- Summon car or plane, NOT USELESS stuff which a character already got toptuned! Summon RARE or UNIQUE stuff, and/or stuff ala medikits/firstaid (lots more useful than armour and ****)
- let fixer be a solo player! lone wolf type? See below how to do this.
- give fixer, a true hacker, and solo player, the ability to listen to private chats!! This makes it useful for espionage, reconnaisance etc!!! Would be great if fixer could stealth/cloak (another fix, se below)
- Make fixer stealth or cloak with effective nanos. Let backdraw be that he must stand still or stuff, and/or only in regular areas like with suppression@75%, cities etc
- HACK robots!! Turn them against eachother, aid or shutdown for period

Game stuff:
- banking transactions/postsystem (grid transfers?) from bankdeposit to bankdeposit. Cost based on ql or weight (most likely). Set price reasonable high so that its used in rare/very needed cases only.
- option to sort nicks/friends into groups. E.g guild and clanmembers into an own group
- give sides OWN channels, e.g clans have their own channel which omnis can't listen to