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Thread: 1185 Days and Counting ... (bumping appreciated)

  1. #1

    Question 1185 Days and Counting ... (bumping appreciated)

    There has been something nagging me for the last couple of weeks leading up to the latest 14.0 patch. This game has approximately 3 years and 3 months left in existence if FunCom sticks with it's original plans (of course those included a story line as well). How far have we come? Where are we now? Where are we going? These are some hard questions that FunCom owes us an answer to. Everyone is complaining about 14.0 and over-equipping in 14.2. I say when is the game going to start? I didn't get into this MMORPG for the hack and slash, level as fast as you can aspect, it was for the anticipated story line. Does FunCom really think we are all that naive that we'll just happily pay $14/month to play a hack and level game? I think they're sadly mistaken. The time has come for all of us players to turn the tables back onto FunCom and ask, no DEMAND, that we start seeing our money's worth out of it! Keep this thread bumped and start making some noise in game!

    Thank you,

    Anxicor 132 Solitus Engineer

  2. #2
    Bump...BTW we pay to beta test ; )

  3. #3
    No kiddin Anx, thats why i cancelled my acct, aint nothing ever happen, last time there was something for the actualy storyline was that battle in PW. I was lvl46 at the time, and now im 128, thats a long time between events.

    Novabot, 128 engineer

  4. #4
    ermm.... not to be negative or anything, but this is a roleplay game, where players themselves can make events and shape history on Rubi-Ka, at least in a virtual way Some guild events have even been incorportated into the official storyline, and Funcom has also made a guide on how to create guild events.

    I suspect you have been unlucky to have seen so few events, my experience is different, though probably not very much so.... I agree we need more FC organized events too. Most events I have been able to participate in were in the weekends, late night CET.
    Bret 'Bothead' Bannister
    Member of Rising Phoenix

  5. #5

    Sad but true

    Nova it totally sucks that you have left the game for good. It's a sad statement to AO that you quit, with your knowledge and experience I'm sad to see you go. I know the entire VOD guild feels just as strong as I do about it.

    Mr. Gumby I have actually taken part in a couple of player created events including the Cyborg raid in PW. What I have found is that these tend to be spur of the moment events that a very small percentage of players actually are able to participate in. Think of the solo player (which AO touts as one of it's strong points being a solo game if you want it to be), how will he/she EVER be able to take part in the story line or be involved in the game? In a game where no one can die or at least die only temporarily the events NEED to be GM or FC driven. I question how much time you personally have spent in events/quests versus leveling/PvP. While the latter is necessary, there needs to be a better balance in game.

    1182 Days Left

    Anxicor 132 Solitus Engineer

  6. #6

    Player events etc.

    Aaleji, I only pointed out the alternative to the 'feed me' attidute that seems to be prevailing on these boards, for the people who feel there is a lack of content. Player created events can also include GM support if the concept and planning is good enough, again please refer to the official post from Funcom on this matter.

    I think player events can be every bit as good as GM/FC controlled ones, but the organisers *need* to have skill and experience with this. With good planning and communication to the community, there is no reason why such events should be hard to find and participate in. People DO read boards, right?

    As far as soloing goes in AO, isn't it quite obvious why the (casual) solo player will never be able to participate in the storyline to the same extent as the more hardcore players who use their contacts and guild in-game to get information on events and story updates. You choose your playing style, solo or team/guild, or combo... I think that's what most of us do. Personally, I cannot see how my playing style, wether PvP, questing or whatever, has anything to do with my argument, which is based on logic, not any misconception of promises that Funcom haven't made. Yes, I am implying that you expect more than Funcom or anyone else has agreed to provide for the community. So what can be done to create more storyline content that is accessible to most players? I see two alternatives:

    1. Players organize themselves to make more of an impact on the storyline, and this means getting into roleplaying a great deal more than the current community seems to like.

    2. Funcom (inspired by player input?) start working on more content and implementing it in the game, rather than the nerfs they feel compelled to because of the overwhelming number of whiners on these boards. This thread is a counterweight to the nerf-threads, and as such is a positive thing

    Personally I think scenario 1 will be most efficient, it will take time to change the way FC do things.... for immediate results, anyway.
    Bret 'Bothead' Bannister
    Member of Rising Phoenix

  7. #7
    Just a fat Bump to agree with all of you !

  8. #8


    Don't know about you, but I'm going to the 18th of April celebration at Tir tonight

  9. #9

  10. #10

    1165 and still counting ...

    So will 14.2 change the way the game is played? Yes. Will it add to the RP end of the game? No. Though I suppose potentially players may avoid playing the game because they feel that 14.2 unfairly nerfs them with OE. 1165 Days left ... the countdown continues ...
    Ownz Anxicor Botos [benched]
    Malcom Aaleji Thompon [benched]
    Reynaldo Splinnter Fukuda [benched]
    Quinn Falsify Varela [active]

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