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Thread: Useful Reference Threads

  1. #1

    Useful Reference Threads

    Last edited by -Stage-; Aug 9th, 2013 at 16:54:03.
    Rustybolts, 220 Supreme Creator
    Kofiannan 220 Dictator
    Aalant, 210+ Savior
    Jeffcorwen 201+ Adv
    Rustyblades 204+ Enf

  2. #2
    Bump for a great old post.
    ** I don't do typo's, I am just testing your knowledge of Vocabulary.
    ** How do you know you cannot achieve something if you never personally try it?
    Zzart 207 NM Eng
    SoldierZzart 220 Atrox Soldier

  3. #3

    It's rooted. lol
    Spleenman Phear the Spleen!

    Proud member of Alpha Omega

    Quote Originally Posted by Jorji
    im not going to go as far as stabbing my eyes out.. im gonna remove them with a spoon, place in a jar and when such horrors never again grace a thread ill have them reattached..

  4. #4
    I replaced a mention of one tradeskill website with a link to a thread of all websites
    RK1:220/30 Alicia "Muhandes" Jolt General of Destiny. My setup/A quick screenshot
    "Guides": 210 symbs before 170, 220 symbs before 180, NM Engi Twinking 205, 210, 215, 220.
    WTB ql150 weapons, Grand Armbands, Eye of the Evening Star.

  5. #5
    I added Guide to Engineers in society to this list and unstickied it.
    RK1:220/30 Alicia "Muhandes" Jolt General of Destiny. My setup/A quick screenshot
    "Guides": 210 symbs before 170, 220 symbs before 180, NM Engi Twinking 205, 210, 215, 220.
    WTB ql150 weapons, Grand Armbands, Eye of the Evening Star.

  6. #6
    Removed Highest Pistol match up that became academic with the LE expansion.
    RK1:220/30 Alicia "Muhandes" Jolt General of Destiny. My setup/A quick screenshot
    "Guides": 210 symbs before 170, 220 symbs before 180, NM Engi Twinking 205, 210, 215, 220.
    WTB ql150 weapons, Grand Armbands, Eye of the Evening Star.

  7. #7
    Removed Guojia's Guide to Twinking Comp Lit and Grenade, as it became old and irrelevant.
    RK1:220/30 Alicia "Muhandes" Jolt General of Destiny. My setup/A quick screenshot
    "Guides": 210 symbs before 170, 220 symbs before 180, NM Engi Twinking 205, 210, 215, 220.
    WTB ql150 weapons, Grand Armbands, Eye of the Evening Star.

  8. #8
    HugeNick's guide to Multi-Purpose Engineer links to an unrelated post.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Sabraaz View Post
    HugeNick's guide to Multi-Purpose Engineer links to an unrelated post.
    RK1:220/30 Alicia "Muhandes" Jolt General of Destiny. My setup/A quick screenshot
    "Guides": 210 symbs before 170, 220 symbs before 180, NM Engi Twinking 205, 210, 215, 220.
    WTB ql150 weapons, Grand Armbands, Eye of the Evening Star.

  10. #10
    Found nice thread while browsing forums...
    Kuznechik, Board member of Disciples of Omni-Tek (and few dozens of alts)
    DoOT is recruiting
    Well, as a well-known fact - I know nothing (especially about engineers).

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by kuznechik View Post
    Found nice thread while browsing forums...
    The implant design and construction guide includes this information, and much more.
    RK1:220/30 Alicia "Muhandes" Jolt General of Destiny. My setup/A quick screenshot
    "Guides": 210 symbs before 170, 220 symbs before 180, NM Engi Twinking 205, 210, 215, 220.
    WTB ql150 weapons, Grand Armbands, Eye of the Evening Star.

  12. #12
    Quote from Xtermtech....

    Quote Originally Posted by XtremTech View Post
    Pets have essentially the same runspeed as their owners. When in /follow mode, and when certain pathing conditions kick in pet runspeed is increased by 15% in order to allow the pet to catch up.

    Adding massive runspeed doesn't have the effect you might think it does. It quite often causes more problems with the pathing AI than benefits and can result in pathing being considerably worse in many situations (as tested by Kull and me during the work on the big pathing fix a few years ago).

    Pathing requires a balance between the AI, the landscape node optimisation, the runspeeds involved and some other factors. Just pushing hard on one factor tends to kick the whole thing out of balance as much as fix anything.

    Kuznechik, Board member of Disciples of Omni-Tek (and few dozens of alts)
    DoOT is recruiting
    Well, as a well-known fact - I know nothing (especially about engineers).

  13. #13
    Why exactly did you post this here?
    RK1:220/30 Alicia "Muhandes" Jolt General of Destiny. My setup/A quick screenshot
    "Guides": 210 symbs before 170, 220 symbs before 180, NM Engi Twinking 205, 210, 215, 220.
    WTB ql150 weapons, Grand Armbands, Eye of the Evening Star.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by muha View Post
    Why exactly did you post this here?
    Hm, sorry, move it to where you think it must belong. Maybe I was supposed to post it in guide. Just it's a bit of info from some1 who worked on it and there was constant rumors that petspeed = 1.25 of ownerspeed.
    Kuznechik, Board member of Disciples of Omni-Tek (and few dozens of alts)
    DoOT is recruiting
    Well, as a well-known fact - I know nothing (especially about engineers).

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by kuznechik View Post
    Hm, sorry, move it to where you think it must belong. Maybe I was supposed to post it in guide. Just it's a bit of info from some1 who worked on it and there was constant rumors that petspeed = 1.25 of ownerspeed.
    OK, it belongs in the guide indeed. I'll ask X where is source is though.
    RK1:220/30 Alicia "Muhandes" Jolt General of Destiny. My setup/A quick screenshot
    "Guides": 210 symbs before 170, 220 symbs before 180, NM Engi Twinking 205, 210, 215, 220.
    WTB ql150 weapons, Grand Armbands, Eye of the Evening Star.

  16. #16
    RK1:220/30 Alicia "Muhandes" Jolt General of Destiny. My setup/A quick screenshot
    "Guides": 210 symbs before 170, 220 symbs before 180, NM Engi Twinking 205, 210, 215, 220.
    WTB ql150 weapons, Grand Armbands, Eye of the Evening Star.

  17. #17
    I could be missing it somewhere, but couldn't find it stickied or in this post, but would be useful. A guide to Tradeskill items + where to get them:

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by cybertron View Post
    I could be missing it somewhere, but couldn't find it stickied or in this post, but would be useful. A guide to Tradeskill items + where to get them:
    Thanks, slipped somehow.
    RK1:220/30 Alicia "Muhandes" Jolt General of Destiny. My setup/A quick screenshot
    "Guides": 210 symbs before 170, 220 symbs before 180, NM Engi Twinking 205, 210, 215, 220.
    WTB ql150 weapons, Grand Armbands, Eye of the Evening Star.

  19. #19
    I see the tradeskills pricing thread has become unnessicary?
    Angel "Berael" Wolf - 220/22 Solitus Engineer RP Profile
    Advisor of Wolf Brigade, A Proud Neutral Organization

    AOwiki - A chance to show what you know.
    Hunting Grounds Neutral Neck Items Tradeskill Pricing v3.0 Roleplaying Organizations v2.0 (RK1)

    "The world will not evolve past its current state of crisis by using the same thinking that created the situation" - Albert Einstein
    "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change." - Charles Darwin

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Berael View Post
    I see the tradeskills pricing thread has become unnessicary?
    Something weird is going on. Both this and the previous post were definitely on the list. I hope no others are missing.
    If someone notices another thread missing please post.
    RK1:220/30 Alicia "Muhandes" Jolt General of Destiny. My setup/A quick screenshot
    "Guides": 210 symbs before 170, 220 symbs before 180, NM Engi Twinking 205, 210, 215, 220.
    WTB ql150 weapons, Grand Armbands, Eye of the Evening Star.

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