at the above link to sort this.
May 31st, 2005, 10:22:13
Supa Leet
Bump. Had to run across 10 pages to find this back.
Any going forth on this project ?
Jun 23rd, 2005, 15:59:03
Council of Testers
I've not done much with this recently other than make a routine to extract the armour items... problem is matching those that are extrapolated up so you can pick QLs other than 1 and 200... work ongoing (just a bit slowly atm...)
Jun 23rd, 2005, 17:07:31
Not sure... but the interface seems very lagged?
I've made heavier programs open and it does not seem as laggy as this :X
Jul 4th, 2005, 10:26:22
Council of Testers
Well, it's a) .NET and b) not optimised so recalculates whenever you change anything (only really needs to do so when changing IP expenditure on any skill or changing abilities in any way). I've never had an issue with the speed though (unless I'm changing level whilst on one of the perks pages, that is rather slow).
Aug 3rd, 2005, 15:20:34
Council of Testers
v2.05 is up and add the ability to partially import Covenant's Character Profiler xml files. It only imports base skills and abilities, level, alien title, breed and profession, other modifiers must still use the existing methods (though the CPs link to Auno's equipment configurator simplifies this somewhat). Also note that Nano Resist is *not* processed as I've yet to figure out how this works (it does not seem to be the same as the other raw values) so you'll still have to enter that manually.
I've also done a few minor optimisations, changing level can still be slow, but the rest of the interface seems acceptable, at least on my PC 
Donload in same place.
Aug 15th, 2005, 10:51:06
Council of Testers
v2.07 - Added better handling of the Misc org bonuses, you can now add org contracts, city buildings and personal towers and have the bonuses scale with your level correctly (or as correctly as the game allows, it will likely be slightly out as the listed bonuses @ level 200 appear to actually happen at 201, once I've collected some more information I'll be able to account for that).
Download in same place.
EDIT: Updated download file with the right version this time
Last edited by Darkbane; Aug 15th, 2005 at 12:00:50.
Aug 22nd, 2005, 12:25:00
Council of Testers
v2.08 - Just tweaks and fixes.
Download in same place.
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