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Thread: Preliminary 14.0 Patch Notes

  1. #301

    Lightbulb Some cool addons for future patches?

    I was talking with my friends that play AO with me, and we would like to see some sort of visual representation of the flying NanoProgram for Metaphysicists.
    - If this has been addressed, apologies, but i don't have enough hours in the day to sleep, work, play /and/ read all the boards ^_^ -

  2. #302
    "We are proud to present the new team missions system."

    Yeah, way to go proud about something that you finally get into the game when it should have been there at launch time 6 monthes ago...

  3. #303
    Play DAoC lately? You'd be used to things like that by now. Personally, I'd rather they get it working first then put it in, but then I'm silly that way.
    Bet I can run faster scared than they can mad!

  4. #304

    Talking When??

    I love the team missions and been waiting forever for it. Question is WHEN is this last patch going to be released??

    Waiting with excitement!!

    /Dattan (level 48 Enforcer)

  5. #305
    Originally posted by Crung
    Play DAoC lately? You'd be used to things like that by now. Personally, I'd rather they get it working first then put it in, but then I'm silly that way.
    speaking of getting it working first, how about the disconnect bug that's been plagueing AO for months now, and has recieved very little attention from funcom

    the most viewed thread in the tech support forum. If you're not going to look into problems that are in the tech support forum, why is it there?

    we're tired of having our modems/network connections, shut down by YOUR BUG. this is not a problem with our ISPs. This is something that Anarchy Online, made, distributed and supported by YOU, FunCom.

    The gameplay is very nice, the graphics are great. the community that you've created is incredible

    but you're not done. fix this modem crashing bug.

  6. #306

    Wink The 1 thing i want! hehe

    When is that darn 1HE and 2HE buff gonna come out? The one comparable to Brutal Thug for 1HB and 2HB. I'm the second highest edge weapon Enf. on RK2, and I am getting grey waiting for that damn buff! lol. If it doesnet come out soon I am going to go crazy and they are gonna have to take me away in a white strait jacket.... you wouldent want that would you??? .... dont answer that But I think that is a very important buff that needs to be implemented, edge weapons already are gimped compared to blunt weapons, so help a poor Enf out? =)


  7. #307
    Right after Major and Grand Suppressor comes out, Vert.
    Gunned down the young. Now old, crotchety, and back.

  8. #308
    Originally posted by Kiryat
    Right after Major and Grand Suppressor comes out, Vert.
    Hell, I'd be happy with just Major Suppressor, but a Grand one would tickle my fancy the right way too.

    The one and (thankfully) only,


    ...what does the color blue taste like? bobo knows...

  9. #309


    When is the patch released?

  10. #310
    Me for one is getting tired of the "preliminary" before the patch notes..

    anyone disagree?
    Corine "Lifedelite" Harrist - 198 clan doc - Rimor - President of EcoDisaster <---- semi-retired
    Angel "Speeddragon" Dust - 74 clan Fix - Rimor - EcoDisaster <---- semi-fanatic
    Fighter "Reflekt" Gunz - 169 clan Sol - Rimor - EcoDisaster <---- I like Guns! equipment

  11. #311

    Thumbs up Torn.

    Ok, this is great and horridly bad. As an MA, I have enough problems keeping the MOB on the tank. Ever since the MA "upgrade" I have been accually at points STOPPING fighting so an enforcer can pull the baddie off me. (MA'[s were never intended to tank SUPER-REDS) The lack of hp forbids this. Now - the great part.. Soloing missions will be forever easy. Right now (at level 116) I can solo a red mission, barely red, but red none the less. With the new patch ("...fists do the types of damage...") MA's will be a force to recon with (btw, Im going back to corrisive fists co I can do chem dmg ) How about you give the Enforcer, of which my account is empty of, a lot more damage. Screw aggro stuff, we are talking damage. If I am having a hard time now keeping the mob off me, what happens at the time of 14.2 when his hammer is BROKEN?. Aggro is cool when the doc is getting beamed, dont do much good when the level 116 MA is hitting for almost 2ka pop. ... just to let you know I am not twinked here, I only have QL125 implants in too that is just the damage thatg MA's do.

    Shogun Ruken - Pandoras Wrath - LvL116... oops 117 MA - RK2
    PS - horrid speller too :P

  12. #312

    Question Re: Torn

    How bout this - just let all MA's give a percentage of their enormus crits to a fixer or advent - and pipe down cause I AM an MA :P

  13. #313

    hows the patch going progress wise?

    can anyone give a estimate of how far along the new patch is going? 25% 50% dare i say 75%...

    hope its goin well...

  14. #314

    Cool Update

    Well, we're expecting a new patch on testlive today (04-Apr-2002), and barring major ****-ups, that will likely be the final patch on testlive before 14.0 goes live. Maybe even next week...

  15. #315


    Originally posted by Detonate

    I saw him sneaking around in the 25% zone trying to hide in this corner and gank people. I jumped out, Flurry of Blows, Attack, Brawl, Dimach....
    He hits for 1880
    I pop a pill and try to begin casting my heal
    He hits for 1890
    I start fading to white and then get hit again for 1800+

    So before your attack me, know what you are talking about.

    I'm about as close to a twinked Adv as possible.
    OMG, ok, let me get this straight, the aimshot was very good for the first, very since the standard is 2k x 0.4 damage in PvP, secondly, the second make me think he is using ithaca shotgun / or another non standard sniperrifle, like sunburst etc, ie u got a soldiers classical aimshot+burst damage or whatever special strike, so called alphastrike. Further, very high crit damage + aimshot but VERY expensive in IP, what i am saying, ANYONE can gimp himself and tweak to this damage, the question is to which ip cost and can you keep up in the long run. So please listen to this, agent SUX, but i can agree adventurer is worse but i have seen twinked adventurer doing great, using soldiers weapons.

  16. #316
    I would just like to say that I would like to see an easier way of petselection implemented anytime soon! And I think I speak on behalf of every pet class out there. As it is now, targetting my attackpet to cast anima buff on it while in full team and in fight is almost impossible. Let me illustrate:

    <SHIFT>+<TAB> My pet - but Im so frantic and stressed out trying to find my pet that I press
    <SHIFT>+<TAB> again...
    <CTRL>+<SHIFT>+<TAB> no pet
    <CTRL>+<SHIFT>+<TAB> still no pet
    <SHIFT>+<TAB> MY PET!!!!
    --FIGHT OVER--
    <Casting anima>


    Why not implement pet selection by the F7-9 keys (relocating their function as it is today to the F10-12 keys)?

    Or alternately implementing scriptcommands like
    /pet [attackpetname] select
    /pet [healpetname] select
    /pet {messpetname] select

    At least come up with something that is actually usuable during fight!
    Last edited by Killerdoc; Apr 4th, 2002 at 17:13:12.
    "Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe."

  17. #317

    Lightbulb Pet selection

    How about a pet window, sort of a combination of the action window and the team window, 3 rows for pets, and buttons for common commands, select pet in window, press button - pet performs command. You'd also get to see pet health bars that way...

    Ideally the commands available should match the selected pet, though some commands such as heal for an MP are tied directly to the pet.

    Add a file 'pet.cfg' under the character prefs folder (a dummy file with the character's name would be useful so we know which is which!) with lines for up to 3 pets and their names (e.g. pet1="KillerBlob").

    And fix some of the other issues with pets (weird line-of-sight bugs, the infamous pet pathing...)

    Actually, given that missions are made of predefined geometries linked together, why do these geometries not have predefined pathing networks? The only trick then is getting the pet from where it is onto the network. And given melee range is 3m, in most cases the bot need never leave the network in the first place. Ok so bots would then behave a bit like trains on invisible tracks, but at least they wouldn't get stuck and finding a path from a to b becomes a network traversal problem...

    And fix the line-of-sight bugs, whan a mob is directly in front of me, just because they are in a foot of water doesn't mean i can't see them! Fixing this would sort several other pet issues.

    Oh, and if a door is open don't let me select it... that is really annoying, brown caves are the pits for that one...

  18. #318

    Re: Pet selection

    Originally posted by Darkbane
    How about a pet window, sort of a combination of the action window and the team window, 3 rows for pets, and buttons for common commands, select pet in window, press button - pet performs command. You'd also get to see pet health bars that way...
    I would hate seing that implemented if that meant that selecting pets had to be done by mouseclicking on a button or two.. Can you say mouselag? I use the mouse as little as possible, and use all the keybord shortcuts I can. I am against such a suggestion if the pet selection couldnt be toggled with anything else but the buttonclick and shift+tab.

    On the other hand, if pet selection ALSO could be toggled with hotbuttons/macros then Im all FOR a pet health bar/command window.
    "Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe."

  19. #319

    Thumbs up Re: Re: Pet selection

    Originally posted by Aforce

    I would hate seing that implemented if that meant that selecting pets had to be done by mouseclicking on a button or two.. Can you say mouselag? I use the mouse as little as possible, and use all the keybord shortcuts I can. I am against such a suggestion if the pet selection couldnt be toggled with anything else but the buttonclick and shift+tab.

    On the other hand, if pet selection ALSO could be toggled with hotbuttons/macros then Im all FOR a pet health bar/command window.
    Sure, lets have both, how about Shift+F1-3 to select
    Ctrl-Q to get selected pet to attack
    Ctrl-F to get selected pet to follow
    Shift-ctrl-F to get all pets to follow
    Ctrl-B to put selected pet in /behind mode
    Shift-Ctrl-B to put all pets in /behind mode
    Ctrl-A to get heal pet to start healing selected target
    Ctrl-T to terminate (And Shift-Ctrl-T...)
    Ctrl-F1-3 to get report from that pet


  20. #320

    Smile Bump mapping

    I read, u have made some change for the visual effects of AO,
    but i would like to now if a day, we can see textures with bump mapping on it, player texture, ground texture, building texture and ...

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