Stefano paced around Belial Forest, away from the confides of his city and into the darkness of the forest, he walked while reading some previous Gridnet News, "Stefano Kyren, now loose among the public again. Potentialy dangerous, proceed with caution and inform local Guards if seen." Stefano made a slight annoyed face, he didn't want attention anymore. It was pointless.

Stefano took out a small picture with a female on it, he smiled, for once in ages he smiled slightly, he then put it in his pocket and began to warp into the Grid, he needed to see something first hand..

Stefano appeared on a roof top in Omni-Trade, he had gotten used to this vantage point, you could see everywhere from it. Stefano looked a bit North East, he saw some Omni-Pol Troopers walking about, he thought to himself, "If this is where all my records are held, then termination will not be hard.." He rose up from a crouched posistion and jumped down to a shaded alley near a Sky Scraper, Stefano unsheated a Katana, tonight was time to test out a new skill.

Stefano peered around the corner slightly, looking for a civilian of some type, anyone. A small Solitus man turned a corner and was walking casually down the street, he passed Stefano's Alley without a second glance, unaware of his fate. Stefano rushed out with a slight abnormal speed and he slid the blade under the mans chin, edge pointed to his neck, "..congratulations.. you are the first to experience my new technique.."

The man attempted to sputter out a word but was in a massive state of shock and without a moments rest, Stefano slit the man's throat, grinning to himself, he knew this person would not be the last. He left the body there as he walked away, though he muttered something with each step,

"..each kill is part of my payment to you Omni-Tek, I owe you my debts.."