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Thread: Over-equipping for idiots.

  1. #1

    Over-equipping for idiots.

    Am I an over-equippng exploiter?

    I use dual 1 hand blunt weapons ( maces) with the 1hand blunt skill being the rate limiting factor for equipping.

    I use implants, 1 hand blunt expertise, head-cracker, and mighty challenger to cyclops to boost my 1 hand blunt. This allows me at level 55 to have dual level 77 maces. Could be higher, but have you ever tried to shop for 1 hand blunt weapons- usually 1 per shop (but I digress).

    Tell me this is gamemanship, I thought it was. In fact, I take pride in doing everything myself (snicker from audience). I get no assistace from other players as I use this game as a first person shooter more than role-playing.

    If what I am doing is cheating, than what should I do if my character is not effective at his level and has the optimal armour and weapons (my adventurer)? I don't see many options.

  2. #2


    No you are not since you must be able to use better maces at lvl 55 then QL 77 maces if you are a serious over-equiper.

    And for the last question you should blame Funcom for having made the game unplayable by charcters using low damage weapons since mobs have mongo high health and rediculus good damage shields.

  3. #3
    Spook wrote:

    And for the last question you should blame Funcom for having made the game unplayable by charcters using low damage weapons since mobs have mongo high health and rediculus good damage shields.
    And while ur at it - blame Funcom for making the game unplayable for level155 players who suddenly decides to toss all their equipment and weapons and go fight red mobs in swimming costume - because the mobs in this game were designed to fit players who keep up-to-date on armor and weapons.

    And that is really unfair.

    Did anyone see the ironic smileyface?
    Glbob - lvl50 Enforcer - RK1

  4. #4
    And btw - PLeASe don't start any more "over-equipping" threads! There are already several good ongoing discussions concerning this in the forums!

    And btw it really belongs in the "future changes" forum - not in the "coming up" forum - which is for opinions on the current patch build.
    Glbob - lvl50 Enforcer - RK1

  5. #5


    Originally posted by Spook
    And for the last question you should blame Funcom for having made the game unplayable by charcters using low damage weapons since mobs have mongo high health and rediculus good damage shields.

    1 simple question, why would you use a weapon with low damage?

  6. #6
    I don't see why anyone would use a low-damage weapon. I don't see why anyone would not take advantage of all options of over-equipping there are.
    Glbob - lvl50 Enforcer - RK1

  7. #7


    Hm.. .some misunderstanding here perhaps
    Glbob - lvl50 Enforcer - RK1

  8. #8
    err I self equiped a Q166 hammer at level 82 WITHOUT challenger.

    your not overequiping dude.. at your level you should be self armed with Q100ish stuff at least.. and that is not overequipped

    any self equipped can never be called over equipped (even traders groan as you people may at that)
    I am Dnastyone Official Broom pusher for The Professionals
    Painmage my newest funnest guy

    I would have to say that this is an typicall example of how an flame should not look like. You need to think things through and calm down before you try to write an flame... Im sorry but I would rate this flame with an 1. Aggression is to high, grammar and cursing isnt to well planned... Maybe he has an point somewhere in there but I dont even want to find it. - Centurion3


  9. #9
    Originally posted by reggie
    I don't see why anyone would use a low-damage weapon. I don't see why anyone would not take advantage of all options of over-equipping there are.
    Well, pisols are an entire weapon line with low damage, and it is the best weapon skill for a lot of classes. Good enough reason?

  10. #10
    Ok. Here is our misunderstanding

    He asked what he should do if over-equipping weapons is cheating, and his character is not efficient when not over-equipping. Referring to that question specifically, you say that he should blame Funcom for making the game unplayable for players using low damage weapons. That's why I assumed that with "low damage weapons" you were referring to "not over-equipped weapons", as was what hobbes was talking about, and not to weapon classes that are generally low damage, like pistols.

    And, being the pro-overequipper that I am, I had to sneak in a little joke, because I find it humorous that anyone would deliberately use any equipment less than the max. they can wear.
    That was of course not what you were referring to.

    - Squared?
    Glbob - lvl50 Enforcer - RK1

  11. #11
    Good point Reg, everyone has equal oppurtunity...

    I'm currently lvl 116 sporting a ql200 nova.

    Sure I got a trader but so can you. It's not that hard to ask a friendly trader (especially if their in the guild) to take a few minutes of their time to buff you. A nice donation is always the courtesy.

    As for pistols being low damage your wrong. I'd like to know what type of pistol your using.


    LVL 116 Atrox Clan Soldier (RK2)

  12. #12
    Hello ?

    Notorian, who are you talking to? First I took it that you were all talking to me, but that just can't be because it makes no sense.
    I never said any of those things. LOl

    i just had to edit this post because i wrote a lot of silly crap.
    you must be talking to the others

    Last edited by reggie; Nov 29th, 2001 at 06:02:45.

  13. #13

    Question Exploiter?

    At lvl 78:
    I use ql 105-115 Full nanoarmor,
    and use ql 125 nano programs.
    I got 557 Matter Creation and 544 nano programming...

    I've equipted ql 110 implants and got a nanopool of 1823.

    I've used legal ways of doing this.

    So.. Does this make me an exploiter?
    ..:Dark "Xephiroth" Scorus:..
    124 NanoMage - Nanotechnican:..

    57 Atrox - Enforcer:..

    32 Opifex - Shade:..

    Ignorance is bliss:..

  14. #14
    LOL 554 mat crea at lvl 78
    I am lvl 77 use ql 125 to 137 implants (2 for matrea hand eye, and one for T&S head)
    and i only have *unbuffed* 475 skill (maxed green skill and maxed "green intelligence and psyche" of course)
    Even if i had a matcrea head implant id have only 535 skill.
    This is abolutly impossible sir.
    U urself are usin only ql 110 implants. Well dont tell us that u can have these stats with these implants!

    Fare thee well

  15. #15

  16. #16
    i, on the other hand, am am not an exploiter because i'm using armor with lower ql than my level because i don't have enough cash to get good armor. this makes FC and the mobs exploiters because they are tapping some cash pool that i don't have access to, and that is unfair.

    i use only weapons that i can self buff. granted i could get into a hammer with ql twice my lvl, almost?, with my own buffs; but that would be exploiting.

    drat, i just recalled that i was using a weapon switching tactic the last couple nights. i'm an exploiter too. maybe as punishment i should use nothing but my fists as weapons for a while. i just got a better idea. i shall curtail my own access to the game that lets me exploit. hmn, maybe not, FC is at fault here. they made a game that leads us to equip the best equipment available to us just to keep up with green mobs. they have lead us all into exploitation.

    /me shakes clenched fist at FC.
    /me feels used and debased.
    Last edited by Thyrra; Nov 29th, 2001 at 18:12:48.

  17. #17
    As for low damage weapons, they should theorically compensate it by their speed. It obviously doesn't work well currently though.

    I'm an adv dual weilding hand axes. Altough I considered to switch to riders, I decided to continue with handaxes to see how it performs in the long run.

    From what I've seen, and if the information I gathered around about the effect of initiative on hit rate are true, actually the hand axes have no advantage over the rider to compensate for their weaker hits.

    The problem is that then I wonder why then even bothered to put some weapons in the game, if they're so umbalanced that you have almost only very good choice for a given type of weapon which is better from all aspect over another.

    For instance, most adventurers will tell you: don't use pistols, and if you're using melee weapons, choose riders.

    And from what I've seen, most classes have a single one weapon that is better than the others and so, most people use this weapon.

    It makes annoying clichés, like "atrox-enforcer-hammer", "solitus-adventurer-riders", etc.

    So much for variety...

  18. #18

    Thumbs up Basically...

    You're over-equipped when you kill someone who feels that you shouldn't have been able to...

    Yeshu-Level 89-Neutral-MP

    May The Hand of Rubi-Ka be your guide...

  19. #19


    Anyine who thinks over equiping is a bug most not think well in the head.

    First off everyone has the chance to overequip and yes I mean everyone. I have Engineers come to me and ask for wrangler buffs to get a better pet for their hard mission.

    Second of all. Over equiping was obviously intended. why else would there be all kinds of buffs that raise ppl's skill for a VERY VERY short period of time. Traders have WRANGLERS which only last 3 mins. granted yes it could be used to buff a memeber of your team but it decreases your skills ab y a large amount. Who wants to drop their own skills just so they can buff one member of thier team by 74. The answer is no one. Thats what there is team wranglers for and still few ppl use those. If you've ever played with a well built trader he probly has a way over equip gun on that he can self buff into. Traders guns usually a Vektor aren't any good unless you crit so why would anyone want to lower their shotgun skill by 100 and greatly reduce the already hard chance of critting against a MOB.

    Think a little bit ppl before you yell EXPLOIT. you have the same chance to do it everyone else does. Just becuase you don't want to spend the time and money don't get mad at ppl that do to be the best they can be.

  20. #20
    Originally posted by Shinji
    LOL 554 mat crea at lvl 78
    I am lvl 77 use ql 125 to 137 implants (2 for matrea hand eye, and one for T&S head)
    and i only have *unbuffed* 475 skill (maxed green skill and maxed "green intelligence and psyche" of course)
    Even if i had a matcrea head implant id have only 535 skill.
    This is abolutly impossible sir.
    U urself are usin only ql 110 implants. Well dont tell us that u can have these stats with these implants!

    Fare thee well
    Hey Shinji!
    I didn't say UnBuffed!
    MC for implants: 121 (60 Head, 37 Hand, 24 Eye)
    MC from Int: Dunno, but I got 294 buffed (Int affects MC)
    All implants are ql 110.

    So... I got 559 MC with the normal +20 MC General buff and +12 Int buff. No pillows nor other buffs.

    It tis quite possible my friend... With the right funding, and time.

    And when it comes to over-equipting:
    It's not cheating to invest money and time in building an uber player. It takes a lot of time to earn money for ql 125 implants (for instance) and getting the right clusters and so on.
    ..:Dark "Xephiroth" Scorus:..
    124 NanoMage - Nanotechnican:..

    57 Atrox - Enforcer:..

    32 Opifex - Shade:..

    Ignorance is bliss:..

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