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Thread: Alvin quest broken?

  1. #1

    Alvin quest broken?

    I'm unable to combine the parts to complete the quest.
    Is this a known thing?

    Can I get an official response at least aknowledging the problem? I just spent 6 hours hunting grey robot mobs, I'd hate to think I'm not even gonna get a few measly tokens and a chinsy little shoulder slot item out of it.

  2. #2
    someone else who dosnt read the news

    YES been broken snice 14.0

    Proud member of Redemption

  3. #3
    And where would someone read "the news"?
    I actually did do a search before posting, all I found was someone summarized all the bugs, but it looked like it was a player just noticing it, I was looking for an official response.
    I heard there was some exploit related to it so they disabled it, but thats just rumors.

  4. #4
    heres the news only the 2nd link down on the front page.

    14.0 alvin responce

    its right at the bottom of the article

    Proud member of Redemption

  5. #5

    Angry Taking bets...

    ...that they never fix the missions.

    Enjoy your pads if you got 'em. Another grandfathered nodrop nerf, a la Carrier Crafts and Decranums-almostneverdrop.

  6. #6
    haha thanks muftak.
    You know I did read that article, but at the time i never heard of that quest so it didnt stick. Its like blah blah something youve never heard of doesnt work.
    Wow nobody in game meantioned that article either while seeing people camped at alvin. I'd say hey quest is broken, and they are like oh you noticed it too.
    geez, why dont they just make alvin say "go away im broken", how hard would that be to temporarily change, or just remove him altogether until its fixed? Oh wait but that would be removing dangling carrots, funcom doesnt believe in that (shop of fortune, bogus quest leads, team mission terms long before they worked, etc. ). Not that it takes the blame from my lack of RTFMing or anything... But I just vent now and then, maybe i should try prozac.

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