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Thread: Neutral Détente Revives Debate over the Sentinels’ Occupation of Tir

  1. #1

    Neutral Détente Revives Debate over the Sentinels’ Occupation of Tir

    Neutral Détente Revives Debate over the Sentinels’ Occupation of Tir
    Frank Levinson McRae

    February 10, 29478

    West Athen -- (FJRK) –- With the revival of the Council of Truth, and with Loren Warr being reduced to nothing more than a dark memory in the history of Newland City, debate among clan members is yet again turning to thoughts of Simon Silverstone and the Sentinels’ occupation of Tir.

    It has been well over a year now since the Sentinels humiliated the Interstellar Confederation of Corporations on November 22, 29476, by forcing them to flee the free city of Tir and return control and guard of the metropolis to the clans. At the time, the move by Simon Silverstone was greeted with a su****ion-tainted elation, and most clan members were happy to see their beloved capitol once again free of the infectious influence of Omni-Tek employees.

    However, the joyous support that the Sentinels’ received in their first few weeks of occupation soon turned to cries for their ouster, after members of the Sentinels’ Urban Defense Patrol were repeatedly seen executing neutral travelers. This anger fermented further after an interview was published in The Art Gallery (TAG), in which High Commander Fisk, the civil administrator of Tir and captain of the Tir guard, unapologetically voiced his hatred of neutrals.

    “I have absolutely no tolerance for people who lack the guts to have an opinion, and stand by it. It’s cowardly, weak, and completely dishonorable. I loathe the neutral, even more so than the Omnis. At least they believe in something.”

    What followed was an immediate and severe reaction by the clan populace, from public demonstrations, numerous messages posted to forums on the Grid networks, and even attempts on Mr. Silverstone’s life. Yet, despite the seemingly constant and ferocious cries for the Sentinels’ to relinquish their de facto rule over Tir, Mr. Silverstone failed to so much as acknowledge that any effort was underway to remove him.

    So what has changed between now and then? Foremost, the clan community has seen the return of Henry Radiman, stating his full intention to revive the Council of Truth, only this time allowing more representation for ordinary Clans, and as such, a greater voice in the governing of Clan affairs. Though the Council and its clerical staff have been tied up thus far in procedural and administrative matters, it is only a matter of time before it once again returns to its place as the single governing voice of, at least, a majority of the clan population.

    Also, as a result of the brutality with which the Sentinels’ treated the neutral citizens of Rubi-Ka, on January 21, 29477, an amalgam of neutral organizations united under the au****es of the Newland City Council to fund and hire Loren Warr, sister of the infamous Ian Warr, and her group of Mercenaries to replace the ICC guard in Newland City. Ms. Warr was given specific instructions to treat clan citizens with the same form of treatment as was given to neutrals trying to enter Tir. The result, predictably, was a bloodbath.

    However, as of February 10, 29478, Loren Warr and her band of thugs are no more. Finally coming to its senses, the Newland City Council approved plans to create its own militia, contracting with the Jobe Association of Metaphysical Exploration for equipment, and giving this new guard specific instructions to uphold the neutral position of the city. Clan members are yet again free to conduct business within the confines of the Newland City.

    This gesture of détente – an easing of tensions – has thus far been greeted by the clan community with much praise. But at the same time, it has renewed what must be Simon Silverstone’s worst nightmare: calls for him to cede jurisdictional authority over the free city of Tir to less belligerent guards.

    I recently spoke with several clan members, including those who led the initial charge against the Sentinels occupation of Tir.

    “Neutrals…should be able to visit Tir without aggression.” Stated “Kerish”, an applicant of the clan Mass Murderers. When asked what her thoughts were as to whom should replace the Sentinels in the event Mr. Silverstone were to bow down to pressure, she was reluctant in endorsing the Council of Truth. When asked why, Kerish indicated her confusion about the true nature and structure of the reborn Council when she said “Because there’s two of them hacking each other’s feet off.”

    However, Hattie "Szentasha" Suitt, Lord of the clan Unity of the Rose, offered a more precise view. When asked for her opinion as the Sentinels’ continuing viability as the guards of the free city of Tir, Ms. Suitt stated “I feel that given more opportunities to know one another as people and interact will be the first step on a path towards peace.” Ms. Suitt further stated “I support any efforts to reduce barriers to free movement between and within our cities.” When asked whether or not she would now be renewing her calls for Mr. Silverstone to leave Tir, Ms. Suitt confidently stated that “I speak only for Unity of the Rose, but yes, given the opportunity I would declare such a statement.”

    Cathern “Vixentrox” Flowers, President of clan Whisper’s Edge, was one of the main proponents of restoring the right of neutrals to once again enter Tir. Ms. Flowers was quite outspoken with her displeasure at the Sentinels’ occupation of Tir; this displeasure, now over a year old, still emanates from her.

    “A lot of people tried for a year to get rid of Silverstone.” Ms. Flowers stated in a recent interview at The Cup in West Athen. “Everything from attacking him and his men to trying to politically out maneuver him. Silverstone makes war on the neutrals…[w]hen he should be making war on the Omni.”

    When asked hypothetically about whether or not the Council of Truth should resume their once-held duties of seeing to the guard of Tir, Ms. Flowers indicated her full support, with one caveat.

    “The old Tir guard wasn't terribly effective. Omni was able to march in pretty easily, as was the ICC.” Ms. Flowers further stated that, should a new guard be established, they would most certainly need “better training and weapons.”

    Another vocal proponent of the move to oust the Sentinels was Lyrice "Lyricia" Fuchs, President of clan First Light. Ms. Fuchs spoke quite harshly about Mr. Silverstone.

    "I think he is an extremist who wants the galaxy to see him as the only government of the clans. He really needs to be out of Tir and back in his crater in Mort.” Lyricia echoed her compatriots statements, indicating that she, too, would support any move to remove the Sentinels from Tir. Ms. Fuchs stated that, if she were to give only one message to Simon Silverstone, it would be “Give Tir back to the peace-loving clans.”

    While no one but Simon Silverstone and his top advisors know the inner workings and deliberations that occur behind the closed doors of the Sentinels’ headquarters in Mort, it is safe to say that any discussions held might revolve around their future as the guards and rulers of the free city of Tir.

  2. #2
    Dr. Cindi "Razishlyat" Bolieu:

    Feh! Good riddance to those thugs as well. There are some Clans that are so ruthless with their hatred of Omni-Tek that they would expel Omni from the planet and replace it with a dictatorship of their own, if for no other reason than to keep Omni off. These are Clans like the Sentinels, and they must be stopped before they wreck disaster on the planet as a whole.

    Tir is a ghost city these days. People only populate it either from habit, or to use the shops when those in Old Athen are empty. Oh, yes. And the Arena. It is a sad state - where before hundreds of citizens would be covering the streets, the shouts of salesmen and women and adventurers alike filled the air. Now, there is only the occasional blast of jets from craft taking off or leaving - mostly leaving.

    The Sentinels have hurt trade, they have killed any social life there may have been in Tir, and reduced it to a border town. The Hall is still closed, there is no representative government, and Silverstone stands like a monument to himself in the city center.

    Do not get me wrong - the ICC would be ill welcome should they try to take Tir back - but Tir has always been the heart of Clan politics. The fact that it stands a ghost town under a ruthless tyrant is an affront to everything the Clans believe in and fight for, whatever proclamations Silverstone may make to the contrary.

    I appreciate the effort that went in to asking the ICC to step out of the city, but any decent Clan would have stopped there, and returned the city to self-governance. Now that the Council is finally forming again, it is time for Silverstone to step down more gracefully than Loren Warr, or face the same consequences.

    Who would replace the Sentinels? JAME would be as unwelcome as the ICC, I believe, so that is no option. Let the Council raise its own militia, let the Clans fulfill the training and raise the money. We have the resources. We just need the popular support.
    Aleksei "Zagadka" Garcia - Savior, Council Clerk
    Cindi "Razishlyat" Bolieu - Advisor Eternalist

  3. #3
    The ICC are governing body with the only legal and rightful presence in Tir before the Sentinels violently forced them out after inflicting heavy casualties. If anything the ICC should return to Tir and investigation into the links between Henry Radimant's last Council of Truth funding the Dust Brigade be resumed. In the meanwhile, having Henry Radimant involved with this existing effort at version 2 of the council will only leave the question of liability open again.

    If the Clans truly want freedom and democracy they must begin to practice what they claim to be fighting for. Lets start by 'freeing' Tir to the citizens of Rubi-Ka, not just Clanners. The Newland Guard Initative was a joint Omni/Neutral effort with the Clanners showing up during the last 15 mintues to kill anything that moves. Lets see the Clans do something positive for a change.

    Administrator Kithrak
    Charles 'Kithrak' Houston - Equipment
    Administrator, Omni-Admin
    Bringing the politics of Rubi-Ka to life!

    "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster....when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you..." -Friedrich Nietzsche-

    "By denying support to the possibility of peace, the Council of Truth is guranteeing an outcome of war."-Administrator Houston-

  4. #4
    I do not believe that the ICC has either the will or the legal standing to impose order on Tir. The fact is that the Clans are, regardless of Omni-Teks policy towards them, an autonomous political entity, recognized by the ICC. The Sentinels are an internal problem, and the Clans must resolve that problem themselves.

    For the ICC, or anyone else, to step into this matter would undercut Clan sovereignty, [sarcasm]though I'm SURE that wasn't your intent, eh, Charles?[/sarcasm]

    Senior Partner, Schuemann & Associates (on leave)

  5. #5
    As much as I despise the Clans and their misguided beliefs, I sincerely hope they come to the reasonable conclusion that the Sentinels must be removed. The Neutral community does not deserve the treatment it has recieved from those Clan murderers; in fact, no one should have to live under their iron fist.

    Now, seeing as Rubi-Ka is under lease from ICC (by Omni-Tek, not the Clans, I might point out) it is the ICC's right to step in and remove the Sentinels. If you wish to be recognized by the ICC, you must follow their rules. Omni-Tek has; the Clans, so far, have not.
    Zack "Eternalforce" Craddock
    Professional soldier of fortune.
    Quote Originally Posted by dustynova
    ahhh Ao where the men are boys the women are men and the leets are very very nervous.

  6. #6
    Dr. Cindi "Razishlyat" Bolieu:

    The ICC does not have the... equipment... to deal with the Sentinels. They ran like the lazy, cowardly forces they are last time, and since then, they have been sitting contentedly back doing nothing as Newland and Tir were ravaged. Even Borealis has been descending into lawless attacks on the city streets.

    No, the ICC is certainly no help here. Once again, it looks like we will have to raise our own forces to expel the Sentinels.

    (( OOC: And pray to god that FC listens ))
    Last edited by Zagadka; Feb 13th, 2004 at 22:29:12.
    Aleksei "Zagadka" Garcia - Savior, Council Clerk
    Cindi "Razishlyat" Bolieu - Advisor Eternalist

  7. #7


    Despite our differences with the Sentinels at least they proivide some kind of order. As usual the Clans want change but they provide no solutions. They have never been organized to come together as one. Greed and Power hunger divide them as always. Time spent undermining Omni is time they should spend organizing thier own govement. For those who shout "Peace". I ask who is the leader of the Clans? Who fully represents them. For me that is easy to answer. For Clan impossible. Clan come to Omni and do as they wish, not respecting our Goverment or Laws. Why should I ever expect them to respect their own.

    As far as the Neutrals are concerned, I have lost much respect for the Newland Council and the Newland Militia. I seen many Omni attacked and Killed with the support of many Clan. I would say that now Newland will again become a haven for criminals with outstanding warrants. Those who have killed Omni will be delt with accordingly. How the Neutral Council could authorize the killing of Omni is to my amazement.

    In the past we have worked with the law enforcements of each area, to deal with criminals running from Omni areas. I dont see much hope for this to continue. Despite that I will authorize my Officers to enter non Omni controlled areas if at first my request for cooperation is refused.

    Everyday my desk fills with reports of wanted criminals escaping to Tir and Athen. As the list grows, I will soon be forced to begin sweeps into these citys.

    Let all criminals be warned, you will not be safe anywhere you hide.

    General Gencop
    Last edited by Gencop; Feb 13th, 2004 at 22:24:56.

  8. #8
    Dr. Cindi "Razishlyat" Bolieu:

    It is men like you, general, that give the Sentinels their support and cause.
    Aleksei "Zagadka" Garcia - Savior, Council Clerk
    Cindi "Razishlyat" Bolieu - Advisor Eternalist

  9. #9
    Its men like him that keep people like you safe. I wonder why sometimes though.

  10. #10
    Originally posted by Ukblizzard
    Its men like him that keep people like you safe. I wonder why sometimes though.
    Dr. Cindi "Razishlyat" Bolieu:

    Safe? From who, himself? My last dealing with Omni-Tek... lets see... Ah, yes. A Dust Brigade attack on Meetmedere. But it was not the Dust Brigade that felled me. No, it was being shot in the back by an Omni-Tek employee, as I healed those fighting. Feh to Omni-Tek and its "protection."

    We don't need your help or your interference in this matter. We can take care of our own well enough.
    Aleksei "Zagadka" Garcia - Savior, Council Clerk
    Cindi "Razishlyat" Bolieu - Advisor Eternalist

  11. #11
    *looks at his watch*

    This won't the be first or last time I hear a Clan/Clanner say that they'll help or do something to improve the stability on Rubi-Ka. Back during the Amnesty, many Clans had the vision for co-existance, but none had the will to carry through with their beliefs. Look where that has led, the millitants have taken power and now dictate their policy of aggression and revenge against the rest of Rubi-Ka. Meanwhile, the rest of Rubi-Ka myself included have given ample time for the Clans to act 'on their own' on the matter of the ICC being forced out of Tir with the Sentinel 'volunteer thugs'.

    My sense of decency keeps reminding me to do something about the appalling situation in Tir. I'm free and unoccupied now that the Newland Guard Initative has achieved its intended goal. Perhaps I can be of assistance in putting together a Tir Civil Defense Initative? Catchy name don't you think?

    Do not be too proud to admit needing help as I won't be ashamed to offer it.

    Administrator Kithrak,
    Charles 'Kithrak' Houston - Equipment
    Administrator, Omni-Admin
    Bringing the politics of Rubi-Ka to life!

    "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster....when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you..." -Friedrich Nietzsche-

    "By denying support to the possibility of peace, the Council of Truth is guranteeing an outcome of war."-Administrator Houston-

  12. #12
    Dr. Cindi "Razishlyat" Bolieu:

    Ya know, I think you had better take care of those rogue divisions that issue phantom warrants for innocent civilians, before you worry too much about Clan politics.
    Aleksei "Zagadka" Garcia - Savior, Council Clerk
    Cindi "Razishlyat" Bolieu - Advisor Eternalist

  13. #13
    Guilt is determined by the courts, provided that they can be braught to trial in the first place. The warrants you refer to have been recommended to be reexamined. Since then they have not been pursued and should remain that way provided there are no catalysts to change that.
    Charles 'Kithrak' Houston - Equipment
    Administrator, Omni-Admin
    Bringing the politics of Rubi-Ka to life!

    "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster....when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you..." -Friedrich Nietzsche-

    "By denying support to the possibility of peace, the Council of Truth is guranteeing an outcome of war."-Administrator Houston-

  14. #14

    Thats what I mean!!


    We don't need your help or your interference in this matter. We can take care of our own well enough.

    "We" means who?

    The Dust Brigade was a prime example of Clans feeding on Clan.

    And we do worry about Clan Politics since they affect Omni.

    What happened to:

    "The Deacon" for President!!

    At least he showed some motivation of leadership.

    General Gencop

  15. #15
    Dr. Cindi "Razishlyat" Bolieu:

    Initiative? We've had plenty of initiative for leadership. Too much, if you ask me. You lot still sit back and infight and harp about how ICC (in all of its infinite, grand, and galaxy-sweeping wisdom and power) issues some phantom lease, blah blah that ICC is the supreme power... then minutes later cry like uninsured schoolgirls cornered by a slackmutant about ICC's regulations when they don't let you kidnap a decent citizen leaving Omni-Tek of her own free will.

    What is your prime defense (or, rather, offense, as Clan politics is none of your business) here? That there are Clan-"affiliated" (defined so by the simple fact that they also dare to oppose Omni rule) elements like the Dust Brigade, so we can't control ourselves? You seem to have a hard enough time controlling your own "loyal" detatchments, much less your brutish thugs like Loren Warr, finally thrown out by a wild mob of Clan and Neutral citizens? Are you aware that there were Omni citizens present shouting, "Heal Loren Warr! She is Omni!"? Has your precious Omni-Admin taken any further steps to investigate such "treachery," or will you bother tracing criminals into your own backyards?

    You have your thugs, we have ours. No matter which side of an argument you are on, there is always someone you wish were on the other.

    I suggest you take care of your own.
    Last edited by Zagadka; Feb 14th, 2004 at 02:40:42.
    Aleksei "Zagadka" Garcia - Savior, Council Clerk
    Cindi "Razishlyat" Bolieu - Advisor Eternalist

  16. #16
    *looks at his watch*

    Droid, audio record, save under Logically impossible study.

    Subject is still in process of speaking on speaking about doing something. No hypothesis at this time on when the auctual talk about talking phase will be completed. Continue to monitor and proceed as planned, no delay in schedule.

    End recording.
    Charles 'Kithrak' Houston - Equipment
    Administrator, Omni-Admin
    Bringing the politics of Rubi-Ka to life!

    "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster....when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you..." -Friedrich Nietzsche-

    "By denying support to the possibility of peace, the Council of Truth is guranteeing an outcome of war."-Administrator Houston-

  17. #17
    Relle sits at her desk and shakes her head as her eyes read the article and comments for the third time. With a low growl she quickly brings up her datapad and begins to type a heated missive to the FJRK reader comment submission address. After a few paragraphs of text she sits back with a sigh and shakes her head as she hits delete instead of send on the missive.

    "Aw hell, one of these days their gonna do their homework and realise my wife isn't a Ms. but I'm not gonna waist my breathe beraiting them about it publicly."

    With a soft sigh Relle closes her HUD, flips off the desk lamp, and heads into the bedroom to sleep saving her rage for some poor Omni in her first mornings mission.
    Relle "Albanis" Clemente
    The Black Company

    Facta Non Verba - Deeds Not Words

  18. #18

    Rinse and repeat

    Ladies ... Gentlemen ...

    I have been wandering the Shadowlands for the last months and taken little interest in Rubi-Ka's struggles. Now, I return to see that nothing has changed. Almost.

    Indeed, Loren Warr and his thugs have been expelled from neutral grounds, which means my brother is finally able to enter his house during daylight, after being forced to sneak around his hometown like a criminal for almost a year. Was about time and I am grateful that it has finally come true.

    Likewise, I would hope that the Sentinels would change their oppinion but given Simon Silverstone's stance on the issue it will take some time. But honestly I prefer him and his policies around instead of a weak and incapable ICC.

    I do not think I have to repeat for another time how ill-advised the decisions of the ICC on the matters here proved to be. To me, they tried to extinguish the flames with kerosene. the best thing they could do it to finally pull their remaining troops from Rubi-Ka and return to their own inter-corporate scheming. This planet is better off without an bunch of lawyers and accountants that try to be generals.

    But I do not wish to see Omni-Pol or any other of their forces in a city that is genuine clan-built and the seat of the Council of Truth, the best if only chance for the clans to ever get a government. Tir is a clan city. I don't complain about not being able to walk peacefully around Omni-1 either.

    To throw accusations back and forth will not lead us anywhere. The problem is that there is people on both sides that profit from the conflict. They will do everything to prevent peace. And the easiest way is still to gun down people from the "other side". So far, it always works. There's always someone who jumps the gun.

    The Council of Truth returning is a chance. Radiman is not part of this chance. I know of many clansmen that do not trust him. Some would prefer to see him dead - permanently. I really hope that the Council of Truth would elect a new speaker. I do not believe in the propaganda about the CoT funding the Dust Brigade. No one has ever bothered to present any hard facts, and until that happens, it's just another attempted scam. But whatever speaker we might choose, it's not Omni-Tek's business.

    To end this - I do not want to oust the Sentinels from Tir. However, I do want them to respect the rights of neutral inhabitants to stay neutral. Think of them whatever you want, but don't shoot them on our streets. And while you're at it, move the grid access back into the city, with bank and mission terminals. Or maybe ask the major of Athens. We manage peacefully without the Sentinels.

    Yes, there is the voice of reason on both sides. It has always been. But I cannot yet see it gain the upper hand. Until that happens, I guess we will live with the fact that I'm called a criminal, thug or terrorist by certain Omni-Tek Departments. I could care less.

    Corrine 'Daimoness' Wright
    Corrine Daimoness Wright
    - Veteran of Apocalypse
    - General of the Mercury Dragons (ret.)
    - Member of the Grumpy Old Crat Bunch

    If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen. - Samuel Adams

  19. #19
    Many months ago a friend of mine and I had a grand idea. We were going to free travel on Rubi-Ka. To free Tir and Newland at the same time, though Newland proved to be a little too tough for our rag tag force fo rebels. We succeeded in allowing Neutrals travel through Tir. In light of the NGI and recent events I will be reinstating this service. If at anytime someone is in need of travel through Tir I will do my best to escort them through, free of charge. This escort service is for Neutrals, and peaceably intentioned Omni.

    If you need escort feel free to contact Fixerben or Meliander.

    Benjamin "Fixerben" Bacarella - L212 AL10
    Haywood "Brawlking" Jablomy - L220 AL21

  20. #20
    Newland was always supposed to be neutral territory, and I for one am happy to see everyone working together to bring it back there.

    However, Tir is not neutral. It is a Clan city. I wouldn't hold my breath for real support from Omni-Tek in helping set the city safe for neutral, since there is no profit in helping Clan trade or merchants with new customers. The ICC has proven that it is useless, running with their tails between their legs when Silverstone came in with his Sentinels. I'm sure even the Jobeans wouldn't get involved, since they never favor any faction.

    No, the only way we'll get rid of the Sentinels is to do it ourselves. The Clans will need to show that we don't want Silverstone and his neutral-hating troops in Tir anymore. Most likely, we'll have to back up those words with action.

    Tir needs to be safe for those who have declared themselves neutral, pure and simple. I'm tired of seeing the peace-loving among us being dragged into the conflict, whether they want to or not. We need to do something about it, and by "we" I mean the Clans. Like it or not, it's our problem, and this is our chance to show some unity and demonstrate we can run this planet just as well as Omni or ICC.

    So how about it? Any Clan leaders want to step up to the challenge?
    Michael "Talonarr" Hawke
    Clan Adventurer
    Dual Resident of Borealis/Jobe

    The Choice

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