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Thread: What if we did away with death all together

  1. #1

    What if we did away with death all together

    Death sucks and it's boring. Who wants to die? You have to sit around for 10 min doing nothing, I usually step away from the comp for a bit while i recover.

    I suggest that instead of dying you "run to your mommy" when you reach 0 health. When you reach your mommy you do a little dance and she hugs you and you are healed. You can then run back to what you were doing. This would be much shorter, and far less violent and disturbing than death. I think parents everywhere would like to see a change like this, reinforcing something postive like coming back to family when in need, instead of embracing death and destruction. Who knows you might even get more kid accounts signed up.

  2. #2
    Hehe. Thats great. Its an idia but I don't think AO was ment to be a "kids" game. They try to make it safe for the "kid" that plays it but in genral anyone thats so young that they can't distinguish between real life and a computer game probably should not be playing AO. Try the sims? Anyway. I am not bashing your idia but AO is just not the game for that one. I bet the only reason characters start out with any clothing at all is to protect the "kids" that play it. Example: (Take a look at the back side of a hammer some time.)

  3. #3

    I always thought it would be cool

    if we started out as kids. at level 1 little 3 year old toddlers with clubs and guns. as we reached level 50 or so we hit puberty, and 100 or so we clear adolesence. at 150 we start to look like adults and at 200 we reach mid-to-late 20's or so.

  4. #4
    This is an odd thread, I'm not sure whether Ultra is joking or serious.

  5. #5
    Two Words: Boo-Yah!

    Wait, does that count as one or two? Dang..lemme try again

    Two Words: Notgunna Happenanytime Soon

    Crud, that's three words. Once more, this time with feeling!

    Two Words: Whatever, dude.

    *whew* I did it!
    The pen is mightier than the sword, you say? Very well, get out your pens, essay writers, and prepare to have your logic tested by steel!

  6. #6

    Talking haha



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