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Thread: Drunkeness

  1. #1


    What is the point of drinking if you don't get drunk?

    Would it be possible to introduce some increased blur after every alcoholic beverage consumed? And also to introduce some errors in character movement, so you'd stumble around when really drunk, and move sluggishly and clumsily when buzzed? :-)
    Aleksei "Zagadka" Garcia - Savior, Council Clerk
    Cindi "Razishlyat" Bolieu - Advisor Eternalist

  2. #2
    I do that every time I go into Omni-1 Trade. I'm constantly running into walls, or the wrong whompa, I've even jumped into a store not meaning to.

    Maybe it's me drunk, not my character. Hmm..

    Either way, semi-cute idea.

    All wiyht. Rho sritched mg kegtops awound?

  3. #3
    Anythign that gives me a REASON to get drunk is good... or bad...
    Aleksei "Zagadka" Garcia - Savior, Council Clerk
    Cindi "Razishlyat" Bolieu - Advisor Eternalist

  4. #4

    Ya it would be cool to have a blur effect kinda like Eq has when you get drunk.

  5. #5
    Have you all played Deus X? When you drank alcohol, the calories gave you minimal increase in health(2) (like soda(2) and candy(5) bars) but your backround swirls and your character stumbles.

    Seems trivial but eating 20 candy bars and drinking 20 beers saved me a few times. These items, BTW, were stackable and the total number was capped. Adds a nice little touch to the game.

  6. #6
    Friends don't let friends fly drunk

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