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Thread: Phantom Damage .. enough is enough.

  1. #1

    Phantom Damage .. enough is enough.

    For the past few months ive been experiencing , in almost every mission , phantom damage.

    This comes in many forms ..

    One is where your stood in a room , no mobs anywhere, no aggro message (eg Attacked by *insert mob name here*) and suddenly you start getting hit, with no visable proof,you dont even auto target.

    Another is where you have brought the mobs hps down to 0 so that you cannot attack it anymore , yet it still continues to hit you.

    And the worst one of all , The mobs dies ,, its on the god damn floor being looted and suddenly BAM you get hit 4 times in a row all within 2 seconds and 99% of the time die , and this is a mob you have just killed.

    Enough is enough , this needs to be fixed and urgently.

    Cosmik , could you give us any info on any situation in reguards to this , this isnt just an annoying bug, its a very serious , very much a game stopping bug.

    Please bump if you support this thread.

    Thanks for your time.

  2. #2
    You where hit by 450 dmg....

    and this without any fight... i know that and i died twice because of that!

  3. #3
    I have the "invisible mob" 1 mission / 2 or 3 missions.
    I also have (same bug) the "invisible friend" and "invisible pet's friend".

    The other issues is more related to lag I think.

    Circle G Inc. - Your safety is our business.

  4. #4

    Thumbs up

    I've experienced this (mostly they die, I get xp.. and they continue to hit me) alot. Though this has been an issue since the game started, who knows if they even care.

  5. #5

    Oh yeah, I thought it was just me!

    This has been happening to me ALOT here lately. The worst was last night.... a guildy was in the OT mines at TLR, and lo and behold, TIM was not camped! After assembling a strike force, we rushed to aid her in the death of TIM. Needless to say, we beat the holy living crap out of him. (Is it normal for every shot to CRIT on him?) He dies, and in the middle of the celebration, I see 'You were hit for 450 points of damage' No damage type, no indication of who is hitting me.... then I see myself get hit 3 or 4 more times.... resulting in my death! No once could understand how or why it happened. TIM was dead, dead and gone, and here I was getting killed by 'something'. Please, FunCom, please fix this!

  6. #6


    Yup, I get it. It's not a problem for me at the moment, since i'm low level and normally get these phantom shots when I have half life (which means they'd have to hit me a few more times then they normally do). But It's getting bad.

    hizzy oh fo the shizzy-bump-bump.
    Implament Improved Jumping Nanos for the MAs!

  7. #7


    Yep, this seems to happen too often to be ignored. You will see from time to time,

    "You have been for xxx amount of damage".

    Yep, that's not a typo in quotes up there. It says you have "been for" xxx amount of damage. I don't know if that helps Funcom find the segment of code that needs to be looked at, but that is exactly what message I see from phantoms. I have lost many a team member to this nasty phantom.

    LOL, next thing we know the fix will be in and the message the mobs will still do phantom damage and the message will read: "An angry spirit hits you for xxx damage". Cosmik, don't get any evil ideas

    Funcom, please kill this bug.

    *hands Funcom a really big fly swatter and a fire extinguisher sized can of bug spray*


  8. #8
    This only happens to me on a heavily congested night (my ISP sucks). I think, personally, that it is due to lost packets. I could be way off on this... but after combat, the server all of a sudden says "whoa, what the hell.. how do you have that many hp? Well, we'll just take care of that....."

    Just my guess..

  9. #9
    One of the reasons of ghost damage is a server synch problem.

    the other is crappy programming of the MOB Loc´s in missions i think.

    overall this ghost damage sucks but kicks my adrenalin up to 100% very often, at least i am awake after that

  10. #10
    Im thinking its either :

    Server synch problems
    or Server Lag problems

    I know its not my end as im on cable and have pretty much a constant 104 ping to AO.

    Ive known about it for while .. but other night i lost 1.2 mil xps , and when your getting hit for 1k damage (all crits of course) 4 times all within 2 seconds (im not exagerating those 2 seconds) well even at my level , you dont stand a chance.

    And thats the part that is a serious problem , I have no other option but to die, I dont have time to run, i do not have any indiction that its about to happen , it just does.

    I also have bad problems with spending hours doing the huge missions (whioch btw are also fubar,they are so big that by the time you finish the mission you have a completely different team to what you started with) to be killed without option , if a player was doing this they would drop the servers for an emergency patch , so why doesnt this count?

    Enough is enough.

    Bump if you agree

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