Let me present myself. I am Willis "Ramvi" Miyashiro. I'm a happy, well known clanner on Rubi-Ka. Leader of Freedom Fighters og Rubi-Ka.

Four month ago a guild was started. It was called Freedom Fighters of Rubi-ka (FFRK). It worked _very_ well for one month. Then I stoped playing AO and the guild was destroyd. Now - three months after I've reactivated my accaunt and want to recreate Freedom Fighters og Rubi-Ka.

There are some few things you have to consider before you want to join:
- You have to know English well.
- You have to be smart. I ain't a killer guild. We fight for what we believe in with words, if Omni-Tek dosn't listen then we have to use more power. So killers ain't accepted in Freedom Fighters of Rubi-Ka.
- You have to know the game well.
- You have to be a active player/you have to use your main character.

Come join me recreating Freedom Fighters of Rubi-Ka and make Rubi-Ka a better home for you and for me. Send a tell to Ramvi.

Good luck on Rubi-Ka, stay safe.