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Thread: pioneer backpack, how to change ?

  1. #1

    pioneer backpack, how to change ?

    What can u do with it ? what can u change, and can u destrou it when you try to alter it ?

    If some one have tryed to play with the stats on it, plz share your knowledge.


    gugge NT lv 48

    fondy MA lv 22

  2. #2
    You really REALLY should try a search before posting as you will most likely find your answer. But since you're too lazy for that (or perhaps just a bit slow), the answer is that you can modify the backpack with a screwdriver that can be purchased at the Trade section of any general shop (basic/advanced/superior). By left clicking on the screwdriver and then shift-right clicking on the backpack you'll be able to modify the backpack. Honestly did you even try shift left clicking on the packback to read it's description? Anyways, after modifying the backpack you can always modify it back to the original by left clicking on the screwdriver and then shift-right clicking on the backpack.

    Important note: Be sure to read the description of the backpack otherwise...

  3. #3
    And empty the pack before modifying it
    Seid. Clan Nano Technician, Atlantean
    Proud member of Opposing Force ( Website )
    Seid's Hideout : Home of the Friends List Tool
    I would like to see a mail system in AO, for letters, money and goods, and with mail order !

  4. #4


    Thks Rongan for your "fast" answer.

    I really REALLY did do a search for pioneer.... and scrolled thru lots of threads, with lots of offers and bids, but no info.

    And yes i did bother to read the inscription on the back, (how else would i know it was posible to modify it?)

    What I just dont understand is why peoble wants it so bad, that they are willing to pay up til 5-6 mill for it. ( i get offers to sell it all the time) It really dosent add that much to your skills.
    So what i wanted to know was if it could add lots more when modified. Of couse i could just have tryed, but didnt know if that could damage it. (but i do now, thks)

    So I will buy my self a screwdriver and get to work.!!

    Have fun out there


  5. #5
    There is only 1 reason why people want it. You can't buy it from stores (in the game that is) nor can you get it off of mobs. It's a special one time only "gift" FC gave to the players who stuck with AO since some date last year. I, myself, got it because I've been playing since AO went public. And while it's not such a big deal, It would take a lot of money for me to part with mine. Oh, I figure a few billion credits might make be change my mind. Credits first of course.

  6. #6
    There is another reason. Those general 1 skill boosts tip the balance sometimes when doing certain things... and the 180 tutoring has helped me many times ( yes...tutoring works )
    Seid. Clan Nano Technician, Atlantean
    Proud member of Opposing Force ( Website )
    Seid's Hideout : Home of the Friends List Tool
    I would like to see a mail system in AO, for letters, money and goods, and with mail order !

  7. #7
    Originally posted by Rongan
    You really REALLY should try a search before posting as you will most likely find your answer. But since you're too lazy for that (or perhaps just a bit slow), the answer is that you can modify the backpack with a screwdriver that can be purchased at the Trade section of any general shop (basic/advanced/superior). By left clicking on the screwdriver and then shift-right clicking on the backpack you'll be able to modify the backpack. Honestly did you even try shift left clicking on the packback to read it's description? Anyways, after modifying the backpack you can always modify it back to the original by left clicking on the screwdriver and then shift-right clicking on the backpack.

    Important note: Be sure to read the description of the backpack otherwise...
    just my opionon but i think the reason these forumns are here is for people to ask question. there isn't any new information to be learned after a certain period so new people trying to learn get the most benifit from these forumns. Ron lighten up its just a game im sure u know enough since u been here since day1 so either u here to help or to rant/flame. i do both my self at times but be nice to the new guys. that is just my opion

  8. #8
    Originally posted by dilinger

    just my opionon but i think the reason these forumns are here is for people to ask question. there isn't any new information to be learned after a certain period so new people trying to learn get the most benifit from these forumns. Ron lighten up its just a game im sure u know enough since u been here since day1 so either u here to help or to rant/flame. i do both my self at times but be nice to the new guys. that is just my opion
    You got a point. But here's one for ya. Wouldn't it be more effective if instead of asking a question to do research on it? That way it saves time for both the asker and the answerer. So instead of asking things like how to I modify a Pioneer Backpack or how do I make chemical maussers (which have been answered time and time again) we could be asking ourselves, how do engineers make those Kamikaze Robots (broken right now) or where are the possible places to get the unique parts to complete the Alvin/Dodga quest (also been answer but there are also other places that you can get the parts). You see the boards should be a place for answers, but instead of "reinviting the wheel each day" we should be adding to it.

  9. #9
    the people who buy these things are usually high levels with lots of money and nothing to buy. 3-6 million is not that much to a lvl 100+ person. might as well buy a pioneer as a status symbol sort of thing.

  10. #10
    Well, I can see that bickering for hours about what is best to do is a good alternative.

    Also, the more posts that gets posted, the better.

    As long as you empty the backpack first, you can fiddle with it as much as you want. Currently, the only thing you can change is the scale, but you can change it back and forth as you please.

    The backpack should in my opinion be NODROP, because as it is now, it doesn't really have a purpose.

    Finally free from this nightmare!

  11. #11
    Putting nodrop on it now s also abit useless. Well, not that I'm using mine so much. Only when I'm 1 abilitypoint short when installing implants

    Oh, perhaps I will use it when (if) I ever should consider having need for tutoring devices. YAY!
    90-ish enf --- soon by the 100-milestone. Soo slooooow development
    30-ish MP --- likes nanoprogramming
    40-ish trader --- not as overequipped as he should have been
    30-ish MA --- was suposed to be critbuff-dispencer
    10-ish DOC --- eat nanokits like candy, and attracts mobs like bees to honey
    10-ish NT --- I would give ANYTHING to get NT's extractor-line on my ENF.
    10-ish MP --- reroll of the above one. Found out that the first one was funnier to play
    10-ish ENF --- intended to try duelwield, but the first lvls until i get my first mongo is kinda boring

    I have created monsters. - Gummizluv
    Yes Gummi, but unfortunately only one monster (nerd) - Intra

    When a pump action shotgun fires more rounds per minute than a sub-machine gun, you've just entered Anarchy Online... - ReelBigFish

    hope this helps. I confuse myself somtimes - Irritated

    Enforcer is gimp, be a soldier... - Seb

  12. #12
    The tutoring devices are kind of handy if you want to use tradeskills.

    Finally free from this nightmare!

  13. #13
    Originally posted by Rongan
    But since you're too lazy for that (or perhaps just a bit slow)

    I love it when people are so understanding and fair in their judgements.
    Last edited by SanFran_Fitz; Apr 28th, 2002 at 19:30:55.
    "Hey, hey now. Don't be mean. We don't have to be mean.
    'Cause, remember, no matter where you go..... there you are."
    -Buckaroo Banzai

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