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Thread: Mission question

  1. #1

    Unhappy Mission question

    Well this is my 2nd day playing....just started the 7day trial to see if the game is any better since beta

    Anyway I did my first mission looking for an item I think it has a picture of an eye over a box type icon....

    Well I searched the whole place for the item a couple of times and found nothing. Is this a bug or am I just doing something wrong. I really hope missions aren't bugged still *sigh*

    thx for the help

  2. #2
    The location the Item you are looking for has been more randomized, tho it still tends to be near a corner of the dungeon.

    Occasionally I find that I cant find the item, when this happens I leave the mission and renter it with a fresh map. I pause in every room as I go and do a 360 to look for the item. In cave missions where you have a large room with water, you have to be careful as the item is often in the water.
    On one occasion I just couldnt find the item, there was a large room with ramps going up several levels on one wall. On the off chance it was there I decided to go up an check and sure enough it was there.

  3. #3

    Post Missing items

    The only missions I do with my characters are the item finding missions (because you get an extra item to sell), and I haven't once found a mission with a missing item. They are always there. Though I will admit they are sometimes hard to find since they can be small, in a corner, in a dark room and so on. Once I even found the item hidden under a large box (this was in a brown-cave style mission).

    So look carefully, you'll find what you're looking for

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