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Thread: Editorial: Whispers Edge Anniversary Party

  1. #1

    Post Editorial: Whispers Edge Anniversary Party

    Editorial: Whispers Edge Anniversary Party
    Editor in Chief Irotinat

    I was fortunate to attend a celebration tonight in Reets Retreat in honor of the one year anniversary of Whispers Edge (EG). To be honest, I normally don’t venture out of the office for such shin digs, but the sheer scale and popularity of this event warranted a look. What I found were many Clan, Neutral, and even Omni people meeting peacefully over drinks and music.

    A militant clan supporter at heart, I needed to find out just why this was going on. I approached Vixentrox, the leader of Whispers Edge and by far the woman of honor at this gathering, for answers. “Whisper's Edge has been a fairly strong supporter of neutral rights in the past.” She said as a Neutral Catalyste walked up and hugged her. She went on to expand that “We have been at the forefront of trying to remove Silverstone from Tir.”

    Whispers Edge’s philosophy is this- They attempt diplomacy first (A rarity for a Clan organization) and then if that does not work they take physical action. This mindset has earned them love and respect of many organizations including Cerebus, Unity of the Rose ,Valor Eternal, First light, Cupids Arrow, and various other groups.

    As a fellow Clan member, I have to wonder what all this fraternizing with people outside the Clans means. As I was shocked to find Omni-Tek employees at the party along side their sworn enemies, I asked about this. “Whisper's Edge doesn't hate Omni people” she said, “the people themselves are misguided...deceived.”

    In their charter, Whispers Edge proclaims that their one of their chief programs is converting Omni-Tek employees to the free life of the Clans. This action, in effect eating Omni-Tek from the inside, is sometimes more effective than combat that just builds hate. Whispers Edge works to show these misguided and deceived Employees the light.

    Scores of people came out to live a night of the good life with Whispers Edge, and from all accounts this was yet another of their successful social gatherings. I for one am pleased to see such camaraderie among Clan members and their allies, and this night has been a welcome break from the violence and bloodshed that rages across Rubi-Ka.

  2. #2
    Thank you for the interview! Look forward to more stories from the Clan side of things.
    -Finalizer Vixentrox-
    Former President and Founder,
    -Whisper's Edge-
    Former Member of the Atlantean CoT Clerical Staff

    Socializer 73% Killer 53% Explorer 53% Achiever 20%

    Kissysuzuki -
    WTB small enough brain and lack of imagination to be able to sit and solo hecklers for 5 days straight.

  3. #3
    I find this continuing desire by the press to whip up factional hatred most distressing. It is important to regard others as people first, with politics as an unfortunate fact of life. When you dehumanize people into automatic enemies, simply because their papers read "omni-tek" or "clan" or "neutral," you are falling into the same trap that engulfs humanity whenever leaders seek to whip up frenzied feelings in favor of war.

    On the plus side, I must congratulate all of Whisper's Edge, and Vixentrox in particular, for maintaining their balance along that edge of political standing vs. personal friendships; not to mention keeping a fine organization running well!

    It is certainly fortunate that the press was so shocked to see omnis such as me openly accepted at the WE party that they didn't stay to see me commit probably the most graceless and ill-conceived act of my entire career on Rubi-Ka. I appologized immediately afterward, but it was one of those things you really can't take back. I fear I may have fatally compromised a few friendships (omni friendships, curiously enough).

    Truth or Dare is one of the most dangerous games existing on Rubi-Ka... certainly as dangerous, in its way, as notum mining. In addition to me "outting" a person in a most evil fashion, that same "game" saw an honorable person commit suicide rather than perform a certain dare. Who knows what other casualties occurred after Highlander and myself were forced out of the fray.

    - Betji

    Freelance Atlantean Omni Agent
    "People first, Politics last"

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