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Thread: The beginning of Gorehound

  1. #1

    The beginning of Gorehound

    A lean man in a full Omni-Tek battle gear blinks away the dust kicked up by the drop-ship's landing. The name "Gorehound" can be seen scrawled across the front of his chestplate in dripping blood letters. Eyes constantly scan the area for targets. Seeing no immediate threat, he opens up comm-channels with the rest of him team.

    "All right, boys, we made touchdown safely. Get your gear ready to go, make any last adjustments you need, we're moving in 10.", he says into his helm communicator.

    "Right boss.", come the replies in one form or another.

    Closing the comm-channel again, Gorehound squints his eyes against the glare of the triple suns. Fingering a touch pad sensor on the side of his helmet, a secondary visor covers his face, reducing the light somewhat. Sighing to himself, he begins to gather up his gear and pack it away into the marked packs. He also straps on a variety of weapons, including his own signature Tellus's, a weapon not widely used since its not technically "legal". But, so far, they have served him well and he has found nothing else which suits him better. His superiors at Omni-Pol don't like it, but they know sometimes the rules can be bent.

    "Another day, another battle.", he sighs to himself.

    He gives his team another few minutes to stow away any loose gear and make their final battle preparations. On cue, he signals his second in command and gives the order to move out. The team falls into a well practiced formation. The augmented Omni-battle armor lets them move swiftly over the rocky terrain toward their target, a quantum-nuclear weapons lab run by the Sol Banking Corporation, on the planet Narcissus. The Sol Banking Corp claims the facility is not a weapons lab at all, but a Geo-thermal tracking station which will be used to later terraform this planet.

    As they near the lab, Gorehound splits his team up according to normal battle tactics and procedure.

    "Deadshot.", he says, signaling the sniper of the team. "Cover us from that ridge there. Make sure no one makes it out the front gates alive."

    "Brinks, get your hacking tools ready. I doubt they are just gonna open the door for us.", he says to the Omni-Ops member.

    "Doc, you know what to do. Be prepared, this probably isn't going to be pretty." The battle medic nods quickly.

    "Ogg...just do what you normally do.", he says to the hulking atrox wielding a cut off construction girder.

    Touching the cloaking device attached to his battle array, Deadshot quickly scrambles up the hill and lays down in a prone position, sighting down the scope of his rifle, preparing to cover the teams entrance.

    Gorehound, Brinks, and the rest of the team make their way quickly to the gates of the compound. Signaling Brinks forward, Gorehound motions for him to go to work on the complex locking mechanisms attached to the titanium reinforced gates. He can see Ogg starting to quiver and lays a calming hand on his arm. Ogg nods slowly and visably relaxes.

    "We're in boss.", says Brinks on the secure comm-channel.

    Once again applying battlefield formations, the team moves slowly across the compound, avoiding the spotlights set across the perimeter. After about 25 feet, Brinks, in the point position, holds up a warning hand. Pointing down, the rest of the team notices a barely visible tripwire concealed among the grass. Digging in his pack, Brinks pulls out a bomb disarming tool set and goes to work. The minutes drag by slowly as the fixer does his work. The team stands nervously out in the open, scanning the complex. They all stiffen as a guard comes out from around the sides of one of the buildings.
    Gorehound reaches slowly for his one holstered pistol, aiming in with the other. The guard slowly turns toward them when suddenly a barely audible "thunk" comes from far behind and overhead. The guard's head snaps back and he falls limply to the ground.

    "Get moving, guys. There's bound to be more on the way once they don't get a report from this one. I can only cover your butts for so long.", says Deadshot.

    "Got it.", says Brinks after about 30 more seconds. The team continues on into the complex reaching the first target, the nuclear biotechnology area. Scanning quickly, Gorehound picks off two guards standing post at the door. As he turns the handle and finds it unlocked, a tingle of unease creeps up his spine. Pushing it away, he steps into the room.

    Long halls filled with floor to ceiling test tubes spreads out before the team. Shaking his head in resignation, Gorehound leads his team deeper into the area. Suddenly, a shot rings out from the right, ricocheting off the test tube in front of him. Finally unrestrained, Ogg screams and charges at the area of the shots origin. As his battlesuits flashlight scans across, he sees a guard yelling into his comm headset. A dozen more shots spew forth as the guard thumbs his weapon to full automatic fire. Slugs pings off Ogg's armor plating, some stopped, others not. In a sheer fit of rage, he seems to grow and swell in his armor, till he dwarfs the man in front of him. Swinging his beam at full strength, he tears through the man, sheering him off at shoulder level. The swing continues on to slam into the side of another tube. A spider web of cracks appears, and something stirs on the inside.

    "Uh oh.", Ogg mumbles into the comm-channel just as the tube ruptures, setting off alarm sirens that rip through the night air.

    Gorehound and the others rush to his aid, finding him slouched up against another tube, this one beginning to crack as well from the force of the blast. Scooping up the fallen enforcer, Doc begins to administer his treatment kits. Nanobots stream from the notum rich container and crawl into Ogg's bullet ridden armor. Wounds knit instantly and Ogg scrambles to his feet.

    Guards pour in from both entrance and exit as the team reaches the center isle. Fighting defensively, Gorehound and Brinks unload onto the guards approaching from the front, while Ogg and Doc stave off those from behind. Activating his reflection shield, Gorehound hears bullets whizzing past him to ping harmlessly off his shield. Other pass through the team, hitting their own men in a crossfire. Gorehound and the others use this to their advantage, dropping guards one after the other, always concentrating their fire on one target until he drops. Doc cries out in pain and stumbles to one knee, but a quickly administered first-aid kit brings him back to his feet.

    Ogg is making short work on the group behind them. Ogg is killing things, so Ogg is happy. Singing some rousing, though slightly off-key, battle song, he swings his beam relentlessly, crushing through one guard after another. Doc's laser bursts sizzle around him but all land on target. Ogg smashes and Ogg sings. Ogg is happy.

    After about 5 minutes of furious fighting, the guard force is eliminated. Breathing heavily, the team looks around at the shattered tubes. Almost all of the have spilled their contents on the floor, leaving it gooey and slippery. Wet, squelching sounds and guttural moans can be heard in the darkness.

    "I think we're in trouble team.", Gorehound says, slamming another clip into his guns. "Heal up, quickly! Here they come!"

    (to be continued in the next post....)
    This account was cancelled at:
    2004-11-07 04:09:22
    It will remain playable until : 2004-12-06 15:13:07

  2. #2
    Mutant creatures pour forth from the darkened room, throwing themselves at the team. Gorehound, Brinks, and Doc pump clip after clip into the approaching hoard. Ogg, still firmly in the grip of his battle rage, roars and throws himself at the slack tenticled mutants in front of him. Gorehound feels a sting as one of the irradiated appendages slash across his back and rip through his armor. Spinning around while continuing to fire with his left hand, he pumps a three round burst into the shadow-like creature in front of him. The arrows sink deep into the flesh and the creature stumbles, then falls.

    "Ogg! Get back here! You left our backs open!", Gorehound screams into his helmet. Scanning the area, he sees a huge mound of struggling mutant bodies, piled into a hill-like shape.
    Suddenly, like a volcano, the mound seems to erupt and a flagging Ogg stumbles from underneath it. Staggering, he tries to rejoin his comrades but is once again driven to his knees. Gorehound pumps his clips into the mutants coverig Ogg, spilling them from the pile. Ogg rages once again and throws the mutants off. Taking multiple hits from behind, he roars and spins around to face his opponents. Seeing certain death looming in front of him, Ogg mumbles into his helmet.

    "Run guys...Me hold them as long as me can.", he mutters. Rearing back he slams his beam into the ceiling overhead, bringing a large part of it down between the approaching mutants and the rest of the team.

    "GOD DAMN IT!", Gorehound screams. "Ogg!"

    Roaring now himself, he turns and fires madly into the crowd in the front, bringing them down in heaps. He shoves bodily in front of the other two, activating a program he uploaded just before he left the ship, something he barely understands. Total Mirror Shield is what the Omni-Ops person called it, after handing him the expensive crystal. The hits he takes are almost completely stopped before the get to him, leaving him with only the smallest of wounds. Pressing forward the team clears the path in front of them, finally dropping the last of the mutants into the long sleep of death, just as the program expires.

    Looking at his HUD reading of available nanobots, he pulls a nanokit out of his pack and uses it. Extremely valuable, each member of the team only carries 3, with the exception of Doc, who gets 20. Filled with precious notum, mined from the bowels of the hell-like planet Rubi-ka, these kits are a luxury not often afforded to members of Omni-Pol. Gorehound shudders at the thought of Rubi-ka, praying he will never serve a tour there. The dust, radiation storms, rebels, harsh livinig conditions, lack of water, and booze, make it a duty station reserved for new privates or people who have pissed off the wrong person.

    "Boss! Are you ok?", Deadshot yells into the commset, breaking him from his thoughts. "The whole side of the building just collapsed. What the hell is going on in there?!?"

    "We lost Ogg, but we are continuing on. I repeat, mission is still a go.", Gorehound replies.

    Grimacing again at the thought, Gorehound pushes himself to his feet and bring the rest of the team with him. Stepping over the corpses of mutant and guardsman alike, they make their way down a flight of stairs to a door labeled, "Authorized Personnel Only". Once again, feeling a tingle of dread, Gorehound tries the door and finds it unlocked. A sealed door bars their ways, but after only a few seconds, Brinks pops the lock and they are inside.

    The alarm claxons fall silent as they close the air sealed door. Rows of biochem suits line the walls, but safe inside their battlesuits they continue on. Lights spring on to greet them into a massive laboratory filled with machines and beakers bubbling with unknown substances. Pointing Brinks to a computer terminal, Gorehound orders him to upload whatever information the mainframe contains for later prosicution against Sol Banking Corp. Looking warily around the room, he spies a large black case sitting in the middle of an aise. Moving to examine it, he spies what looks to be a holographic projector mounted on the top of it.

    "Hey, boss, I almost got it.", yells Brinks from the terminal.

    "Whatcha got there, Gore?", Doc questioned from off to one side.

    "Dunno yet, but sensors aren't picking up any potential threat. Step back, I'm gonna activate it.", he replies as he thumbs the play button on the holograph machine.

    "Greetings Liuetenant Arliss Monroe, also known as Gorehound.", the voice intones. "I am Chief Inspector Marcus Brady, of Omni-IternOps. You stand here convicted of treason against the Omni-Tek corporation, Omni-Pol, and Omni-Med on the charges of: funding divisionist groups, distributing anarchist literature, leaking confidential information about Omni employees to anarchist groups..."

    "WHAT?!?", screams Gorehound, cutting of the recording for a moments.

    "...distributing the names of undercover Omni-Pol operatives. A legal search and seizure was conduted at your residence (Apartment 5C, Cubicle 9, Subblock Y1-R, District of Old Rome, Old Rome, Omni-Prime) which confirms the presence of the above mentioned articles as well as information which implicates you into a large number of other petty crimes. Due to the extreme nature of these crimes, a judging was conducted immediately upon discovery. A trial by jury was waived as the extent of your crimes became more and more blatent.", the voice drones on as Gorehound stares in disbelief.
    "You have been found guilty of all charges by a magistrate of the highest authority of our penal system. Your sentence for these crimes is death. Your insurance files have been erased, as have all backup files. This is a permanent termination."

    Gorehound blinks and looks over his shoulder as his team mates stare at him in shock.

    "Your assault upon this installation was your last deed for Omni-Tek, and your last one ever. We warped this container here for you to find upon completion. Your battle prowess is unmatched, that is true, but unfortunately, that is not enough to consider clearing you of these crimes. Your team will be spared and resurrected at the insurance reclaim aboard your ship, the O.T.V Expansion, where they will be debriefed and shipped back to Omni-Prime for questioning. We have killed two birds with one stone tonight, destroying this base and a known traitor. Goodbye, Lieutenant, and may God have mercy on your soul."

    "No! This can't be happening! Guys, you have to believe me, I didn't do anything!" he cries to his team mates.

    "The message, and the nuclear device which contained herein, will self destruct in 5....4.....3....2.....1." At the last moment, Gorehound keys his program, the mirror shield.

    The world explodes into light, then sinks into blackness.

    ---- Present ----

    Gorehound sits bolt upright in bed, rubbing the long scar that runs diagonally across his face, a scar left from that near fatal night so long ago.

    Left for dead, Gorehound drug himself from the wreckage then stashed aboard a Sol Banking Corp ship that came to investigate. After planet-hopping a few times, he found himself here, in the rebel city of Old Athens, fighting this time on the other side of the fence, against Omni-Tek, looking to extract some measure of revenge on those who ruined his life, and to try to find those who accused him, so he might bring them the same kind of justice they showed him.

    ---Finish--- (for now)
    This account was cancelled at:
    2004-11-07 04:09:22
    It will remain playable until : 2004-12-06 15:13:07

  3. #3
    Date : June 14, 29477
    Location : BIOMARE, The Longest Road

    Gorehound crept through the sparse undergrowth off the side of the road. Moving slowly from tree to tree, and keeping an eye on his built-in HUD mapping tool, he carefully moved towards the entrance of the Omni-Tek facility in the Longest Road. Two guards stood careful watch at the entrance of the compound, but from their uneasy stance and nervous handling of thier arms, Gorehound could tell they were green recruits.

    "Leave it to Omni-Tek to put two amatuers on guard-duty, especially in this hot, desolate wasteland. Oh well, makes my job here easier.", he shrugged.

    As he was about to move out from behind the tree, he spied a huge Omni-Tek Assault-Class Slayerdroid moving on the nearby hillside. Quickly tucking himself back behind the tree, he waited until the robot had continued on its path down the way. Remembering the location of the guards, Gorehound popped out and fired five rounds into the first guard, thumbing his gun through all three modes of fire. The guard grabbed his chest and fell with five arrows protruding from various parts of his anatomy. The second immediately charged his position, returning fire. Taking a stinging hit in one shoulder from a plasma beam, Gorehound continued to shoot, unholstering a second gun, and firing them both at the charging fool. Seconds later, the second guard collapsed and he slipped quickly into the compound.

    Hugging the hillside, Gorehound snuck around the perimeter of the camp, finally arriving at a door marked "Foreman's". Slipping inside, he found himself in a huge audience chamber. From the shadows to his left, Gorehound heard a whispered greeting and turned to join his companion in the shadows.

    "Took ya long enough to get here. What kept you?", asked Dokhack, one of his new friends and the member of the clan Ascension.

    "Heh, well, unlike you, I had to run the whole way from Bliss, not just take a quick jaunt through the grid.", Gorehound chuckled in reply.

    "Well, a'right, lets get down to business. I've spent some time in here awhile back and I've memorized the route that'll take us right to the main console. Gonna be some heavy fightin' along the way though, so just keep you head down.", he said, becoming fatherly all of a sudden.

    "Well, on three then? One....THREE!", Gorehound laughed, surprising Dok and charging down the main cooridor, already firing on the guards and reception clerk seated at the main desk.

    Sighing with exasperation at the head-strong young soldier, the fixer calmly steps out and begins to pick his targets from those that have taken Gorehounds reckless charge as an oppurtunity to fire shots at his unprotected back and flanks. Shots ring out, plasma streams burn across the air, and the semi-audible thunks of Gorehound's arrow pistols echo across the chamber.

    After a few moments of concentrated fighting, Dok makes his way up to Gorehound, who is sitting in the receptionist's chair, allowing one of his treatment kits to do its work.

    "Silly Gore.", slapping him playfully on his shoulder. "Lets get this over with."

    Numerous firefights occurred while Dok and Gorehound made their way through the complex, taking out all opposition in their way. After a long fight in a room with jump-jets against a huge robotic beetle-droid, the complex began to take a strange turn. Turning from bureaucratic to scientific, the guards suddenly gave way to twisted mutations, parodies of human beings and less recognizalbe beings. Breaking through the last of these mutants, Gorehound and Dokhack encountered a large force of elite Omni-Pol guards and gun-toting scientists.

    "Go, Gorehound, I'll hold 'em!", Dokhack cried, thumbing his Manex to three-round burst and firing into the oncoming guard.

    "Catch up to me after that ones done. I have my hands full up here!.", Gorehound cried.

    After a short but furious firefight, they found themselves in a scientific laboratory, with multiple experiments in progress and a huge window showing a massive prototype Slayerdroid. Making thier way into the next few rooms they encountered heavy resistance, but nothing thier combined resources couldn't handle. Breaking into one final room, they stared in horrified awe at a huge cylindrical testube, containing hundreds or thousands of partially grown human beings.

    "Hey, Gore, we're almost there. Top of these stairs is the central console, closest thing to hackin' into a Omni central database as we're gonna get...", he trailed off.

    "But?", Gorehound asked.

    "But...", he sighed, "Its guarded by 2 Elite bodyguards and the Director of this place. He's a tough nut to crack."

    "Ah, well...never thought it was going to be easy.", he replied.

    Making their way up the stairs and across the scaffolding, they moved carefully into the central hallway, towards one lone door in the middle of the corridor. Taking up a place on either side of the door, Dokhack counted silently to three on his fingers. Breaking into the room, they each took bead on the two Bodyguards, one each, unleashing all the fury thier weapons could contain. They saw the Director, a bored expression on his face, stand up and remove an ivory handled pistol from a case in his desk. He stood calmly while they battled his Bodyguards, finally coming to his feet as they both dropped dead, almost simultaneously.

    "Well, I never thought you make it this far. Congratulations, you have. Now...prepare to die.", the slim man said confidently and rose to his feet.

    Gorehound and Dokhack took a quick glance at one another and then immediatly raised their weapons to begin firing. Slamming in new magazines, Gorehound unleased all the firepower he could, but most of the arrows seemed to be partially deflected, if not completely stopped, by the business suit the Director was wearing. He felt three bullets tear into his chest and shoulder, one of them burning with its own fire. His one arm went limp, making his left gun useless. He continued to fire, while trying to pull a first aid kit out of his belt pouch.

    A scream of pain made him look to his right as Dokhack got his legs taken out from underneath him. His right leg was shredded and he could make out the whiteness of bone underneath. Finally injecting himself with a first aid kit, he triggered his mirror shield and fired repeatedly at the Director, aiming at spots that didn't look as completely well padded.

    Seeing the Director flagging as his shots began to take thier toll, he fired again and again till the click of empty chambers brought him back to himself. Reaching down for a new magazine, the Director once again renewed his attack, firing another three round burst just as Gorehound's shield expired. They tore through his stomach and groin, dropping him to his knees.

    "Well, my lil burglers, it seems as though your time has come to an end here.", the Director chuckled, in between gasps of pain. "Let all your scrubby little rebel friends know what will..."


    The room shook with the sudden concussion of a shotgun blast. The Director, taken by surprise, didn't even have time to react before the top-half of his head evaporated into a red mist.

    Gorehound and Dokhack both whipped thier heads around, but niether of them caught more then a glimpse of a swirling trenchcoat as it spun back down the hall.

    Pulling out his treatment kits out of his sub-space storage pack, Gorehound once again screamed in pain as the wounds in his groin mended. He could hear Dokhack's screams as well as the bone pulled itself back into place and knitted.

    "Who is name of the Abyss was that?", Gorehound asked. "Or what, for that matter."

    "No one of mine, I'm sure of that. I told none of our mission here tonight.", he replied.

    "Well, nothing to do now. Let's just be grateful and get what we came here for. Can you get on that terminal while I search the Director?", he queried.

    "Aye, already on it.", Dokhack replied.

    A few moments passed while he riffled through the Directors body, finding nothing but a few sealed orders with hack-resistant encoding on them. Reaching down, he picked up the pistol the Director had dropped, admiring the craftsman ship of it. Turning it slowly over and over in his hands, Gorehound smiled, then stuck it in his packs for later investigation.

    "Alright, Gore, I'm in. This will take me a few moments as I need to send a hacked code-spike into the Omni-Prime database and wait for it to eat its way through their defenses. So just sit down, get comfortable, and wait. I know what files to look for. We'll find 'em.", Dokhack said from behind his hacking terminal.

    "Damn right we will Dok...and god help them when I do."

    {to be continued...}
    Last edited by Gorehound; Aug 4th, 2004 at 02:45:46.
    This account was cancelled at:
    2004-11-07 04:09:22
    It will remain playable until : 2004-12-06 15:13:07

  4. #4
    Date - 10 November, 29476
    Location - Old Athens Housing Complex #14

    3...2. Pawing at his wrist-pad, he activates the newly uploaded Total Mirror Shield program, feeling it cocoon him within its boundaries.

    1. The mechnical voice ticks off the last second and a huge white fireball of heat and destruction issues forth from the package.

    Pain....pain and heat. Choking on air that is too superheated to breathe, his lungs and throat try to scream but are instead baked to a crisp instantly.

    Pain upon pain...then the slow decent into darkness.

    Gorehound once again sits bolt upright in his bed, screaming as his nightmares ruin his sleep for yet another night. Running hands across a face he is sure to find cracked, burnt, and bleeding, he is relieved to find only the raised ridge of his scar, etched across his skin. He feels a comforting hand on his back, rubbing at the scarred flesh there as well.

    "You ok love?", Butterfli asks, crawling out from underneath the rumpled sheets. At her voice, he visably relaxes, slumping once again back to his sweat-soaked pillow.

    "Just the nightmares again, hun. Go back to bed.", he whispers, pulling her back down to lay against his shoulder.

    Gorehound rubs her hair till he feels her once again fall into a deep slumber and then sighing, scans the room in which they live. His battered CAS Symbiotic Body armor rests on a stand nearby while her Nano armor lays nearby on the dresser. Ever since meeting her in Old Athens nearly two months ago, the couple have been nigh inseperable. Friendship blossemed into love and they were married in a common law ceremony less then 5 weeks after having met. He smiles blissfully to remember thier time together, it being some of the only restful moments of his war-torn life.

    Gorehound's reveire is broken a few moments later when he spies a red light blinking from within his CAS helmet. He slowly extricates himself from Butterfli's arms and rises to walk over to his commincations terminal, nestled in one small corner. The "urgent message" sign is blinking rapidly and he hardly has time to jack into the system before the feed pops to life in front of his eyes. He quickly readjusts the audio to a subaural node installed behind his right ear, muting it to the rest of the world.

    "Damn it Gore! WAKE UP!", the rattled voice yells over the comm.

    "I'm here, I'm here....what's going on? It's 2 AM if you hadn't noticed.", he replies grouchily, through another subvocal node installed near his larynx.

    "Yeah, yeah....sleep when you're dead, that's my motto.", the voice replies as a head finally shifts itself into focus on the holodisplay. It's Aurust, a head-strong martial artist from the clan Veritas. "So, you awake enough to hear what I just found for you?"

    "Damn it man, just spit it out so I can go back to bed already."

    "Touchy, touchy. Has anyone ever told you you're a really grumpy person when you've just woken up? Ok, ok, enough joking.", he says, finally becoming serious.

    "I was just running this mission see, for a rogue fixer who supposedly stole some vital documents from some Omni database. Since I know you're search at BIOMARE came up empty, I decided to run over and see what I could find. Turns out this guy somehow managed to bypass the firewalls of the secure Omni HQ super computer and hack directly into an uplink with Omni's home system. He had no clue what he was looking for, I think he was just doing it out of sheer boredom. Anyway, I get to this mission and it's crawling with Omni. After I managed to beat my way through the intial wave of them, I ran into the next room only to find more...", the voice drones on and on.

    "Look, bro, can you just get to the point of all this? I get it, you're beating people up. Great! Why the hell did you wake me up and pull me out of bed at 2AM to tell me you ran a mission!?!!? We've run dozens of them together.", Gorehound yells, finally losing his patience at his new, hyperactive friend.

    "Alright already, we'll skip the blow by blow, even though you really gotta see this new attack I just learned. It's wicked!", Aurust chuckles. "So anyway, I finally get to this fixer and all I find is a bloated corpse! This guy must have been dead for two or three days! I thought the place stunk so bad since there were so many Omni in it."

    "Bro, if you woke me up to tell me you found a dead help me God, the next time I see you...", Gorehound growls.

    "Think, you idiot! How many bloated dead corpses have we found together? NONE! The nanobots always clean up messes like that! Always! Only when a body is destroyed to a point where there isn't enough cellular matter left to be reconstructed is there anything left behind, and even then the nanobots clean the body down to a skeleton!", he yells right back. "So like I was saying, I found this bloated the odd part was, it looked like most of his gear had been riffled through, as it was strewn about the room. So, figuring it was a total loss, I rounded up what I could of the gear to sell it when I got back to Old Athens."

    "Bro, I'm gonna hang up if you don't get to the point in the next 15 seconds.", Gorehound says resignedly into the comm.

    "I'm getting there! OK, so while I'm gathering up the gear, I must have hit some odd safety locking mechanism on the fixers Manex. All of a sudden, this microchip fell out of the stock and onto the floor. I stick it into my onboard CPU...", Aurust replys.

    Gorehound shakes his head and sighs at his friends foolishness, sticking a random microchip directly into your CPU without even having it scanned first.

    " right away, all these names, codes and figures start rolling across my HUD, along with a small description of what thier jobs were. Thousands of names, and billions of credits spent for all these undercover jobs and informants. You're name was on the list, my friend. I know who sold you out all that time ago to the corporation.", he finally finishes in a breathless rush.

    Gorehound sits back in his chair, stunned by the news just revealed to him. Finally....2 years of searching for his accuser, and always coming up short. For long moments he is uncapable of speech as his mind reels from the implications of what he is hearing. Finally, words come back to him.

    "Who is it?", he manages.

    "Look, before I tell you, isn't it about time you let go of this whole revenge idea and just go about your life here? I mean, you have Butterfli now, you guys are happy. Think about it, if it hadn't been for this man, you wouldn't be where you are today, with her, with the Clans. You'd still be back running terror black-ops for Omni-Tek and rising through the ranks as just another drone in a long list of people who just do what they are told. At least here, now, you have your freedom and you're doing what is right for yourself and other people...", Aurust replies quietly into his comm.

    "" Gorehound spits out each word, not even hearing his friends rational and truthful arguements.

    Aurust sighs and a name begins blinking on Gorehound's holographic display.

    Lt. Frank Kaehler, Jr. - sum: 5 million credits - job: Information regarding traitor to Omni-Tek Corporation by one Arliss "Gorehound" Monroe, Lt. of Omni Pol. - status: Trial and exectution complete. Services paid. - Current location of informant: Avalon Secondary Secret Staging Dome, Rubi-ka.

    "He's here....", Gorehound sighs and unjacks from the comm, letting it go dark, as he stares off in a room bathed in blackness, lost in dim memories of an almost forgotten past.

    (to be continued...)

    (ooc - hopefully have another chapter ready faster then this one...I've been working on some other unfinished writing. )
    Last edited by Gorehound; Aug 4th, 2004 at 02:43:06.
    This account was cancelled at:
    2004-11-07 04:09:22
    It will remain playable until : 2004-12-06 15:13:07

  5. #5
    I can't wait to read more...get writing!

  6. #6
    Date - 12 November, 29476
    Location - Avalon Desert, just south of Camelot.

    They find him in the the desert, broken and bleeding, barely clinging to life. His armor has been burned away, the chunks of it still clinging to his battered frame are riddled with bullet holes and plamsa burns. Most of his face has been burned almost to bare bone, with clumps of dirt and debris clinging to exposed muscles and tissue. One eye is a charred ruin, the other rolls about aimlessly, seeming unable to focus on any one object for more then a moment. From the marks on his hands, elbows, and knees, they can tell he has been crawling through this wasteland for a long time, probably hours.

    "Oh dear god!", Butterfli exclaims, rushing over to his side and falling to her knees. Her small hands keep reaching out to him, but then pulling away to go back to her face, for fear of aggravating his wounds more. Leaping to her feet, her face furrows in concentration for a few moments as she reaches into the spiritual realm. The air seems to thicken and streams of colored light whip around her hands and head. Chanting softly, she at last releases the pent up energy and with a slightly audible pop a floating aparition comes into being.

    "Belamorte! Heal him now!", she cries, pointing to the fallen man. Bobbing slowly in the air, the tentacled aparition begins to send streams of healing nano-bots into his ravaged body, hoping to rejuvinate the destroyed tissue and draw the skin back across the horrid gaping wounds.

    There is only one problem. It doesn't work. The wounds refuse to heal, the skin remains blackened and charred.

    "What in the name of Ross's bloody money is going on?", a stunned Aurust whispers from the other side of the body. "Why isn't it working? Why is he just lying here? What happened to him?"

    Shaking his head he says, "We need to move him Fli, we have to get him to a real doctor. I've never seen anything like this before, but if anyone will know, a doctor would." Bending closer, he tries to slide his hands under the mangled bodies shoulders.

    "Well, have to finish searching for Gore later. I don't know where he went, but he'll be ok where ever he is. He left this morning saying he needed to think and went off to the Hill to pull some missions from the Council gridfeed. He's fine I'm sure. He gets like this sometimes.", Fli prattles on, while she lifts the battered mans legs, trying to be as gentle as possible. "Our mission will have to wait too. We can come back later on and see what Simon Grestatru and his genetic experiments are up to out here in the middle of the desert. No good Omni scum, always messing with things they barely understand...just trying to make more efficient workers and killers. Thats all they and violence."

    "Fli, calm down...we need to move now.", Aurust interupts her when she stops to breath. "Relax, get a grip, and let's go. I think he's slipping away."

    Indeed, the man's struggles were weaker, and his chest seemed to labor for each breath he took. Shaking thier heads in amazement that a human being could sustain such wounds and still be alive after so long, they exchange nods and begin to move quickly back to Avalon castle.

    Moving away to the north, both Aurust and Butterfli miss the battered piece of breastplate lying in a small depression about 500 yards southwest of where they found the man. The wind blows across the harsh land scape, dislodging a small piece of brush that had fallen atop it. Scrawled across the front of it, in dripping blood letters, is but a single word.


    (going to continue this one, but just started new job and I'm exhausted. )
    Last edited by Gorehound; Aug 4th, 2004 at 02:44:33.
    This account was cancelled at:
    2004-11-07 04:09:22
    It will remain playable until : 2004-12-06 15:13:07

  7. #7
    I hope he knows he better not have done what I thought he did, otherwise he'll wish he could die.

  8. #8
    Location - Old Athens
    Date - 12 November, 29476 (roughly 15 minutes after the end of the last chapter )

    The calls rang out amidst the clan public channels, yelling for a doctor, as Aurust and Butterfli emerged from the Bliss woompa still carrying the dreadfully wounded man.

    "Can anyone help us? We need a doc bad! We got a seriously injured man here and nothing we can do is working on him!", Aurust screams into his comm-unit, scanning across all the public channels.

    "Master Surgeon Lecta here clanner.", a voice broke through on Aurust's private comm-channel. "What do you need?"

    "Look, doc, we got something really weird here, we found this man in Avalon and he's beat up pretty bad. We've tried first aid kits, treatment labs, nanobot healing, meditational disciplines, and not a god damn thing has worked.", he relayed to her.

    "Alright, get him over to my lab. I just uploaded the coordinates to your HUD. I'll see what I can do for him.", she replies.

    Moving swiftly, they are met at the entrance by a young woman, who is strikingly pretty, with light blue eyes. Still dressed in combat gear, she ushers them into the doorway, back into the labratory area. Clearing off a cluttered table with a swipe of her arm, Lecta directs them to deposit the semi-alive man on it. Moving gingerly, Butterfli and Aurust lower the man to it, wincing as a weak moan escapes his lips when exposed muscles touch cold metal.

    Quickly getting down to business, Lecta runs a small, hand-held examination scanner down the length of his body, taking on brief moments to remove the scant portions of armor still clinging to his frame. The smell of blood and burnt flesh soon permeate the air, with only the sounds of labored breathing and the occasional plink as the doctor removes another slug from the body and drops it to the floor.

    "Look, I'm doing what I can while the bio-analyzer tries to figure out whats inhibiting the healing process. The only thing I can figure is it some sort of Notum blocker, but where it came from and how this man came in contact with it...I have no idea.", Lecta says after about five minutes of furious work. "Just give me some space to work. Go sit down if you want to wait but get the hell out of my way."

    Aurust and Fli back off, moving away from the table turned operating room and begin to converse in whispers, so as not to further disturb Lecta.

    "A notum blocker? This could be big Fli. You might wanna try and get in touch with Gore again. I tried on the way here but it seems like he blocked our private comm-channel.", Aurust says quietly.

    Butterfli says nothing, but quickly nods and begins to speak softly into her comm-unit. Niether her nor Aurust have gotten the subvocal or subaural nodes installed, both preferring to keep thier bodies as technology free as possible. After a few tries, she throws her hands up in disgust and turns back to face Aurust.

    "I'm not getting anything either. The channel is still open but he's just not responding. I'll give it a few minutes then spam him with messages so he has to respond. I'm not gonna let him get off on the whole, "Oh I was fighting and I didn't see it" excuse again", she whispers back to him.

    The minutes seem to drag on for hours and the only movement in the room is Lecta's form as she moves up one side and back down the other of the now unconscious, or possibly dead, man. Neither of them wants to disturb her at her work, so all three sit in silence, waiting and watching.

    "That's it...I'm calling him again. He'll learn not to ignore me....", Fli starts to say.

    "What in the name of god is this? A nanoprogram spliced with a poison spliced with a virus? Oh hell...we could all be infected already.", Lecta cries as the results from the bioanalysis pop up in front of her. "We have to get him contained and fast!"

    Rushing over to a darkened corner of the room, Lecta throws aside a sheet covering some large, oblong device. Both Aurust and Fli stare at her, somewhat perplexed till she motions them forward.

    "It's a biorejuvination chamber. A growth-vat.", she explains at the looks of incomprehention on their faces. "Like what they grow artificial limbs and skin in. I stole it from an Omni-med facility me and some friends raided awhile back. Been meaning to use it but never found the reason till now. Let's get him inside."

    Shrugging, they lift the body up from the table and lower him into the vat. The body sinks slowly into the ooze-like substance and lights inside flicker to life as Lecta keys the machine into life. Wires detach themselves from the inside of the machine, snaking into the ooze to attach themselves to the body. Small bubbles rise to the top as the oxygination unit keeps the liquid enriched enough to pass as breathable air.

    "Look guys, this could take hours, hell days even, to lock this Notum blocking nanoviral poison down and eradicate it from his system. It's infused itself into every cell of his body or I'd just cut something off and regenerate it with this machine.", Lecta says. "I'd like you to stay here till we find out if its contagious or not. And so you can tell me where, when, and how you found him."

    "Alright doc, guess we don't have much choice. Mind if we use your shower? We're both kinda covered in filth from carrying him.", Butterfli asks politely.

    "Of course not, hun. I need to use it after you as well. Here, come on, I'll show you where I keep the towels and the herbal soaps. You know, you have really nice hair and...." Lecta's voice trails off as she leads Butterfli down a hallway.

    Aurust shrugs and sighs. "Get two girls together and eventually you're gonna have to hear about hair and herbal soap. Ah well, I wonder what's in the fridge." He plods off into the kitchen. "Man, Gore is gonna be in such hell when he finally answers one of us. Fli is pissed! Glad I'm not him right now, or then. Or whenever for that matter."

    Still muttering to himself, he wanders back out of the kitchen, snacks and beer in hand, to find the tele-feed and catch up on some much deserved (in his eyes, at least) rest.

    Unfortunately again, all three of them miss the blinking display on the front panel of the rejuvination machine.

    Ash "Gorehound" Boomstick - Solitus male - Hgt:6'1" - Wght:195 lbs - Vital signs: Failing - Probability of survival: 13%
    Last edited by Gorehound; Aug 5th, 2004 at 01:40:00.
    This account was cancelled at:
    2004-11-07 04:09:22
    It will remain playable until : 2004-12-06 15:13:07

  9. #9
    I'm pullin' for ya Gore, just hang in there and fight that nasty nanoprogram.

    Great story. Can't wait to read more.

  10. #10
    man i feel bad for goreound when the story me finds out i was lied to *fumes*
    *hugs to gore btw *cracks the writing whip* get to work, i wanna hear about what i do *silently wonders how true to RL this story is*

  11. #11
    A good beginning

    I haven't seen Aurust in far too long
    Clan Elder of The Pilgrims

  12. #12

    What happens next?

    *Prods Gore*

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