First Entry

I’ve settled in here on Rubi-Ka smoothly enough. The Omni-Tek reception team was highly efficient and within an hour of arrival I had a corporate logo shirt and the key to a small apartment. So far so good, a place to stay and a guide. Unfortunately, I will need to buy some new clothes since my travel containers were lost in transit to Rubi-Ka. Now all I have is my green jumpsuit and a black Omni-Tek shirt.

Although I was anxious to get on with my search for “Anno”, it was obvious that I needed to spend some time in the Omni-Tek training facility, a highly advanced simulator from what I can tell so far. Why it’s populated with cute little Leets is beyond me. My biggest surprise of the day was the gun I was issued and expected to use as part of my job. The maps made sense and the healing nano was expected but a gun! The trainer laughed when I held it by the barrel with my fingers and stared at it.

Kib was right, my work for Omni revolves around either running errands for the medical staff and functioning as a clinic receptionist or being tossed out into the wild as a wandering healer who can tote a gun; basically an adventurer of sorts. The simulator is geared toward preparing me for the adventurer role, which was not particularly surprising. The corporation did entrust me with a mission to repair some security device. This assignment caused me to pass through the Omni-1 Sewer District.

My heart nearly broke when I saw how people live in this section of the city. The realization that this is where “Anno” has been living, may still be living, broke over me like a powerful wave crashing against the seashore on Alpha Seti VII. I tried to ask people if they knew where the Sanctuary Centre had stood or if they knew where I could find Dr. Emmet Gray or did they know a Tyrianno but without success. Most ignored me, some made rude suggestions, and one fellow thought I should forget my troubles and take a substance he called White Trash.

The little time I spent in the sewer district made me suddenly very glad I understood the basics of using a gun. I simply must find “Anno” and get him clear of this rotten place.