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Thread: Cloudeh T-shirts! Plz!

  1. #41

    A moment of silence...

    ...for the banned enforcers among us. Sweet dragon shirt, dude.

  2. #42
    cloudeh banned?

    200/AL 5 Clan Fixer (omg finally)
    81 Omni MP (on, MP's get boring fast.)
    34 Clan Raidslave Doc (or at least that was the initial idea...)

  3. #43


    You could like make the t-shirt be invisible, and just print the line "Cloudeh is luv" across ur chest ^_^

    Or maybe "I'm self-buffed"
    /me smiles wide =)

  4. #44
    Lol yea it'd make sense.. there's a duping bug going around, dunno if people know how to do is as an exploit, but more or less he probably used it.
    ps: I have no evidence of this other than the fact that there is a duping bug that I and others have expierenced (on accident) and the fact that cloudeh suddenly got around a billion credits to throw around
    Last edited by Megabio; Jul 27th, 2002 at 17:40:39.

  5. #45


    According to the other Cloudeh threads in the World of Rubi-Ka forum, it is not possible to have more than 0.99 billion credits in AO due to game mechanics. If the credit exceeds this amount, to 1.00 billion, the game will reset it to zero. So Cloudeh the Enforcer can never have that amount of credits, unless you count all his aler-egos (his alts) together.


  6. #46
    i want one that says, " I got Outbid by Cloudeh. "

    cuz i always do..

  7. #47
    Hmm? If Cloudeh is gone me misses him already only cool Omni I knew well a few more on lists but he is one of the ones I talked to all the time. Me says Unban Cloudeh granted he may have Exploited but it isnt his fault FC had a bug in there system. In beta btw you could have 999.999.999.999 creds well beta2 at least and if you passed that it would be like -999.999.999.999 which was then another bug where you never ran out of creds hehe. I would know I was the one that had that much but I was with a GM when I did it to show him. Also would Trish AKA Kismet speak up this is Kunn one of the few old schoolers. BTW for all GMs that remember me HEllo =P.

    Other infamous players from beta still around that I know.


    Thats about it now. Players I havnt heard from yet from beta that I would love to.

    Gizi(#3 Person)
    Chani(Heard from in beginning but never since)
    Eshin aka.Cola(Hear from in beginning never since)
    Doom(Heard he still around havnt seen though =()
    Bonez(#2 Person I would like to hear from again also I know he is still around talked with your wife but havnt heard from you yet hehe)
    Memory Block cant remember anymore atm hehe=P

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