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Thread: Radiman, Terror to all ... friend to none.

  1. #21


    I encourage everyone to feel sorry for the poor clanners.

    Growing up, brainwashed from birth they simply do not know any better. Henry Radiman has contorted their view on reality to an absurd extent. It's beyond me how they can justify attacking unarmed, and defenseless employee's of Omni one minute... then claim they are being "repressed" the next.

    We must save those willing to be saved, and forcefully remove the rest. Brainwashed extremeists such as these must be rooted out and killed.

    Henry Radiman is the source of this conflict, and his removal is the first step towards peace.

  2. #22
    OI! We challenge the brainwashed Windowlicker and he responds with more unfounded accusations! He claims we are the brainwashed ones! I agree brainwashed extremists must be rooted out and killed.... you first Windowlicker.
    Bliqz: "anything Uwen says is a vicious and ugly lie"

  3. #23


    Originally posted by Smashabasha
    OI! We challenge the brainwashed Windowlicker and he responds with more unfounded accusations! He claims we are the brainwashed ones! I agree brainwashed extremists must be rooted out and killed.... you first Windowlicker.

    You are obviously a member of Radiman's personal conglomerate. As such it's your job to plant misinformation.

    I regret to inform you, I have no brain to wash .. unfortunatly it was lost in a freak accident while inserting my last head implant.

    Henry Radiman is evil, and the source of all conflict on Rubika. The first step to peace is removing him, and any of his followers.

    I implore all likeminded people clan or omni to avoid Smashabash, as he is one of the very same responsible for this terrible man's wishes being carried out on the defenseless mass's of Rubika.

    Death to Henry Radiman!

  4. #24

    Talking Head Implant Accident

    Well Windowlicker

    From your rantings I can certainly believe the head accident theory. But don't blame them it is hard to put in an implant when your head is so far up your arse.

    Do I kill OT, yes, those in our territory. Does this concern me, no they go back to their insurance terminal and get some time to reflect on the folly of invading Clan territory to prey on us. The removal you seem to advocate sounds like permanent death. I am stunned to hear you even suggesting that. I have never heard a clanner talk about permanently killing off OT. In fact I have never heard mainstream OT talking about it.

    If I were to enter Omni territory in a low gas area and some OT decided to give me the same opportunity to consider the errors of my way I wouldn't go advocating their permanent removal. That is the talk of a beast, a mad dog. That kind of horror is reminiscent of the genocidal movements of the 20th century (old calendar). Just how far do your barbarous tendencies descend into the pit.

    You call Radiman an extremist, what you talk about is murder. What we advocate is removal from our territory. Even if Radiman were doing the things you accuse him of (without evidence as we keep pointing out) he would not be as fringe lunatic as you are.

    Consider your position Windowlicker. It is not Clan nor Omni that truly scare me, it is murderous villains like you who bring permanent deaths on us just to forward your own petty delusional agenda.

    49th Level Engineer
    Freedom through superios Firepower

  5. #25


    Originally posted by SodaMoca5
    Even if Radiman were doing the things you accuse him of (without evidence as we keep pointing out) he would not be as fringe lunatic as you are.

    So now it's an "Even if" as opposed to a "He didn't".

    I can't blame you for being the brainwashed sheep you are. They've raised you calling blue green, and from now on you're too nearsighted to see that the green you've known from birth is truely blue.

    We'll make sure to submit your name to Omni-Reform. When you are captured they will ensure you are placed on the straight and narrow.

    Someday your life of crime will end, and your cult-leader Henry Radiman will be erased from the face of Rubika.

    One can only hope the lives lost in the process with remain at a minimum.

  6. #26

    Talking "Analyzing the OT brain."

    "Hello and welcome to a new edition of "analyzing the OT brain"
    "and let's also give a big welcome to our resident psychiater Dr. Fruit."
    Today's subject is Ymodem-G aka. Windowlicker.
    "Doc, your opinion please."
    -"Well todays subject is the worst case of Omni-Tek indoctrination I've ever seen. The OT doctors, if that what you can call them, have really out down themselves this time. This subject is still in the denial phase. We also see a strong tendency to project his own problems on others.Not to mention the obvious split personality problem this poor soul has."
    "Thank you doc, now let's all take a moment to think of all those poor souls at OT who still suffer these problems every single day. And let's not forget to extend a warm welcome to everyone, who wants to get well, we'll get you trough this hard time together."
    "Well that's it for today, join us next week as we analyze another poor OT soul."

    /ooc Shall we discuss the actuall topic, Ymodem-G or do you want to continue like this for another few weeks? Does remind me of another thread How many times can you post the same reply?
    "Omni-Tek protects"?
    So does Durex, so what?"


  7. #27

    Talking There was a topic?

    I didn't know there was a topic. I thought Mr. Windowlicker was merely ranting to undermine a man of integrity. But discussion is not his purpose. I wrote a multiple paragraph reply and he insists on taking one statement out of context to try to bolster a non-argument. He never responds to the issue of evidence. He just keeps making further baseless claims.

    However, out of a sense of fairness, and in an attempt to understand him, hopefully allowing all of us to finally comprehend why he says the outrageous accusations he does, I am going to try an experiment.

    /me takes long draw from bong

    Yeah, it's getting clearer now

    /me another long hit along with a pull at a bottle of whiskey

    Yeah, yeah He's almost making sense.

    /me final hit and another pull, whew that burns

    Wow Windowlicker, like yeah man. I mean how do I know that what you see as blue is what I see as blue. Maybe my green really is your blue. And if that is true then how do I know that what I see as truth is what you see as truth. Maybe your evidence is a figment of your imagination but, hey dude, that's cool. Man Window, you sure are l33t.

    /hours later

    Yes, I believe that if I get drunk and stoned enough even Windowlicker can start to make sense.

    49th Level Engineer
    Hiding Behind Bots
    Beats Waiting at Booths

  8. #28

    Post Out Of Character

    (Totally OOC)

    To All:

    Sorry folks but I just have to say this. Although little is accomplished with this banter I have really enjoyed it. Thank you Windowlicker for being a target for us, truthfully it has been fun and I don't want anyone to think that when I denigrate the character I have anything but respect for the RPer behind him.

    I just wanted to make sure that those who get too carried away by this and start taking things personally understand that it isn't personal, its just business, oops I mean its just part of the fun of the game.


  9. #29
    There he goes again... I pose an arguement and he points the finger at me, says "Nonny nonny poo, I haven't got an intelligent reply so you are a terrorist!" and automatically I am guilty until I prove I'm innocent. Well two can play this (rather sick) game. Windowlicker I accuse you of supporting the Dust Brigade. You are a terrorist and a traitor to whatever demented, sick thing it is that you pledge your loyalty to. You have 3 days to prove you're not guilty and then you will be sentenced to permadeath.
    Everyone like my attempt at behaving like the Omni-Tek authorities?
    I dont support Radiman, but he doesn't support the Dust Brigade. While I dont support Radiman, I will die repeatedly to defend his right to be clan and be a leader in the clans as long as he can democratically maintain that leadership. And I will defend his name from being smeared by idiot Omni-Tek employees such as yourself (not that all OT employee's are idiots, just that Windowlicker is appearing to be one). He is not guilty merely because you have a brain malformation and you have gone on a deluded rant about how the impossibly illogical could occur, and when logical people point it out to you that you are wrong, you go into yet another delusion about how they must be brainwashed because they do not agree with you.
    Bliqz: "anything Uwen says is a vicious and ugly lie"

  10. #30
    Originally posted by Smashabasha
    You have 3 days to prove you're not guilty and then you will be sentenced to permadeath.


    He must be one of the Dust Brigade. Reports from Omni-Admin told us a very long time ago that the Dust Brigade was rumored to have the ability to permenently kill people.

    I have placed Smashabasha on my "Official Omni-Tek list of people we will send to the reclaim booth".

    It is now clear to me that Smashabasha is a paid informant that is working directly with Henry Radiman. He is definatly one of the party's responsible for brainwashing your children, and breeding mutants.

    This is my plea to you Smashabasha, redeem yourself in the eyes of Philip Ross before it is too late.

  11. #31
    I'd just like to remind everyone that Windowlicker WILL be playing at the Omni-Tek Improv 4 nights this week, and we really encourage you to try the fish.

    Let's all have a big hand for Windowlicker!

    Up next, prop-comic Cloudeh!

  12. #32
    Are we really suppose to take someone seriously who gives himself the nickname Windowlicker? I mean think about it.
    What kind of windows has this guy been licking?

    Perhaps it is time for the Council of Truth to submit a formal complaint to Philip Ross and protest this slanderous, not to mention murderous tirade of one of his employees.

    And perhaps the Council should also submit a complaint to the ICC, you know the ICC---the organization that actually OWNS this planet despite Omni-Tek's obvious belief that they own the place?


  13. #33


    Originally posted by Laeni
    Are we really suppose to take someone seriously who gives himself the nickname Windowlicker? I mean think about it.
    What kind of windows has this guy been licking?

    Perhaps it is time for the Council of Truth to submit a formal complaint to Philip Ross and protest this slanderous, not to mention murderous tirade of one of his employees.

    And perhaps the Council should also submit a complaint to the ICC, you know the ICC---the organization that actually OWNS this planet despite Omni-Tek's obvious belief that they own the place?


    The council of lies ... err I mean truth is just as bad as Radiman himself!! They support his terrorism, and are the central hub for all mutant breeding.

    They are taking everything the clan has to offer and giving NOTHING back, they starve your family's and poison the land around you!

    Steps are being taken to remove the few that are beyond help. Several of you are past the point where any good could actually be done, and the brainwashing has dominated your perspective on Rubika permenently.

    For that reason they will be removed. The plague which had hit rubika in the form of the clan must be stopped, and we will see to it that you do not prevail.

    Already we have MULTITUDES of spy's placed throughout your organizations, your leaders are fighting.. and your organizations are crumbling.

    We are bringing you down fast from the inside, and unfortunatly there is nothing you can do to stop us.

    Omni-Tek is your friend

  14. #34

    Talking Maybe He's Right

    Windowlicker has a point, besides the one on his head, I was just noting at the Brontoburger the other night that my double cheese Brontoburger with a side of leet nuggets and a large Parsalum Freeze seemed to be slightly smaller than usual. Must be because we are being starved out.

    I went looking for all the other homeless starving people, but wait, I have a home and so does everyone else. I did see one Martial Artist that looked pretty thin and emaciated but I wasn't going to tell her that since she had two big swords and very cute miniskirt on. But still, I am sure I got shorted for part of my brontoburger. There you go Windowlicker more fuel for your fantasy fire. OT are undermining our way of life by reducing the size of your Brontoburger. Its only a little today but they will continue to destroy your fast food from within and there is nothing you can do about it. When the Brontoburger falls, the clan falls.

    Wow, I am learning a lot from you. Now lets try another.

    I heard it from a friend who swears an acquaintance of theirs just happened to be in a high level board meeting at Omni-1 when Philip Ross mentioned that his plan to totally brainwash all OT employees was almost complete. This VERY RELIABLE SOURCE also mentioned that PR's (that's Philip Ross Windowlicker) long term goal is to use these mindless automatons, who willingly sell their principles for higher wages and a pension, to permanently kill everyone who does not work for OT on RubiKa. He intends to start with a march through Tir killing all of the children under 2 years old. He plans to collect them and eat them because PR is a deranged baby killing cannibal who wants to PK every clanner on RubiKa and make all OT employees mindless slaves. I got this from a very reliable source, prove me wrong.

    50th Level Engineer
    I'm not hiding behind my bot
    I'm just saving myself for a better fight

  15. #35

    Re: Maybe He's Right

    Originally posted by SodaMoca5
    Windowlicker has a point, besides the one on his head, I was just noting at the Brontoburger the other night that my double cheese Brontoburger with a side of leet nuggets and a large Parsalum Freeze seemed to be slightly smaller than usual. Must be because we are being starved out.

    I went looking for all the other homeless starving people, but wait, I have a home and so does everyone else. I did see one Martial Artist that looked pretty thin and emaciated but I wasn't going to tell her that since she had two big swords and very cute miniskirt on. But still, I am sure I got shorted for part of my brontoburger. There you go Windowlicker more fuel for your fantasy fire. OT are undermining our way of life by reducing the size of your Brontoburger. Its only a little today but they will continue to destroy your fast food from within and there is nothing you can do about it. When the Brontoburger falls, the clan falls.

    Wow, I am learning a lot from you. Now lets try another.

    I heard it from a friend who swears an acquaintance of theirs just happened to be in a high level board meeting at Omni-1 when Philip Ross mentioned that his plan to totally brainwash all OT employees was almost complete. This VERY RELIABLE SOURCE also mentioned that PR's (that's Philip Ross Windowlicker) long term goal is to use these mindless automatons, who willingly sell their principles for higher wages and a pension, to permanently kill everyone who does not work for OT on RubiKa. He intends to start with a march through Tir killing all of the children under 2 years old. He plans to collect them and eat them because PR is a deranged baby killing cannibal who wants to PK every clanner on RubiKa and make all OT employees mindless slaves. I got this from a very reliable source, prove me wrong.

    50th Level Engineer
    I'm not hiding behind my bot
    I'm just saving myself for a better fight

    I would like everyone to make note of the Radiman-Brainwashing at work. The poor clanner dosn't even realize the bronto-burgers he's grown so fond of are actually spiked with DNA altering chemicals.

    How is Radiman breeding mutants? .. He's altering your childrens genetic code through the Bronto-Burgers you feed them on a daily basis!

    Leave your crumbling cities and arguing factions and join a company with a bright future.

    Omni will re-educate your children so they understand what True Freedom really is. Leave the grip of your slave-master-Radiman, and enter a new prosperous life..... Enjoy the FREEDOM of Omni!

    A special today-only offer, a free bar of soap to the first 10 clan members to admit themselves to Omni-Reform!!

  16. #36
    We have spies in Omni's ranks too....

    Of course, most people call them primate anthropologists...

    We'd bring you down from the inside too, but we might be accused of animal cruelty.

    Plus, you might fling poo at us.

  17. #37
    Originally posted by Ymodem-G


    He must be one of the Dust Brigade. Reports from Omni-Admin told us a very long time ago that the Dust Brigade was rumored to have the ability to permenently kill people.

    I have placed Smashabasha on my "Official Omni-Tek list of people we will send to the reclaim booth".

    It is now clear to me that Smashabasha is a paid informant that is working directly with Henry Radiman. He is definatly one of the party's responsible for brainwashing your children, and breeding mutants.

    This is my plea to you Smashabasha, redeem yourself in the eyes of Philip Ross before it is too late.
    So I act like you and I'm dust brigade? So your dust brigade as well eh? Not one ounce of proof and you condemn me again? I guess people just can't reason with you. And even though Omni-Admin told you something.. A) Its probably propanganda... twisted perversions of the truth (if any truth at all) B) Even if it is true... it doesn't mean I am Dust Brigade. I would just have to screw up your particular reclaim booth for a little while, have you killed, and turn it back on. But thats besides the point. It was only an attempt to try to get inside your mind, which quite hard, mind you, considering I'm claustrophobic.

    Oh and BTW... while we're still on the topic of condemning people without proof... I condemn Ross. He works for Sol Banking, as well as the Dust Brigade in secret. He also wears a metal super bra, uses salad creme for hair gel, runs around clapping a pair of coconuts around with minstrels singing of his cowardice, eats dead ARKs, eats tacos made out of bricks, has an entire closet full of the same pink dress, uses sixty variations of the phrase "It wasn't me", and a partridge in a pear tree. No I'm not mad, just Omni for the day
    Bliqz: "anything Uwen says is a vicious and ugly lie"

  18. #38
    Hmmm, you know Ross rarely comes out of his office. They CLAIM it's because of security but I bet he's aggoraphobic or he's having one continuous orgy going on.

    Hey I got as much proof of this as you Omnis have about Mr. Radiman!

    Clan MA

  19. #39
    Actually, I'm pretty sure its because he has yet to figure out how the door knob works.

  20. #40
    They hung a banana from the ceiling and gave him some wood boxes. He starved to death.
    Bliqz: "anything Uwen says is a vicious and ugly lie"

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