AntiGuardians move to Rome Green Sector and build temporal Headquarters on Highrise 4.

It is a time for a new era and building temporal headquarters at Rome Green is both looking back to the history of our presence in Rubi-Ka 1 and at the same time having eyes fixed on the future.

After some careful discussion we decided that temporal headquarters were needed in Rubi-Ka 1 to conduct our official business. Our research for suitable site took us all around the Omni-Tek controlled areas and while some other places had some better things to offer, the Rome Green was the most suitable for our various needs.

When we arrived on Rome Green, we originally started building our temporal headquarters on Highrise 3 but it soon became apparent that this site had already been taken by Phoenix Foundation.

After they raised some concerns about the limited space offered by Highrise 3 we agreed to relocate on Highrise 4 instead, where building of tempral headquarters are well on the way now. We believe that this arrangement will strengthen our ties with Phoenix Foundation and that we can count on their good will in the future.

Executive Sonny "Zarch" Varela of AntiGuardians