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Thread: MA Crit Buffs

  1. #21
    Crit buff is bugged.
    I have 840 attack and a 14% scope, it works as expected in against mob (say vet enforcer with fairly high evades) I only manage to land like 1-2 crit out of 10 hits

    With UVC (add 24%), I crit 8 out of 10 hits almost always with the same attack rating.

    Crit buff has created too much inbalance. Usually a mission takes me 20-30 mins to complete. With a crit buff, I can complete 3 mission in less than 35 mins (deduct the 5 mins travel and buff time, its 30 mins for 3 mission). Anyone (even if you are not a combat class) with a slightly decent shotgun can solo light red or even full red mob with UVC.

    You call that balance ? Har har har

  2. #22
    Is the crit buff imbalanced, or is it the bug that allows you to crit 8 out of 10 times that causes the imbalance?

    With LMA and 9% scope, I crit 1 out of 4 hits. With UVC (with masteries) and 9% scope, I crit a little more. I don't even come close to critting 1 out of 2 hits, much less 8 out of 10. I did read where Cosmic said that the crit buffs were working "better" on ranged weapons, but if it is a bug, it still hasn't officially been addressed yet.

    Crit buffs are proportional to mob HPs. As you lvl higher, the mobs have an exponential amount of HPs. The normal damage output on weapons seem to be linear. You NEED those crits to actually kill a mob before it kills you.

  3. #23
    Crit buffs not bugged as far as I can see. I use 2 who stack for +23 crit chance + an item with +1 so +24 total. Do I crit 8/10 times? Happens maybe once a week, its called LUCK. I can also stand there for 20shots with no crits. I crit maybe 1 out of 4-5 shots which is once every 10sec maybe on avg. I dont find that unbalanced compared to professions who can nuke for 2k min dmg 2-3 times in the same period, and fire specials while nano recharges .

    Ppl always notice the crits and think its overpowerable, they never notice "wow xxxx just fired 20shots with no crits, he suck". Gotta see the whole picture here. As for crits in PvP, you guys got all your defensive skills maxxed before complaining about it? If you have 400 dodge and fight someone with 1000atk you gonna get critted alot even if they dont have crit buffs. And btw to get +40% crit chance you need a scope with -800 to ranged init which balances it out pretty well.

    I dont think crit buffs are bugged, I think its intentional, if you look at the weapons available you should be able to see that there might actually be some intelligence behind it. Fast weapons with decent crit do almost 0 damage on normal shots (ithaca, the new agent rifles which none use etc), these weapons you can use scope with because they wont get slowed down because of speed cap. However Weapons with 2.5/2.5delays dont perform their best with +15 crit scopes because that makes them fire only half as often, so those weapons can combine decent non crit dmg with high crits and perform about same. It balances out pretty good.

  4. #24
    Good post MSag. I did a mission yesterday with LMA and another with UVC. I hardly noticed a difference. I didn't complete the UVC mission any faster than the LMA mission. Like MSag, I can fight a mob and crit every time; or I can fight a mob a not crit a single time. It's all luck.

    BTW, what crit buffs do you stack? What profession buffs? Isn't the crat crit buff one of those pulsing types?

  5. #25
    My main is agent, so I stack LMA and take the shot (+4crit and 120 aimedshot skill). It cost like 48NCU tho so other professions might not want it.

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