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Thread: Player Semi-Enforced Team/Group PvP

  1. #1

    Player Semi-Enforced Team/Group PvP

    Anyone else sick of the duels that are going on in the PvP scene currently?

    Wanted to know if PvPers are interested in designating some interesting fighting points for people to go to whenever they want to PvP.

    Since the system/locations we have to PvP right now are kind of borked (2HO has the bunkers, MMD has the damn zone lines etc).

    I was thinking more along the line of the elevated omni bases in 4 Holes (or any interesting places you might know of), that PvPers can go to and actually expect some fighting to be going on. It really sucks when you want to have a nice rumble and go to 2HO to find it empty, or head to MMD to find a bunch of lamers who only want to duel those they think they can definately beat.

    So, to test the ability of the PvP would you all like the notion of designating PvP areas to concentrate the fight which we can shift around whenever someone finds another interesting spot or just want something new? Something to get away from the zone hugging and dueling and just have some good fights.

    An example of this might be to let everyone here (and other boards/people interested in PvP) know of the current PvP area agreed upon.

    After knowledge of the area gets out, PvPers looking for a fight would now go to this area instead of places like 2HO or MMD and (ideally) have a good fight with no zone boundaries, nuisances etc.

    If anyone needs more clarification just ask.

    The real tough part of this is that it's whole implementation rests on the player base at the moment. If followed through, can be real fun for those who want some open PvP with no zones, or areas to flee too (unless you flee the whole scene).

    For more fun, we could probably have people participate in a 'virtual' holding of the area. Things such as asking all who wish to participate to donate some amount of money or items to a trustworthy holder that will be given as a prize to a team who can hold the area after an undisclosed amount of time.

    By that I mean, imagine I am a moderator of a 'holding' event, I will set a time say 10, 20 or 30mins. However, I will not tell any of the teams of the time length. After the timer is up, whoever is holding the base at that time, wins.

    Little events like these could bring a whole new light to the PvP scene...but once again, can only be implemented through a devoted player base.

    Give me your opinions on this matter.

  2. #2
    Make the whole world 25% gas, and arenas 0%.

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