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Thread: 14.2 - New player changes

  1. #21
    30 to me seems ridiculously high. What kind of idiot makes it to level 25 and still is so incompetent that you can't give him any death penalties?

    If it has to be raised, raise it to level 15. That should be enough time for anyone to have figured out how to play the game.

    Once this change goes through, we should see an amusing consequence. Level 30 players will be logging onto these forums and saying, "Waaah, no fair, I died and I lost 1000 exp! We shouldn't have to lose exp when we die!"

  2. #22
    Originally posted by silmaril
    The reason for this change is quite simple I guess. Ao probably have a high amount of players that never pay after the first week, and this will help change that. Those of you that post at these boards made it by those levels the first time and have decided to stay. All the rest that played for four days and got fed up with dying and loosing all their xp don't.

    This change will give more new players time to understand the gameplay. I can't see anything wrong with at all. How many times do an experienced player die between level 6 and 30 anyways? not many...

    I totally agree with u sil, but maybe they can lesser that to lvl 20 maybe, cause i think it's high enought, and they have the time to understand the mecanism of AO

  3. #23


    ya, i dunno......I thought the low lvl part of the game was the only part that was fun, seems now your blow right thru steaming on your way to the suckage of higher lvl, but I guess the low lvl game is what Funco believes isnt correct ........i cant hardly contain myself reading patch notes now.lmao

  4. #24
    I agree, this change is at the very least overdone, but more accurately, it's unneeded.

    I havn't seen anyone who can't live within the babysitting of the backyards before moving on with the rest of the game.

    If they MUST do this, the levels they've proposed are too high. Lvl 15 at the most, then you're on your own. You've gained your first title, you're all grown up now.

    They need to fix the high levels of the game before they go and padding the newbie levels... there's no problem there.

    All you're going to get is more incompetent players, who are going to load up the petion system even more, with even more trivial request. All this because they're so used to not loosing anything, that the first time they do they think something's wrong.

    Thank goodness I can still run a mission and keep the punks out... in other games, this would of meant that the trains coming out would of been worse, because more clueless newbies would be stirring up trouble, because they don't learn there's concequences to their actions. Things that affect other players.

  5. #25

    Exclamation Why change at all??????????

    I've just spent the first month of my subscription playing all different char's for all three sides just to get the feel of the game.

    I have taken all my char's to around level 8-15 just to get the feel of them. I have finally picked one to get "serious" with (MA), which I have just leveled at 22.

    I see no reason to change the level death penalties AT ALL let alone all the way to 30!!! As a matter of fact as soon as I get to level 2 I get out of backyard, do 1(one!) mission in trainer (to get easy then take off for the "real" world were at least the missions and people around can make the game more interesting.

    The most annoying part of death is the wait to get back to snuff with skills, if you want to trim that a little fine but thats about it IMHO.
    Life's a bi*ch and then you die.

  6. #26

    Thumbs down

    I am against these changes.

    Key points reprinted from a thread I started on this board yesterday:

    I LIKE complicated games. I LIKE having to figure out how to do stuff to keep my character safe. And I've been impressed at the caliber of players AO attracts (judging by reading message boards.) >>>That's a key reason I chose to move to this game.<<<

    With less challenge, there is less sense of accomplishment.

    It is risk that makes reward meaningful.

  7. #27

    Ummm, riiight....

    This is one of the stupidest changes/additions I have seen yet, right up there with adding the oh'so needed /list command....
    What the hell are you guys thinking?

    Also, what the hell happened to helping Adventurers?! Out in the cold still longer...

  8. #28

    Re: 14.2 - New player changes

    Originally posted by Cosmik
    New player changes:

    *Many people find the first levels and hours on Rubi-Ka difficult. This has never been the intention, thus we have reduced the penalty for dying in the very beginning. These are the new changes:

    -No loss of XP from death until lvl 30

    -No Resurrection Shock until lvl 25

    -No loss of items until lvl 15

    *The start-up First Aid and Treatment kits have had their charges drastically increased. They will now have 300 charges, so healing should be plentiful in the beginning.

    I am totally serious here... All us Fixers who are staying in AO will need this to start mains in other professions, and this will make it much easier for us to do that after we delete our Fixers.

    Please all you players who are ranting about these changes - please, "think of the Fixers!!" I mean, there will be 2000 of us who need to reroll (oh wait, with everyone gone it will be more like 20 of us lol) and this will greatly help us get back in the game in another profession.

  9. #29
    I think you have this backwards:

    -No loss of XP from death until lvl 30
    -No Resurrection Shock until lvl 25
    -No loss of items until lvl 15

    XP is easiest to get back and items the most difficult. If it were up to me I'd do it this way:

    -No loss of items until lvl 25
    -No loss of XP from death until level 15
    -Scale Resurrection Shock from 1 second at level 1 to 75 seconds (or whatever it is now) at level 200

    When your level 2 Trader dies (Trader is so far the only class I've had trouble leveling up to 20) and you have to wait for rez sickness for as long as it would take to get an entire level of exp, it really blows.

  10. #30
    Cha ching! It's all about the money, folks... not that there is anything wrong with that, necessarily. Afterall, if FC ain't making any money on AO, then, well, no AO at all.

    That being said, I think FC lets money guide their decisions a little too much maybe. Every fix/nerf seems aimed at keeping as many customers paying as possible for at least one more month as opposed to contributing to a long term well balanced, enjoyable game.

    The devs seem to be suffering from a serious case of short sightedness and lack of vision... then again, nothing screws artistic vision more than having accountants standing over your shoulder breathing down your neck.

    Ah sorry, sorta went off topic, I suppose. I'm just starting to get a little disillusioned with AO. I want to know where this game is going if I'm to continue sinking money into it. So far, I've seen nothing from FC that leads me to believe that even they think this game will be around more than a few more months. *shrugs*

  11. #31

    Angry You have GOT to be kidding me!

    This is the WORST decision you could have ever made! Would you like to know what you will end up with? A bunch of level 31 charecters who are NOT USED TO SAVING. Level 30-50 will be hell now, and as they increse they will only get worse. You think its bad now, with level 10 peopel complaining about loosing exp when they die? Try listening to a barage of complaints about loosing over 100,000 EXP. At least as the low levels, when you learend saving is important, you didn't loose that much exp. This is the absolute worst decision you could have ever made.

  12. #32


    Ok, inital rant out of the way.....

    I do understand that it could use a raising, but no exp loss untill level 30 is nuts, all this will result in is deletion of accounts when they DO die at level 50 or so and lose a large ammount of exp. 100,000 is a large number, substanital enough to make players reconsider their choice of games if they lose that ammount of exp and then say "I could have SAVED it?"

    No loss of items. This seems a tad excessive also, instead of no loss why not make them pop in the reclaim instantly? You need to acustom players to what the game is going to feel like at high levels, or risk their quiting because of all the drastic changes they have to face. Again, 25 is way way high.

    No rez shock. This is a good feature for low levels. And I mean LOW levels. I'll admit that sitting around newbie land while getting skills back is no fun. But the level for this doesn't need to be more than about 5-10.

    Think about this. Level 30 is beyond title level 2. That level will have barely any meaning after the patch, while it is a significant level now. Why not increase, rather than decrease, its significance by puting all these caps at level 15? While I'll admit these are good features, the level should be drasticly reduced, or players will not be familiar with the game system soon enough.

  13. #33

    Please Don't Make the Game Wimpy!!!!

    Is that post true??? Are those changes actually in effect in the game now???

    I have to say I really hope they are not. I thought that not losing xp until level 6 was fine. And if for some unforseen reason Funcom thinks this should be upped... then by all means, only up it to level 10!!!

    What is this "no xp loss till 30, no res shock till 25 and no lost items till 15"????!!!!!

    Please don't tell me that Funcom is "just another game company" that is going to cave to the people who don't like a challange in thier game. I have been there and done that with UO and got soooo totally disgusted by how wussy the whole game got.

    I started playing AO going on 2 months ago now. And it has never crossed my mind that losing xp when dying was so awful. It has added to the fun I have had.

    If and when I want a game with little or no risks I will go back to UO. Until then I want something that challanges my mind and makes me have to work a little to get the satisfaction of a job well done in the game world. Boring safety is not exciting or fun at all.

    PS Just for the inof... I have a level 37 Martial Artist and a level 27 Doctor and like I said that is in LESS than 2 months. IMHO that is not shabby at all for absolutley no twinking and no manual at all but what is online. So I don't want to hear about "how hard it is to level".
    Last edited by Swavena; Apr 23rd, 2002 at 07:36:00.

  14. #34

    Re: 14.2 - New player changes

    I agree with all of the people who say that these numbers are ridiculously high. Your average first character isn't going to hit level 30 for months. You really want to give them that long before hitting them with penalties?

    Here's a better idea: scale resurrection shock so that points regenerate at a constant rate. That way resurrection shock for a first level character, who lost only 5 to 6 points, will only take a few seconds - they won't even notice it. And that way it'll get gradually, and more importantly, understandably worse as the character rises in level.

    No loss of items - it took me several minutes to figure out what you meant, because I've never lost items to death. I always assumed that was a bug, and have been living in mild fear of it getting fixed. Then it occurred to me: do you mean not having to wait for the stuff to show up in reclaim? No. That's silly. Because as soon as you implement this, every character who makes it to level 25 or whatever and THEN has to go to reclaim to get their items back, won't have the slighest idea what happened to their stuff. And almost every single one of them will /petition. Do you really want to wish that on the ARKs?

    Here's a better idea: scale the time to show up in reclaim to the distance travelled. If you're in the same backyard, stuff shows up in reclaim instantaneously. Same area of same playfield, maybe 10 seconds. Same playfield, maybe 20 seconds. Plus 10 seconds per playfield. Or something.

    And I laughed myself silly at the idea of 300 QL0 first aid charges and 300 QL0 treatment kit charges. How in the world is somebody going to use that many of those tiny little 6 point/15 point charges?

  15. #35
    Congrats on THE worst idea I have seen.

    Doing this will take a lot of the challange out of the game.

    I think that it should stay as it is, but if you are truly set on it then have level 10 as the limit. Or if you want to go higher then add a few more levels after 200.
    Active Characters consist of.

    Wingto proud to be a member of The Dojo
    Doktaw stunned to be a member of Friends of The Dojo

    Inactive Chars consist of

    Severena happy to be a member of Friends of The Dojo
    Shackira a proud member of The Sentinals =TDF=
    All on Rimor

  16. #36
    okay i dont like the lvl 30 no xp loss... with all of my chars ive lost xp since lvl 6, so i think it should be that way for everyone. but the rest is good.. lvl 25 for rezz.. very nice!

  17. #37
    Seriously Funcom, why this stupied change!? The game isn't that hard.
    If one cannot handle the basics of AO at lvl 10-15 and cannot accept or deal with that dying is a part of AO, then maybe one should reconsider playing AO at all...

    My worst fear is seeing lvl30+ players begging for creds/armor or whatever just because they cannot handle the game...

    Nothing wrong with being a newbie - we have all been there! But this change must be the most idiotic yet to emerge from Funcom...
    * July 9, 2001 :: + July 29, 2004

  18. #38
    The proposed levels are definitely too high..

    on XP-loss:

    I think lvl 10 is a reasonable point to start losing xp. At this point, most classes chould have access to at least the most basic of all their lower nano lines, and be fully prepared to go out into the real world. Anything higher would, as others have said, undermine the many hours of play a lot of people have put in to get their first chars to lvl 20+, and make the early game too easy.
    on item/rezz effects:

    I would say that 8 and 6 are reasonable for the loss of rez-protection and items respectively.. The gap of 2 levels would give them time to adjust their gameplay for each aspect as they go (and lets be honest, providing these changes for item-loss and rezzing, is only really important for people new to the game imho).

    Xlot (rk2)

  19. #39
    This change is nuts. If you have to do it make it 10,15,20. But better would be no to change it.

  20. #40
    LOL, this would stop low level token farming back in the day. No longer getting missions close to Town, nobody would want to token farm!

    To bad 1000 board is easy now'a'days

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