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Thread: battle suit idea (long)

  1. #1

    battle suit idea (long)

    Ok, let's talk battle suits. How many of these do you see on a day to day basis? I personally don't see more than one or two people a week wearing them. Why? For one, the suit I wear (QL 55) increases nano costs by 130%, ouch. Two, while the suit does have nice standard AC stats (melee, projectile/impact, energy) the others are kinda low. Third, wearing the suit flogs your evasion stats into submission, so even though the AC on the suits usually forces the MoB into it's minimum damage bracket, you're gonna get hit so may as well get used to it. That being said, I love 'em. I personally feel that no other armor is as visually impressive. Now all that needs to happen is for Funcom to bring the substance up to the same level as the form. Better yet, let's kill two birds with one boulder. Even though soldiers are going to be getting new nano's next patch (so i've seen in other posts, nobody shoot me if i'm wrong on this) we're still the bastard offspring in AO. Everybody (at Funcom) knows we're here, but nobody wants to acknowledge our presence. Let us speak of twinking battle suits. Ok, Funcom reduced the penalties on tank armor last patch, reducing the nano cost in a big way, etc. I'm going to now list the ideas for twinking the battle suits.

    (1) Looking at the description on the battle suits, I feel that an increased nano cost is fitting. But what is the cost on tank armor now? 30% or something in that range? Why not knock the nano cost increase down to 100% on the battle suits? 130% strikes me as a bit excessive. As the tank armor covers roughly 30-40% of a character's body, good idea keeping the nano cost relative 'cause the added protection should come with a cost. Battle suits cover 100%, keep the above trend going.

    (2) As stated above, battle suits kill evade stats, how about battle suits proc'ing a HP buff? Seeing as whoever wears a suit is going to get hit every time, the proc'd buff would even the playing field. While we're on the topic, let's take a look back at point #1. With the increased nano cost, buffing is an expensive proposition, why not have the suits proc other buffs as well?. Perhaps a reflect shield and AC buff as well depending on the type and QL of the suit. That would leave the person wearing the suit with the option of casting other buffs (quickshot and precognition come to mind) without having to wait to recharge their nano's 3 or 4 times to get all their buffs done.

    (3) Integral weapons in the armor itself. Different guns for different types. A novaflow in one model, shotgun in another, plasma projector for heavy weapon freaks, so on and so forth. One stop shopping. Get your guns and armor in one package. Of course I realize that this will result in the cost of the suits going through the roof, but nothing is free...

    (4) Here's the biggie, make them soldier only. Give us something distincitive that we can call our own. You see a big warbot running around, you know that an engineer is around, ditto those satanic balloons MP's use for pets. You hear a program being cast and something gets zapped for a crazy amount of damage, odds are there's a NT nearby. You get the picture.

  2. #2


    i say DONT change any armor in the game


    not one peace

    only bring out new armor

    sure make a sol only verson of the battle sute, and give it say -150 evades but %60 reflect ,.

    but people want to change and rewrite items all the time,
    this is distroying the game. in other online games if a item is tooo good they just stop makeing them and make a new verson and leave the old as rare, same with ones what are too crap.

    change your post for pro only armor ( what they are doing , starting with the ma organic suit )

  3. #3

    Re: battle suit idea (long)

    Originally posted by Auricom

    (4) Here's the biggie, make them soldier only. Give us something distincitive that we can call our own. You see a big warbot running around, you know that an engineer is around, ditto those satanic balloons MP's use for pets. You hear a program being cast and something gets zapped for a crazy amount of damage, odds are there's a NT nearby. You get the picture.
    And everytime you don't see anything... odds are there's an agent lurking. Mwahahaha!!!

    Sorry about that.... it just was to convenient to let go
    Buford Hitokage Matt

    Explorer 73% | Socializer 66% | Achiever 33% | Killer 26%

    Don't fear the night...
    fear the ones hiding in it.

    "Jesus is coming - Look busy"

    "Im not Uber. Im your common joe. Im level 178 and untitled. I never had a title and I never really cared whether I got one. All I really wanted was to have fun, learn new stuff and put my creativity to some use." - PhiliosPhreak

  4. #4


    Yeah, I really should've been more clear on that point....
    I am NOT pushing for a complete rewrite on the battle suits to make them all soldier only, not at all. Unit, are you a soldier? I'm just asking because if you are you understand that soldiers are somewhat (said with heavy sarcasm) lacking in equipment and skills that are class specific. I'm simply looking at this as a chance to provide my class with an item we can really use, using the battle suits as a template.

  5. #5
    Hmm... not a bad idea with the built in guns. Kinda like turning soldiers into a Mecha... OOOO, give me an evangelion...

    Personally, Battle suits look just plain badass. I'm gonna probably stick my weenie atrox soldier into one and have more unhappy nanoisms, but hey, that's life.

    Soldier only tank armor would be awesome.

    btw, NT's are the bastard stepchildren of FC imo. We've gotten FC love... well never. They tried but turned into a joke. :P Just had to throw that NT angst in.

  6. #6
    Auricom you on to something, and sure as hell a Mechasuite wouldnt be far off 30.000 years into the future.

    But what I dont understand with the Battlesuits are why they cramp running speed, its a mechanisedbattle suite, ie, a machine helps moving it a bout, else it would be impossible to run or walk in it. So why doesnt it increase run speed??? And why we´re at it, imagine this... An Elite battlesuit with built in thrusters, well? Soldiers wouldnt be the first prof to fly without a yhalm. A mechasuite would be able to have several weapons mounted on it, but to even up things the "change weapon" time could be abit longer.

  7. #7
    I don't feel that anyone else should be permitted to fly without a yalm. MPs have it as a unique class defining nano. Sure, Advs can fly in Parrot (not in Pit lizard or dragon after 14.4). Classes should never have their unique class nano given to other classes. It was bad enough when they did that to Fixers.

    That being said, it would however be cool if instead of being able to fly, it just increases jump height a lot and negates fall damage completely. Leaping over tall buildings in a single bound would be cool.

  8. #8
    Yeah, Battle Suits are cool looking, but they need guns you can see on them. Sorta like the bad robot from Robocop 2 would be freaking awesome.

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