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Thread: Traders and Team Heals

  1. #41
    Originally posted by Wolfen

    Fair enough

    I'm assuming that EVERY nano that causes damage to the caster has the same bug and will be fixed as well of course.
    They're already fixing the Rage line (Enforcers) in 14.2...
    Looks like the PvP patch wasn't really look into carefully, because it sure messed up a lot of things...

    One thing I think we agree on is that this change shouldn't be happening now, and that it shouldn't even be considered without a full review of every classes healing capabilities (yes, even Fixers, sad as our HoTs are next to you guys )
    Actually, there was an official post stating that Fixers HoT are supposed to be looked into in some future... It seems like a second stackable line of HoT will be introduced... They're supposed to be at or above Doc level...

  2. #42

    Unhappy Re: Wow I hope you guys are being sarcastic.

    Originally posted by KoreanPornGod
    It seems at least 75% of people posting here think the problem is the fact that traders are only taking 50% damage from dot. THIS IS NOT THE PROBLEM. The problem is the fact that when another team heal is cast it cancels the old dot and adds a new one that doesnt start for 8 seconds(I believe that is correct).
    I know that is the problem, but they can't fix that w/o destroying the Traders as back up healers.

    So, once again, decrease the Trader heals, or increase the range of heals, like 250-450 instead of 340-440, or increase the DoT and call it a done deal.

    Better yet, improve docs heals and scrap, dump, throw away PvP onto some obscure test server til you guys get it right.

    If it was not fot PvP, this silly damn thread would never have seen the light of day, and Agents would not be nerfed, and sooooooooooo many other crazy ideas on "how to balance" would be irrelivant also.

  3. #43

    Post PvP

    I personally stay away from PvP simply cause I'm an engineer.. an engineer can't take damage very well.. cause they are made for PvM.. personally I have no problem with this.. I enjoy teamming with friends to go kill some monsters..I don't care for the PvP expecially the PvP zones in the middle of nowhere.. I was playing in the rhino cockpit and a friend of mine died.. well since he was in town he was going to bring me some stuff.. ammo, crystals, etc. well while crossing through the PvP zone he got killed.. which means not only did we have to wait even longer for him to get back he had to ask if the guys would give the stuff back.. luckily they did but we wasted about an hour because someone felt like killing someone passing through.. I think the biggest problems come from pvp. they "nerf" profession only to make PvP more "fair" .. get rid of PvP all together.. very few people actually play it anyway... I'm omni and I team with clan members all the time.. no one really seems to care omni, clan .. If you wanna keep PvP make it in areana's or something.. why interrupt people just looking to gain some xp.. I goto rhino cockpit cause there's good xp, well it doesn't help me if I get killed on the way there cause then I just wasted 15-30min of walk time..

  4. #44

    Post Doctor vs Trader

    on this I'd like to say one simple thing.. people are saying trader heals are better than doctor heals.. seem why kill trader. just make the doctor better.. I have a low lv trader the group heal is a joke only healing like 25 ... I do think doctors should have better heals and that's all there is to it.. make doctor heals stronger and be done with the whole thing.. trader heals aren't that strong as it is.. and I know some later ones are stronger well good. I have never heard anyone say .. looking for a trader to go on mission but I have heard looking for a doctor .. so far the trader is worthless.. my friend is an enforcer and he gets bigger "discounts" than I do.. and have you ever made a gun? I spent over 10k making a lv 21 pistol.. the pistol was used for myself and was only good for about 2 lvs and then one I found in a mission was better so what's the point of going through that 10 step process.. it's just not worth it.. if they made those parts available to the trader at a much lower cost then I can see going through all of that trouble.. this patch is just going to destroy the trader. why hurt the trader because he is a better healer than the doctor... why not instead make the doctor a better healer? makes more sense to me what about you?

  5. #45
    Originally posted by Defildae
    Mor This game is perfectly balanced for PvM, it suxor for PvP. I say make the cities 100% zones and everything else 25%. Then balance the game for PvP and to hell with PvM.
    If you think this game is perfectly balanced for PvM, you've obviously never played an NT.

  6. #46
    Originally posted by Turin

    Docs are the "masters of healing" Thats all we want to be. Masters of healing. the UNDISPUTED masters of healing. We are not that right now. We are the master of Target heals ( once we get complete heal at lvl 150+ ) becasuse sadly, your Trader team hales, also aout to ANY target heal we have before complete healing. And Alpha & Omega DO NOT count with a 24 second recast time. ( 12 second cast, 12 second recharge ) its more than useless. might as well not be in the game. Docs are jelous. We are justified.
    NTs have been making the same point about our supposed dominance as "masters of direct damage" for a long time... and we're still crippled tagalongs in most teams (and rely on the crat wannabe nanos to mezz our way through anything if we're stuck solo).

    Its pretty obvious that the people writing descriptions of things and the people developing game mechanics and balancing the professions, breeds, and so forth... are not on the same page.

    132 NT (rk2)

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