In the past mission location problems can (kind of) be overcome with a couple workarounds. I'm listing what I know here, hopefully people will add their ideas to this thread and workarounds can be found in one place.

1. In the past when I got repeated mission spawns in the same place over and over I would take missions in those areas, even up to all 3, and then continue to search and with the same settings would get different locations. Like there is some logic that tries to keep you gathering 3 missions in 3 different locations? Don't know if it's luck or if it works, but it's worth a try.

2. I usually set to bad/money or good/money to get 3 of the same type in the top three mission slots on the term. Soetimes by changing sliders that only seem to affect the type of mission in the bottom two slots, it also seems to change the location slightly. Again, could be just luck but you may want to try it.

3. Have read but have not verified, you get different missions locations depending on where you last cell scanned. So try to scan where your getting the mission, or maybe scan somewhere you never do or have before, and then go to your normal mission term spot and see what it spits out.

Just hoping we may all find a way to have FUN again with missions. FUNCOM?! Don't make us fart around with workarounds, it's a pain!

[anyone who hasn't seen it, there are some official responses to the mission problems in a sticky thread in Game Mechanics - sounds promising]