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Thread: My Obsession

  1. #1

    My Obsession

    “Bitch”, he growled, and ground his mouth against mine, cutting my lip with his teeth. I tasted blood, my blood, and it fueled the fire. He picked me up and shoved me against the wall, and I lost my breath for a moment. Our eyes connected for a moment and I saw a flash of concern in his. I wrapped my fingers in his hair and bit him hard on the neck, then soothed it with my tongue. I struggled with the ties on his breeches while he unwrapped my ammo belt. I felt him pry my pants down in one swift motion with his knee and

    I awoke suddenly from a kick to my boot. “Hey Ivy, wake up.” I pried an eye open to see Remmance cleaning his gun carefully, with purpose. Jack poured the last of the coffee for me and I fought with the realization that it was another day, and very possibly my last day. Again. This was our fourth month in Penumbra and the fight against the Unredeemed not showing signs of receding. I stood up and looked around the camp.

    Jack’s pets Vishnu and Brahma were rolling around happily in the snow. Funny creatures. Arimi was speaking quietly with Spookydoc outside. Hearing my friends’ voices made me smile. We sure have come a ways from when we were kids, flirting with the boys at the Cup and selling rollerrat tails for profit, haven’t we? A vague memory of drunk Arimi and an eager Opi boy named Girth made me laugh.

    Jujubee was guarding out front, blowing into his hands to keep them warm, and as I finished loading my pack, I thought about him for a moment. He’s such a quiet guy. He doesn’t complain and he doesn’t brag. I wonder what it is that drives him. Admittedly, I had played small tricks on him, just to see his reaction but he never wavered. Maybe someday he will tell us what it is that he thinks about out there.

    “It’s time.” Remmance said, and we started making our way down the hill.
    Tiger Claw's site has changed! Please visit us at!

  2. #2
    We faced yet another horde of snow demons, waiting for us to send them to hell, or wherever it is they belong. “On me!” Spooky cried, and I turned my aim to pry a demon from her. It fell with a bone-chilling screech that made me feel almost sorry for it.

    Juju stood steady holding 3 more down, and Remmance dropped and rolled into the fight in one swift, smooth movement. Jack’s pets were wild things, tearing and ripping at them with primal ferociousness, with Jack all the while in total command of them. Arimi sent one into uncontrollable body tremors, and it looked as though it could really feel the pain inflicted upon it.

    It was a good day- nobody died. This is largely due to the healing abilities of Arimi and Spooky, whom we are escorting back to the city for supplies. We were almost to the transporter when Remmance barked a single order “Down.” In an instant, we were invisible to the eye, hidden under the snow and the trees. In the distance, I could hear a pack of wild animals of some sort, and someone frantically running from them. At the same time, we realized what was happening. I mouthed “train” and all nodded. “The teleporter isn’t far, let’s run for it. We can’t take that many.” That is exactly what we did. We ran hard and fast, and just as we made it to the teleporter, so did the trainer. I flipped him off and entered in, and felt an overwhelming rush of peace take over.
    Tiger Claw's site has changed! Please visit us at!

  3. #3
    I deactivated my security system and walked into my apartment. It felt strange being home after so long, and I was glad I had arranged cleaning services before I left. I headed toward the bathroom, leaving a trail of armor, guns and clothing behind me. I pinned my hair up and settled in for a nice long bath. As I felt the heat slowly envelope my skin, my eyes closed and soon my mind began to wander…

    We had just finished fourteen weeks of basic training and Rhecon, Gtrebra, Ashcroft, and I went to Reet’s to celebrate. It was jumping when we arrived and the music was so loud that I could feel the rhythm throughout my entire body. I was wearing my favorite outfit - white straps, strategically placed to make men stare.

    We pushed our way to the bar and as I was walking through, I felt a cold clammy hand give my ass a squeeze. I turned around to see Tsukts, a regular patron of Reet’s and a self-proclaimed omni badass. “You’ve changed your approach, haven’t you?” I said as I moved closer. I bent down, brushed my lips against his ear and said, “I don’t think it’s working for you. The next time you put your hand on my ass you will lose a testicle. Keep better track of it.” “Just like a clammer, I don’t want your used goods anyway,” he smirked and moved on to the next victim.

    “Want me to kick his ass?” Ashcroft growled, and I answered, “No, we’re here to have a good time…let’s drink shall we?” We toasted, “To the Good Fight!”, and as I raised my glass to my mouth and tipped it, I caught a stranger's gaze at the other side of the bar. He was watching me and I felt a slow heat spread through my body. I could not look away. Men have stared at me for my entire life, but no one has ever looked at me like this. I looked down, and then looked back up. He was still staring. I licked my lips, and his eyes darkened over. I broke the gaze again and set my drink down. He frightened me.

    I turned to my right to see Rhecon laughing at something Gtrebra had said. I laughed too, although I did not know at what, and tried to distract myself from the man at the bar. I took a seat in Rhecon’s lap and he looked surprised. “You clean up well, soldier,” I said and wiggled flirtatiously. “Uh, thanks Ivy, what is this about?” Rhecon looked amused, but he was not buying it for a second. “What, I can’t have a little fun with my fellow soldier? Let’s go dance!” I hopped up, and I could not resist another glance. The stranger was pissed. Good. Easier on me.

    Rhecon and I moved out to the crowded dance floor and started dancing. Don’t look at him Ivy! I told myself, but every time I turned that direction, something pulled me. And every time, he stared right back. We moved further into the dance floor, and Rhecon had drawn the attention of an interested party. Good for him, I thought and started my way back to my friends. I heard Ashcroft laugh and I turned to look, but when I turned back, I ran straight into the stranger.

    My soft body met his hard one, and as we collided, I stumbled back. He grabbed my arm to steady me, and it burned. We stood there for a moment with our eyes locked, and then we began to move. My breasts pressed against his chest. Everywhere his hands touched-my arm, my back, my waist-was on fire. I wrapped my arms around his neck and tried to absorb every ounce of him through my skin. He was sweating and my tongue reached out to catch a drop hanging on his ear. Suddenly I was yanked from his arms, and heard Ashcroft fuming, “Gonna screw them before you kill them Ivy? Is that the plan? Get lost Omni.” The stranger looked at me in confusion for a moment and then realization dawned for both of us. He was my enemy.
    Last edited by Ivyna; Jul 8th, 2004 at 06:45:16.

  4. #4
    Very nice! We need some more of this story!
    RK2: Darknovea (fixer), Darkbunnie (engi), Darklluna (MP), Darkblade (shade), Darkfeury (MP), Darksoliz (agent), Darknoviah (keeper), Darkfury (Enf), Darkhuntress (soldier)

    RK1: Darknovia (agent), Darkliquid (trader), Darkseether (fixer)

    Click Here for MrFli's awesome portrait of Darkbunnie

  5. #5
    me claps.keep it going ivy.good story ive heard in long time
    <a href="">
    <img src=""
    width="240" height="180"
    alt="Dreamy Exciting Adonis Trained for Hot Stimulation and Carnal, Arousing Recreation"

  6. #6
    Uber stuff.... Keep it up! Enhanced because i know some of those people lol.

  7. #7
    The COM line buzzed and I snapped back into reality. I got out of the bath and put on a white satin robe. I clicked the console on to see my friend Armslave’s grinning face. “I heard you were back in town,” he said, “You interested in a little side trip?” “What’s going on?” I said warily, knowing what I was about to be talked into. “We got a heads up that Charfbiz set up shop inside Broken Shores and there’s a price on his head. You want in?” Charfbiz was one of the region’s most notorious gun dealers, and acquiring those guns would definitely give the Clan an extra advantage. “Where do we meet up?” I asked. “Meet at the OA grid at 0200 and we will move out from there.” he replied. “OK will do…and hey it’s great to see that sexy face!” He winked and I disconnected the COM.

    I slept like the dead and awoke disoriented. It was 0145. Damn, late again! I hurriedly dressed and jumped into the grid from the new home model I just recently had installed. I arrived in Old Athens in time to see my team- Armslave, Rhecon, Deathscar, Lyashino, and Jujubee- preparing for battle. Deathscar spoke quietly to his pets, and they gave him his full attention. Armslave checked COMS connections while Rhecon filled ammo clips. Jujubee gave a short nod, and I smiled. “Damn, Juju don’t you ever take a break? Hey guys, sorry I’m late,” I said as Lyashino buffed my health, making me sweat instantly. “Thanks Lya, you’re a real lifesaver,” I joked as Armslave helped me into my COMS unit, and everyone groaned. “To Broken Shores…everyone have the coordinates?” We nodded and entered the grid.

    We met by the water, and continued in silence to the coordinates. The building was completely vacant in front. Probably trying not to draw attention, I thought as we entered through the front door. Deathscar's pet, with a simple command, clubbed the first door guard, knocking him unconscious. We kept walking. The building was a maze of corridors and offices. We systematically searched each room, taking out guards. Armslave rooted the civilian lab technicians, so they could not alert the rest, and the frustration of not being able to move showed clearly on their faces. “Lift here!” Rhecon spoke through his mouthpiece to us and we joined him in the furthest east hallway. “Ready!” I said and we lifted to the next floor. We searched floor upon floor, but there was no sign of the guns. Armslave approached the last guard, who stood surrounded and disarmed. “Where is your boss?” he asked politely. The guard spit on him, and Armslave shot him in the arm. “Let’s try this again. Think carefully…your knee will be next.” The guard pointed to a red device on the floor. “They will kill you down there,” he sneered. “They can try,” Armslave replied and put him out of his Omni misery.

    The device, when triggered, transported us into a big open warehouse, with workers and guards. The workers scattered at the first sound of battle, leaving the guards, and Charfbiz himself. We concentrated on the guards first, which were unprepared and went down easily. We turned our sights to Charfbiz, who was talking into his COM and holding us off from behind the office wall. I took a round in my shoulder, and just as pain flooded my vision, it was instantly gone. Thank God for Lyashino, I thought, and continued shooting. Charfbiz was showing signs of weakening, and we moved closer. Suddenly, he threw his hands up in the air and arched back, cackled an evil laugh, and disappeared into the grid. “Goddamn!” Armslave muttered and followed him into the grid. The rest of us secured the building and stood guard while the supply vehicles were loaded up with weapons. We escorted the weapons without incident back to our warehouse where Armslave awaited us. “I lost him in the grid, but at least we got the guns…good job everyone!” He said, and clipped my shoulder. I winced, and he laughed. “You should go home and rest…it is your vacation after all!” “You wanna come with me fixer boy?” I joked, and he winked. “Another time babe, I have to see a man about some money.” “Good luck Arms, and I hope you catch him!” I said as I accessed my Adaga and flew home.
    Last edited by Ivyna; Jul 10th, 2004 at 19:09:48.

  8. #8

  9. #9
    Home. I still couldn’t get used to referring to Jobe as my home. I moved into a beautiful apartment that overlooked the city and it felt like another world, apart from the Omni oppression and the Clan’s struggle against it. I could shop without my gun here, as fighting was strictly forbidden and enforced in the city limits.

    I headed for the Market to meet my friend Aeliea for lunch. I saw her sitting at our favorite café and waved. She was exotically beautiful, with dark hair and pale skin. As I approached, she smiled and stood. “Hi Ivy, it’s so good to see you!” She hugged me and we sat down for tea. “Thanks Aeliea for coming…I was about to go crazy with boredom. Vacation is worse than working. At least while I work, my mind is occupied.” I paused for a moment and she said, “Something on your mind, hon?” Aeliea was the one person I knew I could talk to about the stranger, since she used to be omni as well.

    “Several months ago, before I was deployed to Pen, something sort of happened. I was at Reet’s with the guys and ran into this guy that made me feel…incredible and scared and hot all over.” Aeliea looked surprised and amused. “I have known you for a long time Ivy. You play with men…you tease them and you toss them aside. It’s a game to you. What made this one different?” “I wish like hell I knew Aeliea, but I can’t stop thinking about him. I saw him for 5 minutes and he haunts me. And, Aeliea, you should know that he is Omni.” I blushed and looked down, and she sat her cup down hard. “An Omni Ivy…GOD that figures. You never do things the easy way. Do you know this for sure?”

    “Ashcroft recognized him from somewhere, came up and chased him off.” I said. “I was so humiliated…I didn’t dare ask for more information. I haven’t spoken of this until now. But I need to know how to find him, and you’re the only one I know that can help.” We sat in silence for a few minutes, and Aeliea responded. “What will you do if you find him? He is Omni and you are Clan. You fight against each other. Will you toss aside your beliefs and join him? Will you give up and become the very person you fight against? Will you become lovers? And what if you conceive? Being Omni does not make you individually an evil person, as I am proof of, but it does draw a clear line that you MUST not cross.” “You’re absolutely right of course, and that’s what I have told myself every time I let him enter my thoughts. But I need some closure. I need to see him again, and get it out of my system. Maybe if I sleep with him, he’d be a lousy lay and I could kill him without conscience.” I smirked and she laughed. “How can I help?” she asked. “This isn’t going on much but, he had a tattoo that looked like a guild emblem of some sort.” I drew the symbol for her and she nodded. “He’s in Disciples of Omni-Tek. It’s a large org and not easily infiltrated. I know someone in that org. Her name is Pyrul and you can probably find her in Newland City. You might check the bars, but she will probably be hanging out with her friends near the river outside the city gates. Oh, and she likes women, if you know what I mean. If you charmed her just right, you could possibly find out more.” We chatted for a while longer, and I left feeling relieved and excited. Not that I knew what I would say to him if I ever found him! Hello, can I borrow you for a few hours and get you out of my head?

    Newland City was unexplored territory for me. It used to have Hired Thugs patrolling, and waiting for unsuspecting clanners and attack them on site. I had been whooped so many times passing through that I avoided it at all costs. Times have changed though, and a new patrol has taken up to protect the city. I felt totally out of place as I walked through the city streets. I had studied a map beforehand, so at least I had an idea of where to go. I entered a food district, with vendors shouting and trying to attract the attention of any paying customer. One vendor in particular caught my eye, and I walked up to him and smiled. “Welcome! You look thirsty, have some beer!” he waved his arm in a feminine manner and I smiled and paid for a drink. “I’m hoping you can help me,” I said to the flaming food vendor, “I’m looking for a place I could get some, you know, female attention.” He grinned and said “I didn’t take you for the type, but if it’s action you’re looking for, enter the last door on the right at the end of this street.” “Thanks,” I said, and headed off in the direction he pointed. I ducked into an empty building and changed into a more suitable ‘picking up chicks’ clothes – a yellow fret outfit with matching boots. I went back around the corner and into the building that I was directed to.

    I walked into a dark smoky bar, where scantily clad men and women were dancing, drinking, and having a good time. I walked up to the bar and ordered a glass of white wine. I studied the women around me, watching their reactions to me. Some looked openly and curiously, while others ignored me. Aeliea had mentioned that Pyrul was young, with red hair and pigtails, and I spotted her almost instantly. God, how do I approach this? I thought, and decided to pretend like she was anyone else I would flirt with. I walked over to where she was sitting and sat down beside her. “Hi. You’re cute. What’s your name honey?” I said and smiled. She looked surprised, then recovered. “I’m Pyrul. You’re direct. I like that. What’s your name?” She smiled back and motioned for another drink. I hadn’t considered making up a name, and it threw me for a moment. She must have noticed. “It’s ok, I understand.” she said and winked. She moved closer and put a hand on my thigh. “If you’re looking for experimentation, this is the wrong place for you. These women will chew you up and spit you out. If you want, you can come with me.” Wow, this is easier than I thought! I moved her hand further up my thigh and whispered “Lead the way.”

  10. #10
    I followed Pyrul into her apartment complex. It was run-down and half the vendor shops around it were boarded. We went into her apartment, which was clean and nicely decorated. “Would you like a drink?” she asked as she walked over to a decanter on the bar. “Sure,” I said, feeling suddenly uneasy. She poured two drinks, walked over to the couch, and sat them in front of us. “Drink, it will help you relax.” I took a drink of alcohol I hadn’t tasted before. “I’ll make this easy for you.” She kissed me then, and it wasn’t much different than kissing a man, just softer. Her hand moved up to my breast and I tensed. “So how far do you want to go?” She smiled and I panicked. “Actually, uh, I think I should be going…” I stood up and sat back down. My head was spinning. “But you didn’t get what you came for, did you? Did you want me? Or was it something else? Tell me now, please, clanner bitch.” The room was spinning and I couldn’t speak. She slapped me. “Did you think I would be so easily fooled into thinking you wanted me? No matter, you will be dealt with. Say goodnight.” She made some motions and a brilliant light hit me, and then all was dark.

    I felt a rough, synthetic material under my cheek and I opened my eyes. My head roared with pain, and the room was so bright that I couldn’t see anything else around me. I closed my eyes and tried to think. OK so, that didn’t go well. I sat up and channeled Lifeblood, a healing meditation I had learned long ago. My head instantly felt much better. I was in a cell with a simple bed that folded from the wall, a waste unit, and a sink in the corner. The cells around me were empty and faintly I could hear a Bronto Burger commercial. Good, I thought, at least I am still in Newland.

    I heard footsteps coming down the hall and I hurried to lie down, pretending to be asleep. I faced the wall as they came into the room, and I heard Pyrul’s voice. “There’s the spy bitch, boss. She’s all yours.” “Good work. That will be all.” I heard a man’s voice and I resisted the urge to turn around and look. Pyrul left the room, but the boss was still there. He entered my cell and I heard the sensors trigger behind him, locking locking the door. I heard him approach the bed. I wasn’t going down without a fight. I kicked my feet out behind me, knocking him to the floor. I stood up and he grabbed my legs, pulling me down with him. I landed with an ungraceful thud on his chest and I got my first look at the boss: It was the stranger.

    I flushed and struggled to get on my feet but he wouldn’t let go of my arms. He held me there for a moment, then pushed me away. He stood and helped me up. “We haven’t been properly introduced,” he said calmly. “I’m Banishedsoul, President of Disciples of Omni-Tek. We have been tracking you since you entered the city gates. Why are you here?” I said nothing. “You’re shy now? It’s a little late for that. I asked you a question.” What could I say? I slapped him to distract him. He laughed and pushed me against the cell wall. “You’re as beautiful as I remember,” he said and took a deep breath, smelling my hair. “You can tell me you know…you’re already in a world of trouble. What do you want?” He pushed his body against me and I felt my body start to betray me. I breathed heavily and turned my head to the side. His hands moved up my sides and I felt his breath on my cheek. “Tell me what you want,” he whispered. He was hard against my leg. It’s now or never Ivy. I turned my head and brushed my lips against his. “I want you,” I whispered back and moved my leg against him. “It’s why I’m here…I had to know…” He crushed my mouth with his and I wrapped my arms around his neck. His hands were everywhere, pulling at my clothes. He pushed my shorts down and tormented me with his hands. I watched his eyes darken as wave after wave of ecstasy hit me. He quickly untied his pants and I suddenly felt enormous pressure, and I cried out in pain. He stopped with visible restraint and looked at me in disbelief. “Oh God…baby I’m sorry, I didn’t know,” he whispered and carried me to the cot. He was gentler then, and his eyes stayed with mine as I made love with a man for the first time.
    Last edited by Ivyna; Jul 12th, 2004 at 05:25:04.

  11. #11
    Need more uber stories ^.^ ^.^ ^.^ ^.^ 11 out of 10!

  12. #12
    I never knew banishedsoul was such a badass O.o

    keep up the good work, youre really making excellent use of ao game mechanics...i loved it when charf meeped.

  13. #13
    w0w this gives me a completely new look on my orgs press (Banishedsoul)

  14. #14
    Neat. I never knew our little DoOT was an RPing guild! Why didn't you guys tell me?!?!
    Vagano - TL5 Engineer
    Furyothewind - TL5 MP
    Salric - TL2 (hehe) NT

  15. #15
    He walked over to the sink and retrieved a wet towel. He pressed it between my legs and said gruffly, “You’re still in big trouble. Stay here while I decide what to do with you.” He locked me into the cell and walked through the main doors. I heard gunfire in the distance. I sat there for a while, wondering what the hell to do. I started crying. I never should have come. My plan to purge him from my system backfired like a Cheap Div 9. “IVY!” Miraculously, I heard Remmance’s voice and saw him rush to the cell door. He had it hacked in seconds and I was in his arms. I stood stunned and he noticed my state of dress, and the blood on my thighs. He took his cape off and wrapped it around me. Shouts and footsteps grew closer. “We have to go NOW. Take my hand.” I did and we disappeared into the grid.

    Remmance brought me to my apartment and ran a bath while I sat on the edge of my bed, still stunned from everything that happened. He came into the room and sat next to me. “How did you find me?” I asked quietly, looking down. “Aeliea alerted us when you didn’t come back last night. It wasn’t hard to find out where the hideout was, and they really should update their security measures.” He half grinned and held up his hacking tool. “So everyone knows, then.” I said dully. “Only a few, Ivy. You talk in your sleep, you know, among other things.” His face turned serious. “I can’t believe the risk you took, walking into an Omni Headquarters? What the hell were you thinking?” He sighed. “Go take your bath now, you’ll feel better. I will let Phoenixius know that you are ok.” He left and I undressed, and took a long bath.

    How could I face Phoenixius after this? How could I face anyone? I was too tired to think about the consequences of my actions. I stood up, turned around, and a hand clamped over my mouth. I screamed and kicked, then realized who it was. “You’re not the only one with a master hacker in your pocket, you know,” Ban joked and his lips touched my ear. “You’re going to be a good girl if I let you go, aren’t you?” I nodded. He held my robe open for me and I wrapped the belt around my waist. I walked into the kitchen and started coffee brewing.

    Without looking up I said, “I had no idea who you were. It wouldn’t have made a difference though.” He leaned against the counter. “That’s what I can’t figure out. You knew I was Omni. That was really stupid, you know. Pyrul had intended for you to be the entertainment for the night, for our party. Was it worth it? You don’t even know me, yet you risked coming to an enemy base to find me, screw me, then leave me.” He looked almost angry. “I watched you after that night, you know. I found out who you were, what org you belonged to, who your friends were…and I saw you flirt and laugh and tease. I figured I was just like everyone else. And then you disappeared. If I didn’t want you so bad, I would kill you for this.”
    Neither of us spoke for some time. “I didn’t know your name or who you were, because I left on assignment a few days later. I didn’t know who you were, but I dreamt about you every night that I was gone. You’re the only one I have ever NEEDED to be with. You burn through my veins. I thought if I slept with you, I would get you out of my system. Now everything is all messed up and it’s my fault. I’m sorry.” He had a way of looking at me that stripped me bare. “You burn in mine as well, and what’s done is done. Come here.” He picked me up and carried me into the bedroom.

    We explored each other for hours and he taught me how to pleasure him. He learned more about my body than I knew myself. Drawing lazy circles in the sweat on my abdomen, he said casually, “I’ve made arrangements for you to come with me. You will come to my apartment and you will have anything you desire. I am wealthy and resourceful, so anything you want…name it. My associate is meeting us in a few hours, so you’ll need to start packing.”

  16. #16
    I sat up. “I can’t leave with you.” I said. “Of course you can, this is the only way. Omni life is the good life…you will enjoy it.” The full impact of what I had done had finally hit. My skin began to crawl and I pushed him away. “I will never be your Omni servant.” I stood up and threw on my robe. “Is that what this was about? Your grand plan, as long as I become what you want me to be? Do I stay at home all day waiting for you to come home and pleasure you or better…do I put my true professional skills to use and kill the people I love? You ask me to choose between my feelings for you, and what is right and true in my heart – that I must be with my people. And there is no contest. I can never love you, Omni.” He jumped up and grabbed my arms. “Who said anything about love? And I don’t recall giving you a choice.” He kissed me hard and I twisted my head away. “Don’t do this,” I said and he laughed bitterly. “Then don’t fight me, baby. You can’t possibly believe that the rebels have a chance. Look around you. They suffer down there. How can you truly support a group of people so selfish they refuse to abide by the same rules everyone else does? Do they -- do YOU -- think they're so much better than everyone else?” I wrenched away from him and fumed. “How can YOU presume to know what is best for everyone, and what rules are better for society? I will never leave my people. This was a huge mistake. I’d like you to leave now.”

    His eyes flashed with anger and he lashed out. “You will miss this.” He pushed his arousal against me. “You’ll miss us and your body will burn and you won’t be able to stand it. Your body is mine and it knows it. You will realize it and you will come panting to me like a bronto in heat. I’ll leave, but know this. If you leave with me now, you will have a good life. Everything you ever wanted would be provided. Everything.” He molded his body to the back of mine and kissed my neck. I struggled to concentrate. He untied my robe and his hands found my breasts. “So what’s it going to be, babe?” With all of my heart and strength I pulled away. “Please leave.” I said. He was furious. “You are damning both of us and I will hate you for it. I will kill you if I see you in battle. Goodbye, Clanner bitch.” I heard the front door close behind him and I sank to the floor.

  17. #17
    I spent the next two days alone. I lost all sense of time as I let my thoughts consume me. I was still in the same bathrobe from that night. I could still smell him and I loved and hated it. I heard a knock at my door and I ignored it. My COMS line had been trying to transmit the last few days but I would not accept. I continued with my tea and Phoenixius, my leader, came in to the room. “Damn you wouldn’t know there was a lock on the door,” I said weakly. She sat down and I poured some tea for her. “I acted rashly and on emotion, and I accept any decision you may make regarding me.” “Lift your head up, Ivy. I am not here to punish you. You’re young and you learned important lessons. I came as your friend. The members are worried about you. Juju refuses to stand down guard at your door. Nobody is mad at you Ivy, except perhaps a few who wanted you for their own.” “I am mad at myself. I never should have gone. He wanted me to switch sides, Phoen. He thought I should just, put my gun down and come be his mistress like a good little Omni girl. It was so simple to him. And the worst thing is, part of me wanted to. Never to be an Omni, but to live a simpler life. To stop fighting and killing in this never ending battle. I betrayed myself.” The tears and shame came, and Phoenixius held me as I cried my eyes out. Gradually, it got dark and Phoenixius had to get back. “Ivy, you have to pick yourself up and move on. I expect to see you dressed and ready to face everyone tomorrow.” She hugged me and I watched her leave.

    I was awake most of the night, and fell asleep as the sun cycled in the horizon. I dreamt that Sunchen sat at the end of my bed. He had been my mentor, but he left us long ago in search of enlightenment. In my dream, he said softly, “On your feet, soldier. The day is burning fast and you have much to do. You have 10 minutes. Get ready.” Sunchen had a natural commanding presence that had led us many times into the rush of battle. He was famous for his strikes against the Omni and well respected by friends and foes. He was not the type of person you said no to. I awoke and stood up fast. I rushed through getting ready and I slid my gun over my neck. It felt natural and comforting, and suddenly I realized why Sunchen had visited me in my dream. “Thank you, Sunny.” I whispered, and knew what I had to do.

    I felt better than I had in days. I smiled as I walked out the door to see Juju standing guard, stoic and quiet as usual. “Thank you Juju.” I kissed him on the cheek. He grunted, but I saw him stifle a smile. “You ok Ivy?” he asked. “I will be fine, Juju. Let’s go stir up some trouble!” I was happy again, to be with the ones that loved me and I couldn’t wait to see everyone again.

  18. #18
    Will this passionate romance remain forever impossible? Will Banishedsoul decide love is more powerful than politics and join The Loyal Opposition? Will Ivy move to Borealis, change her name and become a shopkeeper? Will the Alien Invasion unexpectedly throw them together to save the planet, and each other?

    Tune in tomorrow (I hope) for more answers!

    ((Very nice, Thanks.))
    Xavoneth "Keyth" Keytovansher
    Rubi-Ka Survey Office
    Laze-Daze Resort Developments, LLC

    "If you want the fun, we'll find you the sun"

  19. #19
    I strode confidently into Tiger Claw Headquarters. Jujubee walked beside me, and the look on his face dared anyone to make a comment. We walked over to Phoenixius, who was speaking quietly with Remmance, Warzell, Mindjack, and Woolgatherer. We sat down and listened to Phoenixius, who was outlining our next assignment. “Glad you two could join us.” Phoenixius winked and continued. “You’re going back to Penumbra tomorrow. We must take action to gain access into Inferno. I’ve outlined the specs in this data storage disc. You will be there for an undetermined length of time, so I am giving you today to take care of any personal matters. Meet here at 0600 tomorrow.”

    I spent most of the day at headquarters with my org members, who thankfully, did not know anything about what I had done the last few days. As I headed out, Armslave caught up with me and draped his arm around my shoulder. “Hey Ivy, party at Wooly’s tonight! Bring a friend or three for me, ok?” He joked as we walked out the door. “Arms, you don’t have enough ‘friends’ already? I’ll make an appearance but you’re on your own for a date!” I gave him a pinch, accessed my yalm, and flew home.

    I rested for a while, and then dressed for the party. The red dress I wore was conservative up until the chest, where strips of cloth barely held the front together. I poured a cup of coffee and stood on my balcony, overlooking Jobe. I felt somehow changed and I knew it had everything to do with Ban. The mission would be good for me. I needed keep busy and focused and NOT have time to think about him.

    I arrived at Woolgatherer’s in time to see Armslave with a giggling girl on each arm headed out the door. Loud music blared as I walked in, and I stood there a moment, watching my friends have a good time. Mindjack was hooking up with a cute local Opi girl on the staircase. Crushr stood in the living room with a crowd of people drinking and laughing. I walked toward the kitchen, and Woolgatherer stumbled out-drunk, smiling, and soaking wet. “Hi Ivy!” Woolgatherer gave me a wet hug and I discovered by the smell of him, that it was beer. “What the hell Wooly?” I laughed. “You should go try it…it’s fun!” Woolgatherer stumbled past me and I kept walking. I paused in the kitchen doorway and watched Bulgariaa take a mouthful of beer from a bong only Dong could have devised. Dong stood there with a satisfied grin and yelled “Ivy’s next!” I laughed and said “What, and get my new dress messy? I think I’ll pass this time.” I got a beer from the fridge and headed back to the living room. I passed Diza in the hallway. She hugged me and said “Ivy you have to try this.” She handed me a pill and I looked at her skeptically. “I have to go on assignment tomorrow. What is it?” “It’s ES. I got it from Pneumen earlier and you will love it!” She happily skittered down the hallway to share with others. What the hell, why not? I swallowed the pill. After all, it was a party - I was here to have fun and try to get back to normal. Lurt, Meatbone, and Jujubee sitting at the dining table playing cards and as I walked past I heard one of them grunt. I winked at Lurt and entered the living room.

    I felt my body tingle as the Enhanced Senses hit me. I joined the people dancing in the living room and it everything felt so damn good. The music pounded my body and I closed my eyes and I licked the sweat from the top of my lip. It was salty and smoky and my traitorous mind brought me back to another time, licking the sweat off of Ban. I was entranced and I felt hands on my waist. I moved them up to my breasts and pushed my ass against the man behind me. “No you don’t Ivy, not like this,” I heard Remmance growl in my ear. He tossed me over his shoulder and carried me out of the party.

    “You can put me down Remmy, I won’t bite your ass…woops,” I said, watching his ass move as he walked from my upside-down position. We were almost to my apartment. Remmance set me on my feet. He was angry. “What the hell were you doing in there, feeling yourself up in front of everyone? I can’t keep coming to the rescue every time Ivy decides to be a bad girl.” “Maybe you shouldn’t Remmy…maybe you should be bad WITH me.” I gave him my smokiest look wrapped my arms around his neck. “You’re high aren’t you?” He swore and opened my apartment door. He unwrapped my arms from his neck and guided me into my apartment. “You’re not coming in?” I asked and pouted. “No, Ivy. When I have you, you’re going to know exactly what you’re doing and who you’re with. I’ll see you at 0600.” He slammed the door.

  20. #20
    I arrived at headquarters early for once, and prepared for our mission. Remmance was there, but he didn’t say anything and I was way too embarrassed to bring up the night before. Wooly and Warzell looked sick, and Mindjack looked relaxed and happy for the first time ever. Everyone was still recovering from the night before, except Jujubee who looked ready as ever. We received our final orders and headed out.

    We started in Adonis and headed for the redeemed temple. Most of Adonis was beautiful, with lush vegetation and clear running streams. However, the creatures that inhabited it were deadly. Dies Mali roamed, and while they lived off the vegetation, they were fiercely protective of their young. Stray dogs also ran rampant- each pack seemed to grow larger and larger. We stopped for the night outside the redeemed temple. This would be our last night of fresh air.

    We prepared camp and set shifts for watch. I leaned my head back against a tree and closed my eyes. I dreaded the catacombs. I hadn’t been, but some of the others had and they said if you stayed underground too long you could lose your mind. Hell, I’m already halfway there, I thought. I looked around at the guys. Jujubee and Warzell took first watch. Wooly and Mindjack were having an intellectual debate-something I always steered clear of. Remmance sat across the camp, looking at the catacomb layout. A funny feeling swept over me as I looked at him. He was Opifex, with pale skin and dark corded hair. His race was bred to be lithe and compact, but very strong. I thought about the night he rescued me in Newland. He was a strong leader and most recruits aspired to be like him. He didn't talk much when he was on an assignment. He stayed focused and never let his guard down. I knew that behind those eyes was great pain and heartache. His fiancee had gone off-world months ago, and she would never return. I guess both of us now knew what it was like to want the impossible. He must have sensed I was watching him, because he looked up and raised an eyebrow at me. To cover my embarrassment, I winked and faked a stretch. I slept lightly until Mindjack woke me for my watch. The night passed uneventfully, and in the morning we entered the temple.

    The temple was pristine white, and scarcely decorated. Guards lined the walls and our footsteps echoed loudly. We ascended a spiral staircase that seemed to go on forever, until finally we reached a platform at the top. Three hallways extended from the platform. Two hallways led to the sacred chambers of the Ecclesiast, and one to the Spirit Room. The Spirits were kept as guardians to the catacomb passageways. They were deadly and would attack anyone who ventured inside. We readied ourselves outside the entrance. Remmance gave final orders: "Once we're in, you must move quickly. Do not let the spirits take you. If they hold you, you become one of them, forever. Follow my lead, we're going through the right hallway, and you'll jump into the right tunnel down to the catacombs. Ready?”

    Once inside, we were immediately swarmed with spirits, hissing and biting at us. It felt like running underwater. We ran to the right, down a corridor lined with a gauntlet of spirits, draining us and trying to take hold. Warzell fell behind and I stopped for a moment to fight the spirits surrounding him. I felt hands and teeth clawing and gnawing my soul, and I knew it wouldn’t take much more. Warzell caught up and we jumped into the tunnel.

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