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Thread: first room gambles

  1. #1

    first room gambles

    Got an 'easy' 55% mission, trudged all the way over to it, buffed up and entered the mission. In the 'grace' room waiting for me was a Anun Tearer which was red to me!
    WTF is a red creature doing in a 55% mission!!

    Can someone tell me if FC are looking at sorting this crazy problem out. Right now the mission slider difficulty is useless and it's truly pot luck in what you actually get in a mission.

  2. #2


    Yeah missons are *****ed up beyond all reason!
    They are so messed up im at a lack of words.
    Anyone else notice that when you do solo mission you get INSANELY big ass missions with the absolute highest mobs that is possible for that mission ql? today i did a mission which took me roughly4 hours to get troughm but thats not the worst part, i died so many times and lost about 2,8 million xp in the prosses, the mission NEVER ended so in a fit of unspeakable rage i deleted the mission.
    Today i make a promise, a promise to god my mother and anything holy that i will never EVER attempt to solo a mission again!
    I just cant take it anymore, it brings out things in me which i tought i had buried many many years ago, dark tought of the extreme nature and violent impulses not commonly seen amongs humans.

    This is the truth so help me god!

  3. #3
    "anyone can kill anyone" 2-3 red mobs at mission is not such big problem. You can to move him to start room and leave the dungeon for each treatment. But several red mobs in one room is very big problem, unsoluble on big lags.

    anyway "solo" is wrong style for online game

  4. #4
    I think his comment related to the red beastie being in the 'grace' room - you know, the first room in?

    And some of us solo because we can't find good teams, and don't want to join clans.
    Gunned down the young. Now old, crotchety, and back.

  5. #5
    Originally posted by Rustot
    anyway "solo" is wrong style for online game

    Ok smart guy, tell me where I should find a group of people to group with at level 120+ at 4am EST (GMT-5) on RK2 on a monday night (technically early tuesday morn). Oh wait, your right... it's not likely to happen then when you realize it's not going to happen please explain why I should have to choose between snore through easy beyond belief missions or missions that are anywhere from greenish yellow mobs to deep deep red enforcers.

    The mission slider works fine at lower levels when youc ansay ok, i want to fight yellow mobs, i want to fight dark yellow mobs, i want to fight orange mobs, i want to fight light red mobs..... at higher levels that breaks down and you have a green NT in the room on your level and a deep red enforcer in the room to your right...

    Flying out to perpetual wastes only to get jumped by some red whatever in the entry room then find 3 deep red enforcers in the main room>delete mission>fly out to some other mission of the same ql in perpetual waste and find 3 green adv's in the first room>snore through mission and gamble for anything between greenish yellows or deep red's on your next mission....

    And even though the frequency of neverending browncave missions has been lowered it's not unreasonable to have soemone complain about the fact that they went through it for hours and it was one of the most frustrating things they have ever experienced. It's like the never ending "jumping puzzles" that you find in some games just before you give up on them.
    Last edited by Tetra; Mar 20th, 2002 at 09:35:01.

  6. #6
    yep Kiryet, the first room where you actually enter the mission. Thank christ I'd buffed before I went in. sometimes I wait till I'm in that first grace room then buff and then attempt to single pull one of the three mobs in the first big main room.

    I like to solo, sure it's unsociable and it maybe not as much fun but I still like to do it. It's one of the things that drew me to AO in the first place but I'm finding the missions I get are so random that as I said in my original's a complete gamble as to what you're going to get.
    I truly believe 3 red mobs in the first room and one of them in the grace room is way beyond a 55% mission. IMHO that sort of thing is an 80% + mission.

    Like Vandame these situations are bringing out things in me I thought I'd left behind in my teens..I'm afraid for the safety of my mouse, keyboard and monitor

  7. #7

    Tnen again

    Then again you pull a qlvl 170 mission with a 114 character and are able to solo it because there's nothing but yellows and oranges in it with the exception of two red enforcers that you can park somewhere.

    Mission difficulty is sure enough borked. You never have any idea if it's going to be a waste of time because you are spending so much time killing monsters that give no exp or a waste of time because it's gonna be full of Real Mean Enforcers.

  8. #8
    Mhmm ? And haven't you done the full difficulty mission with 2 yellows, 1 orange (but an easy one, like spy) and everything else green ? And not the kinda mission you find near the booth, but actually one a long way from the booth.

    Nah, I say there's still things to discover
    Kheeze (MA) / Yunmei (ADV) / Nekroman (MP) / Shixiu (ENF)

    (¯`·.,¸¸.·´¯` French Corp ´¯`··.,¸¸.·´¯)

  9. #9

    Red face

    Yeesh, I find groups a drag overall. Lots of times you sit around waiting for so and so's friend for an hour before you even see a mob.
    I want to be able to solo missions. True, it is a gamble on how hard a particular QL mission will be, but it makes it more interesting that way. If its a mission where u REALLy need the item, just get someone to help you out. Its not that big a deal to me, anyway, when there are so many other problems that are much worse to be fixed.
    Anatha - Egyptian Goddess of Love and War

    Anatha - RK2 - Tank with a Pet

  10. #10

    Have been wondering...

    Does location of the mission also affect the lvl of the monsters inside?

    The reason I ask is certain mission locations seem to be more borked for me than others, and I wonder if it has to do with the types of monsters native to that area?

    For example, I did 2 missions last night. Both QL 91.

    The first in Avalon in Cyborg Domain. I had a few reds inside but mostly green-yellows and a few light oranges. Outside is an orange cyborg I killed on the way out (it was a close fight, but I took it out).

    The second was in DAV. While zoning there, I did get aggroed by some type of lizard I have never seen before that was deep red. Didn't give it a chance to hit me. The mission itself was full of deep red Manteze Warriors. There were also a few red Rebooters. I ran into 1 non-red in the mission.

    At least 1 of the Manteze Warriors was lvl 111 (looted monster parts), and he was about as difficult as the rest, though a few of them required zoning out once to finish.

    Anyone have any data along these lines? I will monitor the next few weeks and see if location makes a difference or whether the difficulty is determined by slider position, then randomly adjusted a notch or 2 one way or the other.


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