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Thread: Punching and shooting

  1. #1

    Unhappy Punching and shooting

    I am playing a 165 trader on RK1 and the MA while wielding a weapon is getting quite a big problem.

    As it is now when I equip a weapon I start shooting and punching at the same time as my base MA-skill is too high (just because all my base abilities are maxed). But my MA-skill is lousy compared to my shooting skill, so the punching just interrupts my shooting. But it isn't really a big problem as it is now as I can zone and thereby remove the fixing.

    But in 13.8 you "fix" the weapons with MA for martial artists. Problem is that this is hurting most high level players who are not using MA, but their MA-skill is just high because of baseskill. And after 13.8 is landed as I understand we can't zone to fix it anymore.

    Please remove punching with weapons not having MA-requirements or from ranged weapons. :/ I know some could consider it a nerf, I just can't see how else to fix it.

    I know it looks cool fighting like a borg, but having 140 MA-skill doesn't really do the job at lvl 165. :/

  2. #2
    Or proving that too complex, raise the threshold where this occurs to a point unreachable by only raising attributes.

    Maybe 250? 200? Yes this means MA's cant duel punches and weapons as early.. but as posted above, there is a reason to.
    Don't be lonely anymore.

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  3. #3

    only a short-term problem...

    This will only be a short-term problem really, because they plan to make it so only weapons with MA skill requirements on them will actually punch along with the weapon(s).

  4. #4


    In the meantime, get yourself MA Incompetence and run it on yourself when this occurs. It saves you from having to zone, and stops it from happening again until you, of course, switch weapons. And, of course, it will only fix it if by running MA incompetence your MA skill drops below 120 (119 or below).

    My base MA is 131, so incomp works great.

    (flojojojo|level 164 adventurer|rk2|sartan.epoch)

  5. #5
    When Divesting my MA get to 500 :/

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