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Thread: Massive scale PvP required!

  1. #1

    Talking Massive scale PvP required!

    When I joined AO, I knew there would be PvP and I was looking forward to it..BUT in a TEAM..had this idea of massive warfare and raids on each other's bases etc...but now? zip...actually thought (very foolishly) that storyline would begin with bombing og gas production leading to open season for all LOL...ob viously Funcom's aim is to prolong the storyline AS LONG AS I predict full all out war in...say 3 years? to be played by remaining 7 fanboys of course (3OT, 3 clan and 1 Neutral LOL)

    of course having things like outpost who's control can be taken over and provide local/regional benefits would be great too (ala Tribes/Dark Age of Camelot)

    I can't help feeling that implementing team PvP will lead to "balancing" for it since no longer can some classes cry, "we are gimped in PvP" but rather I would like to think each team has useful makeup and contributions from all team members (perhaps even increase to more than 6 in PvP?).

    One nice thing would be to form the Ultimate 12 ie one from each profession....would be nice tourney idea... Cosmik/Cz listening? please...

    Omni-Med Doctor

    "Dammit, I am a doctor. not a MOB Magnet!"

    "Humidity Extractors for all Doctors, NOW!"

  2. #2
    That got me thinking, dont you hate it when you are say, Omni, in a group, near an omni outpost, lush fields, nw caves, and you see a group of clanners, or Visa Versa...

    What the hell they doin here? you think.
    nothing you can do except Verbally abuse them IN CHARACTER though, like clanners get out etc.
    It would be nice to be able to control areas by force, and would be very interesting to control zones and when you look on the political map that you get with the game, blue omni, red clanners, grey neutral, it be nice to have that ingame, unless you can view it in game, and see it chnage when clanners take over outposts, if possible, but to keep it theres people would have to stay there or maybe, buy 1 guard to keep that zone, not just a group buying a guard, maybe a machine you go to to buy one a set at say meetmedere and make it clanner territory, I dunno.

    Id like to see the border lines / outpost invadeable in a big scale.

    I have one question, If there are two team of level 30's, and one side contains a lvl 80, if they both start attacking each other can the 80 also attack the 30's?

    If you cant do that, maybe if Guilds could team up, as in the whole guild are in a team and can fight any levels as long as the first person who attacks is the same level as the opposite side, confusing yeah but..if you understand do you get me?

    Massive scale PvP, very nice, but only a few places you can do it.

    Has anyone been to the mayhem zone?
    Isnt it 0% suppression, does that mean anyone, any level can attack each other, and does that mean your body is left to be looted from others?

    Its just anyoing that we see other aligned players in our zones, its inevitable that there will be a war omni vs clans, i mean think about it, they cant make NO Big scale pvp or we will have to stick to NPC attacks :[

  3. #3


    In order to have massive PvP, you must have a reason for players to mobilize. This usually requires A) Loot B) in game story effects or C) IP / XP.


    1. A zone with several outposts with good shops and 1-2 guards. Taking the outposts is done by entering the fort, entering the inner area of the fort and killing the Outpost Commander. This will cause the fort to convert and a new commander to appear for the other side. Several forts captured will give lower shop prices in the zone or other improvements.

    2. Story driven reasons to protect some NPCs from attack. Global announcement that Ross it leaving for 4 holes in 10 minutes etc. Omni mobilize to safely escort him to a fixed point in the zone. Clanners try to stop/kill him. It doesn't have to be Ross it could be a special Omni Crat or something.

    3. An NPC from each side announces he will lead a party to an Alien crash site. They time themselves so they both get there at the same time and the parties (omni/clan) have to fight it out for control and right to get the loot in the ship. When the opposing NPC and the friendly NPC can't "tab" an opposing target the winning side is announced. The winning side has 15 minutes to each click on the ship and get a random reward from the ship until it will stop looting rights. Each character on the winning side can only loot once per event. As long as several of these type events happen each day it shouldn't get too crazy.

    These are just a few of the simple ideas that I thought up (j/k all you programmers out there). These are the things that would improve the REASONS to PvP.

  4. #4
    Very good idea Meligant! I hope people agree, that would make another reason to play

  5. #5
    Simply put the majority of people don't like PvP.
    Where are most the people on EQ? the non PvP servers.
    Where are most people on UO? in Trammel!
    Get the idea yet? People only like PvP when they have choice in the matter. Making the game open season for PvP is wrong for the distress it causes people who don't want to partake. It's bad enough for those people as it is who are practically forced to go to Stret East for missions and find those morons mission camping for when they exit.
    Changes in the gas levels, as a story run event is all fair enough, but only when there is plenty of planning involved. Not just lets change the gas level in town and not tell everyone. Hell it would be totally evil for those not expecting to find themselves in a 25% zone.
    Major "Nyadach" Prabel
    Neutral and proud of it!

  6. #6
    Originally posted by Nyadach
    Simply put the majority of people don't like PvP.
    Where are most the people on EQ? the non PvP servers.
    Where are most people on UO? in Trammel!
    Get the idea yet? People only like PvP when they have choice in the matter. Making the game open season for PvP is wrong for the distress it causes people who don't want to partake. It's bad enough for those people as it is who are practically forced to go to Stret East for missions and find those morons mission camping for when they exit.
    Changes in the gas levels, as a story run event is all fair enough, but only when there is plenty of planning involved. Not just lets change the gas level in town and not tell everyone. Hell it would be totally evil for those not expecting to find themselves in a 25% zone.
    Agreed. There should always be the option to play this game with NO PvP contact. I only suggested adding events/functions for the areas where PvP should be part of the story line. As in DAOC, you are suppose to "invade the enemy" when you grow up. I'm not saying we should force it but it should be an attrative reason to group up and do something together other then the current grid camping and mission grief camping.

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