…that's what Zane thought when Sir Beargar asked for the clans assistance and for the Clans to gather in the city of Home, in Broken Shores. He said that the Knights of Camelot needed their help once again. Many came as he kept getting reports from what was going on in Home. While the Knights of Camelot lead an attack to an Omni command post on the far East side of Broken Shores, he was not far away in a building in Home, Zane was busy with defeating Omni-Tek for the retrieval for some important logistics information. Along with five others, they drove foreword to finish this important quest and hoped that it would be useful for the upcoming battle.

When he arrived, the battle was already in full swing, Omni’s resistance was few and none as a few slayer droids were being attacked taking a few casualties, but it seemed that half of Clan itself was there. The base was overcrowded with fellow clan members, when he moved he felt as if he was moving so very slowly and in not the right direction due to the amount of bodies that pushed and moved around in the small area.

For moments they seemed victorious, the opposition had been swept, and any Omni opposition that did arrive did not stand around long enough to sweep the ongoing clan members. It was at that moment though that a massive HUD disruption occurred whipping out all of the clan forces, clearing the area completely. It wasn't when he came to he saw what he feared. "S**t," he whispered to himself as members from Hydra were already patrolling the base.

"Omni-Tek is here," someone yelled in a private encoded message to his com. He only knew one way to address this.

"My fellow Clan Leaders...," Zane began speaking on the leader com, it was time to gather to troops and fight back. He told his fellow leaders that Omni-Tek has sent reinforcements, and it was time for them to continue this battle, but not as individuals.

Moments later, he met his fellow brother and sisters clan members in front of Home's East Gate, the gathering place where they would group and prepare for an attack. It was when he reached at that point he could only smile. Fellow clan members did come to his call of battle, and other leaders continued to lead the same call. Pride came to his heart as he saw members of Tempest, Arion and even fellow leaders and friends of The Velvet Glove and Assembly.

It was time and soon they ran out into the battlefield, this contingent of Clanmates, to be further met by more members. They fought against the omni resistance even though they were outnumbered at least 3-1. Yet not even reclaim could hold Zane back, he returned to the field and continued to fight forcing Omni further back until they reached the base they had begun to attack.

A group of clan mates stood on one side, and very few omni stood on the other hiding behind the suppression gas level that had now been restored. It was at this point.

"This is useless, they are hiding," Azzors told Zane as he nodded. But he still waiting till more leaders came to see the situation. Even Fixerben and Foxferal saw the situation that was going on, and only one conclusion was obvious. The Clans were victorious this day, this group of clanmates, his brothers and sisters, whom organized acted as one force, one unit, acted together to push Omni-Tek back and did.

Zane knew himself has Beargar been there he would have been most proud.