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Thread: :l... This is Retarded, Damned Advs

  1. #1

    :l... This is Retarded, Damned Advs

    WTF?! couple Issues i've got with Advs:

    - The lvl reqs on the new Adv nanos (and MA/Agent nanos) are total Bullsh1t.... i was readin that thread somewhere else on this page,

    *****CLoudeh was gettin mad that Advs, instead of Enfs, are gettin MM buffs (multi melee)******

    uh, the lvl req on that +120 MM buff, Cloudeh, It's called Dance of the Dervish, and the lvl req on it is 195. ( how fuked up is that?! it's gotta be aAT LEAST +250 to be able to equip 2 of them swords/pistols!) what's wrong with giving Advs MM buffs anyways?

    While FCs at it, add lvl reqs to the following nanos:

    -Traders,.................... Wrangle/Ransaak/Deprive
    -MPs,.......................... Nano Skill Buffs (Mochams-lvl 165)
    -Enfs,.......................... Challenger/Essence
    -Engys,....................... Ac Buffs/Pet lvl Reqs
    -Crats,........................ Crit/XP aura
    -MA,............................ MA Skill Buffs/ CRIT BUFF/evade buffs
    -Fixers,....................... Grid Armor/RUn Buff/Insta Grid

    ****-Agents,..................... Thier crit nanos/ AND subject to every other proffessions lvl reqs as well.. ahaahahaahaaaha (thered be ANOTHER mass Exodus of Agents, worse than 12.6, You do remember 12.6 right FC?) ****

    -NT,............................. Nukes/HE/Crunchcom
    -Doc,........................... Single target Heals/Team Heals/HP buffs/Treatment buff/init debuff/DoTs
    -Soldier,...................... Weapon skill masterys/MK Shields

    -This is total crap:why is it possible that MA's can get this? (it is rare, but at least it's possible to get one), that is new MA coat, there are 4 different versions of it. while Advs get to hunt Tarasque a few HUNDRED times to MAYBE find one of these:
    i agree that coat/hood/ QL 200 Gutting Hook/ Ancient Adv Sword, should be rare, but HELL! Enfs get the Edge of Tarasque, it's a 1 in 5ish drop on big MR. T. (btw in the database there are 5 different "Ancient Sword PIECES", apparantly it's something that has to be CAMPED, and assembled. (i doubt any Adv will see one of those on the Live Server, same with the Cloak/Hood/ql 200 Gutting Hook)

    SWG isn't that far off in the horizon......

    --A Rant to all the As@H0l3$ that kick Advs from teams--

    <---lvl 140 Adv, I got kicked from 3 teams today, so they could grab a different Proffession... "Sorry Duffman, my friend changed his mind, i gotta kick ya" i didn't bother to mention that we're ditchin youur sorry Adv @$$ cause we think you suck. the only way i can get my Adv into teams now:

    --the most common "Honest" answer for beeing kicked outta team is: (drumrole) "Your weapon, bud". that's right my weapon... to get a team, i have to be in wolf form, so nobody can see what i use, when they ask, ( and they DO ASK) i paste my 2 ql 200 SOL Type Fs that i've got stashed in my inv.

    the weapon i use is: (drumrole) ( i'm using it until 14.4 comes, then i'm puttin on my SOLS) ql 200 Goffle Prod. yup a goffle prod, not that bad of a weapon actually, my average damage is 800, with a 1.7k crit (that''s not including Brawl damage)

    For the Mislead out there: Advs, can make VERY nice tanks/docs for groups that don't have either of them.

    yup i know it's long, i don't expect anyone to really read it, but i hope you can catch my main points... burried somewhere in there...
    Ouzzelle: It's an O damnit! not a Q!... and it's pronounced Weasel to you omnis.....

    Clanners call me Ozzy

    Riddance Jr.: Is it dead?

  2. #2
    Good rant. Yeah it does seem a bit strange about the lvl req's on your new nano's. I could see alot of people being upset if their nano's had lvl req's added retro-actively. Not sure if it would be a good thing or not if it did happen. could extend the life of some professions like MP's who get nothing new to look forward to casting after about lvl 120/130 (so I gather not played an mp).

    But those that are used to already using a nano and depending on it in their playstyle to find that after this was implemented they couldn't use some of their "essential" nanos till a certain lvl would certaily cause an uproar

    As for kicking adv from a team or just not inviting them then never done that I have teamed alot with Adv and I like teaming with them.
    Sunraven - Jumpaholic and Speedfreak.

  3. #3
    Yeah.. I love teaming with adventurers, especially when there's no Doc around. And your lovely morphs kick ass...

    About the lvl-thingy on nanos; that sux... I would hate it if FC put lvl-req. on our crit-buffs and heals...

    UVC : lvl 195 is a big nono...

    my 2 cents
    Master 10th Dan

  4. #4

    Re: :l... This is Retarded, Damned Advs

    ****-Agents,..................... Thier crit nanos/ AND subject to every other proffessions lvl reqs as well.. ahaahahaahaaaha (thered be ANOTHER mass Exodus of Agents, worse than 12.6, You do remember 12.6 right FC?) ****

    There's already a level req of 180 for the highest Agent crit nano... and yes, level reqs on nanos/equipment is utter BS. If this is the new trend, the game will lose a LOT of it's appeal and customers. What's the point of trying to squeeze your skill up that little bit if you can't use it until a given level anyway? Takes the fun out of it.

  5. #5
    I can understand lvl reqs on certain nanos, BUT

    Ouzzelle: It's an O damnit! not a Q!... and it's pronounced Weasel to you omnis.....

    Clanners call me Ozzy

    Riddance Jr.: Is it dead?

  6. #6
    NO nanos should have a lvl req!
    Of all stupied ideas that have emerged from Funcom this must surely be the most idiotic yet.
    And if Funcom sees this through, then I suggest that we do it on ALL nanos, even the old ones; Mocham's should not be able for any MP until lvl175 or so, top Wrangle shouldn't be able to cast it until lvl 185, and should have a lvl check on the target. Engineers shouldn't be able to do a Slayer until lvl190. MA's shouldn't be able to do UVC (god I miss that!) until lvl175 and so on...
    After this we can remove the nano skills in the game - since there is NO point at all raising any of them....

    Either lvl req on ALL nanos or NONE!
    * July 9, 2001 :: + July 29, 2004

  7. #7
    Spell in EQ and Daoc have lvl reqs, should some AO nanos not have them........ This more of a OE nerf than anything else. Now if they were to put REQs on the nanoes you mentioned then there would be an outcry.
    Salutusmax- doctor

  8. #8
    level reqs on a Class fix is total bullsh!t...

    Advs are getting a new heal..with a lvl req...
    why dont Docs/Ma/Enf/Fixer have lvl reqs on there heals/HoTs?
    why dont MP heal pets have a lvl req?

    Advs are getting a 1he buff...with a lvl req...

    if the reqs were added to prevent OE then why isn't there a lvl req on Challenger? or Dirty Fighter? or Wrangle/Ransack/Deprive?
    or Take the Shot? or Offensive Steamroller? or ....

    Advs are getting new Deflect Sheilds...witha lvl req...

    first off, this is a shield..this has nothin to do with OEing weapons/gear

    but, once again, why isn't there a lvl req on Soldiers MK shields? or Engy Return shields? (they got 2 ffs...)

    Advs get a nuke....with a lvl req...

    Advs get a Area mezz....with a lvl req....AND "targets cannot be in attack mode"

    wtf is that??

    these nanos aren't being made as somethin that will be class "Specialty" items (like GA/nullity sphere(which, btw, neither have lvl reqs)) These nanos are a Class FIX (not to be confused with Upgrade.)

    lichoon, 14.2 was put in to prevent OE.....
    Ouzzelle: It's an O damnit! not a Q!... and it's pronounced Weasel to you omnis.....

    Clanners call me Ozzy

    Riddance Jr.: Is it dead?

  9. #9
    14.6 will feature many new restrictions put on nanos, the new NT nukes will all require that the caster is female.
    the new fixer grid will require that you have an "e" in your name.
    Best of all the enforcer edged buffs will require that the caster is wearing a pair of shoes of the same coulour as his targets hair, unless they are over lvl 100, in which case the shoes must be of a different colour, or its tuesday in which case it is neccessary that the cast immediatly follows a /backflip, and the casters hair is of the same colour as his/her shoes.

    just my way of saying "this is rediculous", AO is a skill based game, if youre going to introduce level reqs, get rid of ip and skills.
    the only nano i can understand having a level req is the fixer NCU buff.
    My lungs arent blackened by tar, they're blackened by SIN!

  10. #10

    hellz yea

    bump - lvl reqs bite and should not be in game at all - thats what we have skills for

  11. #11

    Just one, one thing....... I need 1195 Multimelee, how in the **** am I going to get that?

    I dont care if you have to be level 195 to use, it, I WOULD WAIT!
    Anyway, I agree with you it should NOT have a level cap and there should be lower versions, and that one should have better reqs.

    But why point at me? I am not FC, I didnt make it.......
    You get all out better weapons and our needed 1he buffs and multimee.

    They could have at least dont ADV and ENF ones :z

  12. #12


    Originally posted by Ouzzelle
    level reqs on a Class fix is total bullsh!t...

    Advs are getting a new heal..with a lvl req...
    why dont Docs/Ma/Enf/Fixer have lvl reqs on there heals/HoTs?
    why dont MP heal pets have a lvl req?
    Ozzy ole pal.. Check this: (Can't make it a link because the URL includes brackets...)[or%3Aprofession%3Avisual+profession]=%3D4&patch=1440

    All the new "Fixer loving" comes with level reqs handily installed. (Which includes all of our new HoT's... )
    Last edited by Knightwulf; Jun 21st, 2002 at 11:18:37.
    I hold no ties to any faction.

    I am Clan, only because it suits my purposes. I will not fight your war for you, as it is not my war. Unless it benefits me.
    I am not Omni, as I am not a sheep. I have individual thoughts and feelings and I do not take orders well.
    I am not Neutral as I believe in taking any advantage offered to me.

    I go where the winds take me. I believe in absolute freedom. I sell to the highest bidder, no matter their affiliation.

    I am Fixer.


  13. #13
    I feel your pain Ouzzelle,
    no joke. Why the level req? sorry that just kiss me.
    FC: you want to cast better nano formulae? Okay be a nanomage breed and implant, of course it will cost you hit points to be a nanomage, and those implants will mean that your weapon skills with suffer, but hey that is the balance and beauty of the game.

    Player: Cool! thanks.

    FC: um, wait a minute what do you mean your are a level X (insert profession)? and you can actually cast that nano? Oh my we have to fix that...let's put a level req on it too.

    [Personal opinion: Come on FC, you have already pretty much made it clear that a solutis can do anything any of the other breeds can for the most part. One of the reason I took the hp hit and went Nanomage breed was that as a doctor, i was will to give up my combat skills in favor of a better healing for my teams.

    This game is already a bad enough leveling treadmill in team missions only after a certain level. What are you thinking with level reqs?
    If you all want to to do something with your time and programign skills? Give us out hunting that is worth a darn! GIVE US A STORYLINE! give us anything that breaks up the hell of team missions day after day.
    {side note: i know that there are three new out door areas for play with, three...hrm can they support the hordes of players and team that or going to decend on them? I bet not.}
    I am so glad that I am in a guild that is will to do things to keep its members interested in more than just "hey lvl 142nd lfg!" But I would have expected FC to also prvide some content too.

    Ouzzelle, I am blessed in the fact the first member in of my teams is a Healing-Adv, Ariana. To be honest I could not give a snot if you were using dual pillows. If you pull your weight in what ever manner you do it, then lets go. you want to sit back and loot and train monsters, then you can leave yesterday. I am sure you all know the type. So if you are omni and need a team look me up Ouzzelle. Other wise sorry, hard to target without a tab and 5 kitties in teh room, best of fortune and hunting.]

    Lyda Carnalla, 142nd Doctor
    Omni-tech, RK1

    I heal therefore you live!

  14. #14
    Originally posted by ReelBigFish
    14.6 will feature many new restrictions put on nanos, the new NT nukes will all require that the caster is female.
    the new fixer grid will require that you have an "e" in your name.
    Best of all the enforcer edged buffs will require that the caster is wearing a pair of shoes of the same coulour as his targets hair, unless they are over lvl 100, in which case the shoes must be of a different colour, or its tuesday in which case it is neccessary that the cast immediatly follows a /backflip, and the casters hair is of the same colour as his/her shoes.
    Wow, I thought I was the only one who got the 14.6 patch notes!

    Originally posted by Cloudeh
    Just one, one thing....... I need 1195 Multimelee, how in the **** am I going to get that?
    Better than the crazy MR reqs for decent guns.
    Originally posted by Whaambulance

    This is singlehandedly the stupidest post I have EVER read on these forums. Congradulations.
    'Balancing' Nanos Will Remain Imbalanced Vs. Old Nanos - Because We Said So!

    O Gaute, Gaute! Wherefore art thou Gaute?
    Deny thy nerfs and refuse thy lame design decisions;
    Or, if thou wilt not, be but on the forums,
    And I'll no longer be a whiner.

  15. #15

    Re: :l... This is Retarded, Damned Advs

    Originally posted by Ouzzelle
    WTF?! couple Issues i've got with Advs:

    - The lvl reqs on the new Adv nanos (and MA/Agent nanos) are total Bullsh1t.... i was readin that thread somewhere else on this page,

    *****CLoudeh was gettin mad that Advs, instead of Enfs, are gettin MM buffs (multi melee)******

    uh, the lvl req on that +120 MM buff, Cloudeh, It's called Dance of the Dervish, and the lvl req on it is 195. ( how fuked up is that?! it's gotta be aAT LEAST +250 to be able to equip 2 of them swords/pistols!) what's wrong with giving Advs MM buffs anyways?

    While FCs at it, add lvl reqs to the following nanos:

    -Traders,.................... Wrangle/Ransaak/Deprive
    -MPs,.......................... Nano Skill Buffs (Mochams-lvl 165)
    -Enfs,.......................... Challenger/Essence
    -Engys,....................... Ac Buffs/Pet lvl Reqs
    -Crats,........................ Crit/XP aura
    -MA,............................ MA Skill Buffs/ CRIT BUFF/evade buffs
    -Fixers,....................... Grid Armor/RUn Buff/Insta Grid

    ****-Agents,..................... Thier crit nanos/ AND subject to every other proffessions lvl reqs as well.. ahaahahaahaaaha (thered be ANOTHER mass Exodus of Agents, worse than 12.6, You do remember 12.6 right FC?) ****

    -NT,............................. Nukes/HE/Crunchcom
    -Doc,........................... Single target Heals/Team Heals/HP buffs/Treatment buff/init debuff/DoTs
    -Soldier,...................... Weapon skill masterys/MK Shields

    -This is total crap:why is it possible that MA's can get this? (it is rare, but at least it's possible to get one), that is new MA coat, there are 4 different versions of it. while Advs get to hunt Tarasque a few HUNDRED times to MAYBE find one of these:
    i agree that coat/hood/ QL 200 Gutting Hook/ Ancient Adv Sword, should be rare, but HELL! Enfs get the Edge of Tarasque, it's a 1 in 5ish drop on big MR. T. (btw in the database there are 5 different "Ancient Sword PIECES", apparantly it's something that has to be CAMPED, and assembled. (i doubt any Adv will see one of those on the Live Server, same with the Cloak/Hood/ql 200 Gutting Hook)

    SWG isn't that far off in the horizon......

    --A Rant to all the As@H0l3$ that kick Advs from teams--

    <---lvl 140 Adv, I got kicked from 3 teams today, so they could grab a different Proffession... "Sorry Duffman, my friend changed his mind, i gotta kick ya" i didn't bother to mention that we're ditchin youur sorry Adv @$$ cause we think you suck. the only way i can get my Adv into teams now:

    --the most common "Honest" answer for beeing kicked outta team is: (drumrole) "Your weapon, bud". that's right my weapon... to get a team, i have to be in wolf form, so nobody can see what i use, when they ask, ( and they DO ASK) i paste my 2 ql 200 SOL Type Fs that i've got stashed in my inv.

    the weapon i use is: (drumrole) ( i'm using it until 14.4 comes, then i'm puttin on my SOLS) ql 200 Goffle Prod. yup a goffle prod, not that bad of a weapon actually, my average damage is 800, with a 1.7k crit (that''s not including Brawl damage)

    For the Mislead out there: Advs, can make VERY nice tanks/docs for groups that don't have either of them.

    yup i know it's long, i don't expect anyone to really read it, but i hope you can catch my main points... burried somewhere in there...
    Im sorry Duff, we just needed that slot for that lvl 5 uber soldier. His nova r0xors you.

    Nitsobar - lvl 219/13 Doc - Equipment - Perks - History
    MrBruce - lvl 204/6 MA - Equipment - Perks - History
    MsHackalot - lvl 123/9 Twink Fixer - Equipment - Perks - History

    Veterans of Synergy Factor

    Click to email me

  16. #16
    Originally posted by ReelBigFish
    14.6 will feature many new restrictions put on nanos, the new NT nukes will all require that the caster is female.
    Would be kinda cool. Ehe.

  17. #17

    The gun under the MR link uses melee init.

    What a bunch of coneheads.

  18. #18
    doh, sorry for singleing you out Cloudeh, Maybe instead of Multi Melee buffs, you guys could get piercing buffs, leave the Advs with the MM buffs? i see more advs with Riders, than Enfs, but i do see alot more enfs going with 1HB now... ahh sh*t i dunno man....

    Check these out :

    This game looks SO AWESOME!

    and of course:
    Ouzzelle: It's an O damnit! not a Q!... and it's pronounced Weasel to you omnis.....

    Clanners call me Ozzy

    Riddance Jr.: Is it dead?

  19. #19

    Lightbulb Hmmm....

    Originally posted by Ouzzelle
    doh, sorry for singleing you out Cloudeh, Maybe instead of Multi Melee buffs, you guys could get piercing buffs, leave the Advs with the MM buffs? i see more advs with Riders, than Enfs, but i do see alot more enfs going with 1HB now... ahh sh*t i dunno man....

    Check these out :

    This game looks SO AWESOME!

    and of course:
    Darkfall ? OK, it does have that unmistakable King Quest 5 aliased, 16bit graphics appeal, but why would you want to play another DAoC (boring) only with sh*tty graphics ?

    As far as SWG goes, we will just have to wait and see, so far I have yet to meet a single person who is playing SWG beta.

    In any case, Adventurers SHOULD be the masters of dual weilding and as such I would really love to see their profession tailored with special abilities/attacks (like Fixer cluster f*ck bullets) and nanos that enable them to do just that. Lvl reqs on their nanos really undermine the profession balance.

  20. #20
    Agree in general, although I also feel that one of those new nano chains needs to be level restricted.

    The NCU buff line really should be restricted.

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