Black Dawn Syndicate (RK1) is currently looking for new recruits - Our main level range is 35-85 and we would like people in that range (Higher level than range is welcome to apply). We are currently looking for Combat orientated classes like Soldiers and Enforcers, but others are offcourse welcome to apply. We would very much like to hear from European players, but this is not a must.

BDS history:
Black Dawn Syndicate is a relativly new Organisation, formed from the ashes of 2 medium sized guilds. The guild is led by Bishope and Cadwin. Our future is looking bright and we are in process of building up a foundation for a large Guild.

If u should be interrested in having a talk with an Advisor from Our guild - Dont hesitate to /tell me - U can also contact others if u wish.

For recruitment and/or a better and deeper explanation of our guild policies. Dont hesitate to /tell one of these names:

Bishope (Leader)
Cadwin (Second-in-command)
Phoibos (Advisor)
Kohistan (Advisor)
Excalibre (Advisor)
Jennii (Advisor)

Hope to hear from interrested people

Black Dawn Syndicate