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Thread: Bot getting agro'd when in yalm.

  1. #1

    Bot getting agro'd when in yalm.

    Ok dont know if this is really the right forum for this so please dont flame me about it.

    In a area with Omni mobs (me being clan Im sure it works the other way to) and Im in my yalm flying high so the mobs wont be shooting at me or any other mob agro on me but because my bot dosent stay with me but falls back to the ground she gets agro'd by the omni guards/mobs. Now my bot does not get agro from any other mob that would agro on me just the omni ones and they will not give up and chase my bot till I zone.

    Now what makes this so bad is the fact that since im in a yalm my bot will not fight back. I understand this part because if she would it would be a no-risk way to get xp.

    Last night on my way to a mission in SFH (a area Im not familar with) I flew over an Omni base. Almost immeditly my bot gets agro'd by a omni ninja droid so I though no big deal Ill be out of there before it can do any harm. Wrong answer. I get to the mission and there it is still pounding on my bot so I zone in quick (15k tip for infuses and no not OE'd just in the middle of title caps). When I get inside my warbot is down to 25% health and not one blow landed on the ninja.

    So my question is should any mob be agroing on a bot/pet when it hasnt been sent into battle to begin with.

  2. #2


    It would be nice if the bot had an on/off switch so I could put it in my inventory when I travel.
    -Omnitek is your fiend
    Claybats the Sane
    Idahoe | Kalderon | Claybats | Meyna

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