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Thread: Complete List of Shadowlands Nano Programs

  1. #1

    Complete List of Shadowlands Nano Programs

    Original thread is located here.

    All nanos are also listed in my ingame tool file, located at My Tools. I have added lists for all Gardens and Sanctuaries right within the ingame helpfile tool on my site. Update 12/06/04: I have updated this for new chat format from patch 15.7.0.

    Here is my updated list of Nano Crystals sold in Gardens and Sanctuaries. Full List Updated June 3rd, 2004, Patch 15.5.4. Please notify me of any changes, errors, or discrepencies.

    Nascense Garden

    Build Basic Spirit Tech Source Projector - Adv
    Build Twinked Basic Spirit Tech Source Projector - Adv
    Empowered Minor Deflection Shield - Soldier
    Empowered Partial Deflection Shield - Soldier
    Minor Insult - Soldier
    Puissant Momentary Daze - Crat
    Team Empowered Bend Will - Crat
    Team Empowered Temporary Glamor - Crat

    Elysium Garden

    Artillery Fire - Soldier
    Boon of Ergo - Enel-Roch - MP
    Boon of Ergo - Ocra-Roch - MP
    Build Yuttos Upgraded Spirit Tech Source Projector - Adv
    Composite Attribute Boost (1 hour) - Gen
    Composite Nano Expertise (1 hour) - Gen
    Composite Ranged Expertise (1 hour) - Gen
    Composite Ranged Special Expertise (1 hour) - Gen
    Composite Teachings - MP
    Composite Melee Expertise (1 hour) - Gen
    Degeneration of Rapidity - Shade
    Empowered Distracted Gaze - Crat
    Empowered Lesser Deflection Shield - Soldier
    Empowered Partial Harmonic Cocoon - Engie
    Intense Micro Entanglement - Fixer
    Intensify Fight (Team) - Soldier
    Neuronal Stimulator - NT
    Refresh Outfit (Team) - Trader
    Ritualistic Grasp - Shade
    Summon Shadowweb Spinner MK I - Fixer
    Tap Notum Vein: Nascense - Fixer
    Team Empowered Dominate Psyche - Crat
    Team Empowered Solicit Support - Crat
    Ward - Keeper
    Waves of Anger - Agent

    Elysium Sanctuary

    Chilled Touch - NT
    Composite Mastery - MP
    Puissant Restrict Movement - Crat
    Team Empowered Impose Will - Crat
    Anger Shock - Agent
    Blackmail Notum - Trader
    Element of Flame - Enforcer
    Deepen fight (Team) - Soldier
    Empowered Deflection Shield - Soldier
    Fake Out - MA
    Lesser Insult - Soldier
    Puissant Restrict Movement - Crat
    Quintessence of Incapacitation - Shade
    Ritualistic Caress - Shade
    Shadow Step - Fixer
    Spark Shower - NT

    Scheol Garden

    Astinus's Stellar Pulse - NT
    Bail Out - Agent
    Benevolent Ward - Keeper
    Blast of Avoidance - Agent
    Build Spirit Tech Source Fountain - Adv
    Build Upgraded Spirit Tech Source Fountain - Adv
    Bypass Me - Soldier
    Caring Needle - NT
    Degeneration of Alacrity - Shade
    Electrical Engineering Knowledge - Engie
    Empowered Anger Addlement - Crat
    Empowered Greater Deflection Shield - Soldier
    Empowered Major Deflection Shield - Soldier
    Empowered Minor Harmonic Cocoon - Engie
    Fearbringer - Enforcer
    Field Quantum Physics Knowledge - Engie
    Intense Nano Net - Fixer
    Predator M-30 - Engie
    Primitive Dissipation - Shade
    Reaper - Keeper
    Rumble of Distant Thunder - MA
    Summon Shadowweb Spinner MK II - Fixer
    Vital Corruptor - NT
    Last edited by Ianjier; Dec 15th, 2005 at 05:35:16.
    Ianjier (Engineer Gimp) - Angelflame (Meta-Physicist) - Mains - Cancelled
    Ianjyr (Engineer) - Kydan (Meta-Physicist) - Twinks - Cancelled
    (Clan - Rimor)
    Shadowlands Nano Locations
    My AO Tools (Updated 12/06/04 for new chat format)
    The Asylum
    Retired and gone to World of Warcraft

  2. #2
    Scheol Sanctuary (Thanks to Kzak)

    Ariu's Neutron Annihilator - NT
    Build Boosted Spirit Tech Source Fountain - Adv
    Casual Insult - Sol
    Conator's Collapsing Hadron String - NT
    Empowered Lesser Harmonic Cocoon - Eng
    Empowered Reactive Deflection Shield - Sol
    Empowered Sleep - Crat
    Initiate Shadowland Recall - Eng
    Mechanical Engineering Knowledge - Engie
    Pharmaceuticals Knowledge - Engie
    Positronic Fluctuation - NT
    Ritualistic Embrace - Shade
    Shadowland Anchor - Eng
    Tap Notum Vein: Elysium - Fix
    Team Empowered Insidious Beguilement - Crat
    Team Empowered Inveigle Support - Crat
    Weaponsmithing Knowledge - Engie
    Ziana's Energy Wave - NT

    Adonis Garden

    Aegis of Stone - MA
    Blood of Hephaestos - NT
    Build Spirit Tech Source Drill - Adv
    Cleanse Outfit (Team) - Trader
    Combustive Envelopment - NT
    Composite Infuse With Knowledge - MP
    Empowered Partial Reflective Field - Solider
    Heighten Fight (Team) - Soldier
    Intrinsic Dissipation - Shade
    Intrusive Aura of Malaise - Engie
    Mutagenic Venom - Doctor
    Puissant Illusionary Paralysis - Crat
    Quintessence of Paralyzation - Shade
    Sacrificial Touch - Shade
    Searing Dioxin Shower - NT
    Slayerdroid Annihilator - Engie
    Summon Shadowweb Spinner MK III - Fixer
    Upgraded Predator M-30 - Engie
    Waves of Jarring - Agent

    Adonis Sanctuary

    Acidic Droplets - NT
    Advanced Predator M-30 - Engie
    Annoying Insult - Soldier
    Blunt Defence - Trader
    Break Out - Agent
    Build Spirit Tech Source Pump - Adv
    Canonry Fire - Solder
    Cheat Notum - Trader
    Composite Attribute Boost (2 hours) - Gen
    Composite Melee Expertise (2 hours) - Gen
    Composite Nano Expertise (2 hours) - Gen
    Composite Physical Special Expertise (2 hours) - Gen
    Composite Ranged Expertise (2 hours) - Gen
    Composite Ranged Special Expertise (2 hours) - Gen
    Cripple Defence - Trader
    Degeneration of Legerity - Shade
    Electrical Engineering Mastery - Engie
    Empowered Demotivate - Crat
    Empowered Harmonic Cocoon - Engie
    Empowered Lesser Reflective Field - Soldier
    Empowered Minor Reflective Field - Soldier
    Enfraam's Blistering Blast - NT
    Field Quantum Physics Mastery - Engie
    Gallant Slave: The Irate Chattel - Crat
    Guardian Ward - Keeper
    Havoc Reaper - Keeper
    Intense Personal Entanglement - Fixer
    Isochronal Sloughing Protective Barrier - Engie
    Jarring Shock - Agent
    Malaise of Motivation - Crat
    Mechanical Engineering Mastery - Engie
    Misleading Conduct - MA
    Obvious Victim - Soldier
    Pestilential Stream - NT
    Pharmaceuticals Mastery - Engie
    Sacrificial Blow - Shade
    Slip of Accident - Fixer
    Slithering Flames - NT
    Spite - Enforcer
    Tap Notum Vein: Scheol - Fixer
    The Spider's Secret - NT
    Umbral Wrangler

    Penumbra Garden

    Awaken Shadowland Soul Memory - MP
    Blast of Neglect - Agent
    Chilling Presence - NT
    Circumvent Me - Soldier
    Devastator Drone - Engie
    Distortion of Resolve - MP
    Distortion of Will - MP
    Element of Ice - Enforcer
    Empowered Greater Harmonic Cocoon - Engie
    Empowered Reflective Field - Solider
    Enfraam's Cortex Accelerator - NT
    Enfraam's Glacial Encasement - NT
    Enliven Outfit (Team) - Trader
    Entropy's Advance - NT
    Intense Gravity Bindings - Fixer
    Malaise of Emotion - Crat
    Petals on Water - MA
    Puissant Musculature Command - Crat
    Semi-Sentient Predator M-30 - Engie
    Shadowland Soul Fetter - MP
    Summon Shadowweb Spinner MK IV - Fixer
    Tap Notum Vein: Adonis - Fixer
    Team Empowered Total Mental Domination - Crat
    Vengeance of the Virtuous - Keeper
    Weapon Smithing Mastery - Engie
    Last edited by Ianjier; Nov 20th, 2005 at 23:04:59.
    Ianjier (Engineer Gimp) - Angelflame (Meta-Physicist) - Mains - Cancelled
    Ianjyr (Engineer) - Kydan (Meta-Physicist) - Twinks - Cancelled
    (Clan - Rimor)
    Shadowlands Nano Locations
    My AO Tools (Updated 12/06/04 for new chat format)
    The Asylum
    Retired and gone to World of Warcraft

  3. #3
    Penumbra Sanctuary (Vanya) (Provided by Kardesh of RK3)

    Abolish Aluminium - Trader
    Aggressive Insult - Solder
    Battlefield Devastator Drone - Engie
    Biomolecular Corrosion - NT
    Boost Fight (Team) - Solder
    Carnage Reaper - Keeper
    Elemental Dissipation - Shade
    Empowered Cubicle Dweller - Crat
    Empowered Greater Reflective Field - Solder
    Enfraam's Perceiver - NT
    Gallant Slave: The Incensed Subordinate - Crat
    Irebringer - Enforcer
    Malaise of Desire - Crat
    Mutagenic Contamination - Doctor
    Path of Shadow - Fixer
    Sacrificial Grasp - Shade
    Slip of Idea - Fixer
    Snitch Notum - Trader
    Summon Biazu the Vile - MP
    Summon Shadowweb Spinner MK V - Fixer
    Tap Notum Vein: Penumbra - Fixer
    Touch of the Pyre - NT
    Umbral Wrangler (Advanced) - Trader
    Umbral Wrangler (Major) - Trader
    Waves of Numbing - Agent

    Inferno Garden

    Abolish Gallium - Trader
    Aegis of Metal - MA
    Assurance Advocacy - Engie
    Augmented Mirror Shield MK I - Soldier
    Battery Fire - Soldier
    Build Spirit Tech Source Waterfall Projector - Adv
    Burst Out - Agent
    Cellular Recuperation - Doctor
    Clear Victim - Soldier
    Composite Mochams (1 hour) - MP
    Cosmic Relaxation - Trader
    Corruption of Resolve - MP
    Corruption of Will - MP
    Debilitate Defense - Trader
    Degeneration of Celerity - Shade
    Disable Defense - Trader
    Dragon Stance - MA
    Element of Corrosion - Enforcer
    Elude Me - Soldier
    Empowered Introspective Engagement - Crat
    Empowered Reactive Harmonic Cocoon - Engie
    Empowered Reactive Reflective Field - Soldier
    Enfraam's Ultimate Destroyer - NT
    Fieldsweeper Devastator Drone - Engie
    Flourishing Heal - MA
    Grove Curator - Adv
    Imminence of Bloodshed - Keeper
    Impart Resentment - Enforcer
    Impel Shadowland Recall - Engie
    Implacability of the Second Law - NT
    Intense Targetted Nanoweb - Fixer
    Isochronal Sloughing Defensive Shield - Engie
    Lesser Slobber Wounds - Adv
    Lifecure - Adv
    Light of Life - Adv
    Malaise of Passion - Crat
    Mutagenic Catalyser - Doctor
    Military-Grade Predator M-30 - Engie
    Numbing Shock - Agent
    Optimized Perceiver - NT
    Peer Pressure - Crat
    Puissant Inhibit Motion - Crat
    Quintessence of Petrification - Shade
    Relieve Stress - Agent
    Sacrificial Caress - Shade
    Sacrificial Embrace - Shade
    Scale Repair - Adv
    Sentinel Ward - Keeper
    Shadowland Safeguard - Engie
    Soul of Rubi - MA
    Summon Urolok the Rotten - MP
    Supreme Health Haggler - Trader
    Synchronized Energy Spike - Engie
    Team Empowered Voice of Truth - Crat
    The Voice of Truth - Crat
    Upgraded Predator M-30 - Engie
    Vengeance of the Virtuous - Keeper
    Ward Blow - MA
    Waves of Illness - Agent
    Last edited by Ianjier; Nov 21st, 2005 at 01:08:10.
    Ianjier (Engineer Gimp) - Angelflame (Meta-Physicist) - Mains - Cancelled
    Ianjyr (Engineer) - Kydan (Meta-Physicist) - Twinks - Cancelled
    (Clan - Rimor)
    Shadowlands Nano Locations
    My AO Tools (Updated 12/06/04 for new chat format)
    The Asylum
    Retired and gone to World of Warcraft

  4. #4
    Inferno Sanctuary (Thanks to Shuuji)

    Abolish Tin - Trader
    Ambient Renaissance - Keeper
    Assauge Pain - Doctor
    Assurance Attention - Engineer
    Assurance Relief - Engineer
    Augment fight(Team) - Soldier
    Augmented Mirror Shield MK II - Soldier
    Belligerent Stance - Enforcer
    Blast of Circumvention - Agent
    Blast of Ommitance - Agent
    Calia's Morph Sabretooth - Adventurer
    Calia's Morph: Pit Lizard - Adventurer
    Calia's Morph: Wolf - Adventurer
    Calling of Mortificant the Eternal - MP
    Ceremonial Grasp - Shade
    Composite Attribute Boost(4 hours) - General
    Composite Melee Expertise(4 hours) - General
    Composite Mochams(2 hours) - MP
    Composite Nano Expertise(4 hours) - General
    Composite Physical Special Expertise(4 hours) - General
    Composite Ranged Expertise(4 hours) - General
    Composite Ranged Special Expertise(4 hours) - General
    Cosmic Relaxation - Trader
    Crusader Reaper - Keeper
    Degredation of Resolve - MP
    Degredation of Will - MP
    Depravation of Alacrity - Shade
    Desolator Assault Drone - Engie
    Disruptive Insult - Soldier
    Distinct Victim - Soldier
    Emasculate Defense - Trader
    Empowered Disjointed From Reality - Bureaucrat
    Empowered Wandering Mind - Bureaucrat
    Enfeeble Defense - Trader
    Entropic Sores - Doctor
    Fanatic Reaper - Keeper
    Gallant Slave: The Vengeful Toiler - Bureaucrat
    Grace of the Emperor Crane - Martial Artist
    Grove Custodian - Adventurer
    Harmonizing Resonance Field - Soldier
    Hatebringer - Enforcer
    Imminence of Slaughter - Keeper
    Intense Nano Bindings - Fixer
    Intrusive Insult - Soldier
    Invigorate Outfit(Team) - Trader
    Izgimmer's Celestial Fury - NT
    Izgimmer's Frosty Welcome - NT
    Izgimmer's Hippocampal Augmentor - NT
    Izgimmer's Infinite Slicer - NT
    Izgimmer's Interstellar Chill - NT
    Izgimmer's Positronic Annihilation - NT
    Keep clear of me - Soldier
    Lasting Ultimatum - Fixer
    Make Off - Agent
    Malaise of Passion - Crat
    Marauder M-45 - Engie
    Mongo's Gargantua - Enforcer
    Mongo's Mighty Colossus - Enforcer
    Perversion of Resolve - MP
    Perversion of Will - MP
    Primal Dissipation - Shade
    Puissant Captivating Speech - Bureaucrat
    Purify Outfit(Team) - Trader
    Quintessence of Transfixion - Shade
    Reactive Resonance Field - Soldier
    Reinforce Fight(Team) - Soldier
    Renounce Anger - Agent
    Restorative Influx - Doctor
    Scale Regrowth - Adventurer
    Shuffle Step - Martial Artist
    Sickening Shock - Agent
    Slip Away - Agent
    Slip of Intent - Fixer
    Slip of Will - Fixer
    Slobber Wounds - Adventurer
    Smell of Approaching Rain - Martial Artist
    Strip Notum - Trader
    Summon Ettu the Cursed - MP
    Summon Shadowweb Spinner MK VI - Fixer
    Summon Shadowweb Spinner MK VII - Fixer
    Summon Shadowweb Spinner MK VIII - Fixer
    Supreme Health Haggler - Trader
    Supreme Lick Wounds - Adventurer
    Swindle Notum - Trader
    Tap Notum Vein: Inferno - Fixer
    The Voice of God - Bureaucrat
    The Voice of One - Bureaucrat
    Tone of Serenity - Keeper
    Touch of Kindness - Doctor
    Touched With Shadow - Fixer
    Umbral Wrangler (Exceptional) - Trader
    Umbral Wrangler (Greater) - Trader
    Viral Neurotoxin - Doctor
    Waves of Sickening - Agent
    Wrathbringer - Enforcer
    Last edited by Ianjier; Jul 21st, 2004 at 01:01:26.
    Ianjier (Engineer Gimp) - Angelflame (Meta-Physicist) - Mains - Cancelled
    Ianjyr (Engineer) - Kydan (Meta-Physicist) - Twinks - Cancelled
    (Clan - Rimor)
    Shadowlands Nano Locations
    My AO Tools (Updated 12/06/04 for new chat format)
    The Asylum
    Retired and gone to World of Warcraft

  5. #5
    Pandemonium Vendors

    Abolish Bismuth - Trader
    Abolish Polonium - Trader
    Abolish Thalium - Trader
    Absolve Guilt - Agent
    Adaptive Resonance Field - Soldier
    Aegis of Notum - MA
    Ambient Invigoration - Keeper
    Attenuate Defense - Trader
    Augmented Mirror Shield MK III - Soldier
    Augmented Mirror Shield MK IV - Soldier
    Autumn Leaves - MA
    Beauty of Life - Adv
    Blast of Outflanking - Agent
    Blast of Rejection - Agent
    Blessed by Shadow - Fixer
    Blessing of Purity - Doctor
    Bodily Invigoration - Doctor
    Build Spirit Tech Source Geyser - Adventurer
    Calia's Anatomy: Pit Lizard - Adventurer
    Calia's Anatomy: Sabretooth - Adv
    Calia's Anatomy: Wolf - Adv
    Calia's Figure: Sabretooth - Adv
    Cellular Rebirth - Doctor
    Ceremonial Caress - Shade
    Chthonic Dissipation - Shade
    Composite Attribute Boost (4 hours) - Gen
    Composite Attribute Boost (8 Hours) - Gen
    Composite Melee Expertise (4 hours) - Gen
    Composite Melee Expertise (8 Hours) - Gen
    Composite Mochams (4 Hours) - MP
    Composite Mochams (8 Hours) - MP
    Composite Nano Expertise (4 hours) - Gen
    Composite Nano Expertise (8 Hours) - Gen
    Composite Physical Special Expertise (4 hours) - Gen
    Composite Physical Special Expertise (8 Hours) - Gen
    Composite Ranged Expertise (4 hours) - Gen
    Composite Ranged Expertise (8 Hours) - Gen
    Composite Ranged Special Expertise (4 hours) - Gen
    Composite Ranged Special Expertise (8 Hours) - Gen
    Corporate Guardian - Crat
    Corrupting Ooze - Doctor
    Debasement of Resolve - MP
    Debasement of will - MP
    Defilement of Resolve - MP
    Defilement of Will - MP
    Depravation of Celerity - Shade
    Depravation of Legerity - Shade
    Desecration of Resolve - MP
    Desecration of Will - MP
    Desist Me - Soldier
    Despoil Notum - Trader
    Disappear - Agent
    Divine Sanctifier - Keeper
    Dreadbringer - Enforcer
    Element of Malice - Enforcer
    Element of Poison - Enforcer
    Element of Radiation - Enforcer
    Elude Step - MA
    Empowered Chaotic Mind - Crat
    Empowered Contemplation - Crat
    Empowered Divided Ego - Crat
    Enfraam's Perception Deciever - NT
    Evangelical Reaper - Keeper
    Eviscerate Defense - Trader
    Exhaust Defense - Trader
    Fade from Memory - Agent
    Flawless Lick Wounds - Adventurer
    Flesh Eater - Doctor
    Gazump Fight (Team) - Soldier
    Gift of Assurance - Engineer
    Greater Slobber Wounds - Adv
    Grove Guardian - Adv
    Grove Warden - Adv
    Harm Shock - Agent
    Ignore Past Actions - Agent
    Intense Agglutinative Nanoweb - Fixer
    Isochronal Sloughing Assault Shield - Engineer
    Izgimmer's Cataclysm - NT
    Izgimmer's Celestial Implosion - NT
    Izgimmer's Contagion - NT
    Izgimmer's Corrosive Tear - NT
    Izgimmer's Defilement of Being - NT
    Izgimmer's Gelid Caress - NT
    Izgimmer's Inferno - NT
    Izgimmer's Malignant Declaration - NT
    Izgimmer's Quasar Flicker - NT
    Izgimmer's Ultimatum - Nano-Technician
    Malaise of Fervor - Crat
    Mar Defense - Trader
    Military Grade Marauder M-45 - Engineer
    Mongo's Mega Leviathan - Enforcer
    Mongo's Ultra Behemoth - Enforcer
    Mutagenic Contagion - Doctor
    Mutagenic Pestilence - Doctor
    Offensive Insult - Soldier
    Peaceful Midnight Sky - MA
    Peerless Lick Wounds - Adv
    Pious Sanctifier - Keeper
    Plagiarize Notum - Trader
    Pre-Nullity Sphere - Soldier
    Puissant Total Muscular Command - Crat
    Puissant Void Inertia - Crat
    Quintessence of Stupefication - Shade
    Ragebringer - Enforcer
    Rancorous Enmity - Enforcer
    Renewal of Being - Doctor
    Restore Outfit (Team) - Trader
    Revivification - Doctor
    Ripples on the Calm Pond - MA
    Rouse Outfit (Team) - Trader
    Sainted Sanctifier - Keeper
    Scale Regeneration - Adventurer
    Scale Renewal - Adv
    Scythe Omega Virus - Doctor
    Shake off me - Soldier
    Slip of Mind - Fixer
    Stutter Step - Martial Artist
    Summon Shadowweb Spinner MK IX - Fixer
    Summon Shadowweb Spinner MK X - Fixer
    Summon Zhok the Abomination - MP
    Superior Slobber Wounds - Adventurer
    Synchronized Capacitor Overload - Engineer
    Taint of Resolve - MP
    Taint of Will - MP
    Tone of Bliss - Keeper
    Touched With Shadow - Fixer
    Umbral Wrangler (Premium) - Trader
    Undeniable Victim - Soldier
    Undermine Defense - Trader
    Unmistakable Victim - Soldier
    Unsettling Shock - Agent
    Warden Ward - Keeper
    Waves of Harm - Agent
    Waves of Trauma - Agent
    Waves of Unsettling - Agent
    Weaken Defense - Trader
    Widowmaker Battle Drone - Engineer
    Last edited by Ianjier; Nov 20th, 2005 at 23:10:57.
    Ianjier (Engineer Gimp) - Angelflame (Meta-Physicist) - Mains - Cancelled
    Ianjyr (Engineer) - Kydan (Meta-Physicist) - Twinks - Cancelled
    (Clan - Rimor)
    Shadowlands Nano Locations
    My AO Tools (Updated 12/06/04 for new chat format)
    The Asylum
    Retired and gone to World of Warcraft

  6. #6

  7. #7
    phat! sticky please
    LOOK. IM EDITING *EDIT* *EDIT* *EDIT *EDIT* ----- did you see this before when you first refreshed????? no...
    does it have the edit flag on it?.... no

  8. #8

    Thumbs up

    /me throws big globs of glue on Ianjier's awsome thread!

    ... they gather, like big cats around the water hole, waiting for the weak and the wounded to stagger into their territory so they can exercise some violence, and feed their starving reputation ...

    Roleplay? Sure!!

  9. #9
    Ian, to get this accomplished, you might want to send a PM to Cz.

    Nice thread as allways.
    Maimgara - Supreme Creator, The Renaissance - RK2
    [Thedeacon]: As for the "high level n00b" part....Hey, I don't care if they level up....puts them in pvp range quicker.

  10. #10

    Talking Sweet ,ate :-D

    Love the thread, is there any complete list of Rubi-ka nano's.
    Would be to perfect i quess... :-P

    --==:: {Heirichen} ::==--

  11. #11
    Heirichen, my ingame nano listing is a complete list of all nanos in AO. This post is just about the Shadowlands ones.
    Ianjier (Engineer Gimp) - Angelflame (Meta-Physicist) - Mains - Cancelled
    Ianjyr (Engineer) - Kydan (Meta-Physicist) - Twinks - Cancelled
    (Clan - Rimor)
    Shadowlands Nano Locations
    My AO Tools (Updated 12/06/04 for new chat format)
    The Asylum
    Retired and gone to World of Warcraft

  12. #12
    Excellent job. Thank you for putting the time into compiling this info for us.
    Guide to Teaming With Docs! is the funniest post ever. | "Engie Got Bot" song spoof
    AO chat log of Titanic sinking is the second funniest post ever

    No matter how many levels I gain, the Lag Monster is always red to me.

    Currently playing The Secret World.

  13. #13
    All the Umbral Wrangles (don't have a specific list) have been added to Pandemonium now.

  14. #14

    OMG this is so nice and comprehensive! Great work, thanks

    To be nitpicky; Scheol is spelled 'S c h e o l' (sorry, couldn't find anything else to criticise )
    Bret 'Bothead' Bannister
    Member of Rising Phoenix

  15. #15

    MP nano Biazu the Vile

    Would like to get the Biazu the Vile MP nano from Pen Sanc. I am on as Metakatie or Chorinru Pls contact me, with price and when you might be able to get

  16. #16


    all the doc nanos are available pass adonis except the crappy one DOT, what a bummer

  17. #17
    Now that all gardens/sanct are accessible, have anyone seen 3 missing MP programs?

    Channel Notum Vein: Adonis
    Channel Notum Vein: Scheol
    Channel Notum Vein: Elysium

    Don't see them on the list, and don't have access to all of them either to go check. These programs let the MP teleport people back to the garden based on what key they have equipped. (And are not the "Tap Notum Vein" line that fixers have =)
    Last edited by Ellusion; Mar 12th, 2004 at 14:56:28.
    Anarchy Arcanum
    201 Ellusion, Doctor | Eqp
    202 Snowfish, Agent | Eqp
    215 Edeus, Doc-pet | Eqp

    Proud General of Ragnarok

  18. #18
    Ellusion, those nanos are available in regular nanoshops on RK. Think you get them from the superior shops.
    Mantrin /\ Amno /\ Groess /\Egeria /\ Fisler /\ Iyix /\Ilijana /\

    Krugerrand /\Omninecrosis /\ Masif /\ Indrik /\

  19. #19
    You can buy them in Jobe Market I believe, or Jobe Plaza. They're not actually in the gardens. In order to upload the nanos though, you must be wearing the key to that garden, not just own it, and you must be in Shadowlands. Targetting yourself first also wouldn't hurt.
    Ianjier (Engineer Gimp) - Angelflame (Meta-Physicist) - Mains - Cancelled
    Ianjyr (Engineer) - Kydan (Meta-Physicist) - Twinks - Cancelled
    (Clan - Rimor)
    Shadowlands Nano Locations
    My AO Tools (Updated 12/06/04 for new chat format)
    The Asylum
    Retired and gone to World of Warcraft

  20. #20
    A listing type "by garden" would rock hard for the ingame utility, anyway awesome job!
    This really helped me.
    The days have gone down in the West behind the hills into shadow.

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