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Thread: Discuss: 13.8 Unique item fix / change (added Tuesday 19th)

  1. #21
    REMOVE the freakin UNIQUE tag off pet shells and MA attacks. The tag is there abviously just to annoy players, which i don't think you guys want to do? Am I right or am I right?!

  2. #22
    Originally posted by Krneki
    REMOVE the freakin UNIQUE tag off pet shells and MA attacks. The tag is there abviously just to annoy players, which i don't think you guys want to do? Am I right or am I right?!
    What you have seen from Funcom that makes you leap to this conclusion. I mean between this and the PvP looting, I can't envision them NOT wanting to annoy players.


  3. #23

    Re: My vote against this

    Originally posted by SinTax
    This is another half-a$$ed solution that takes something away from the game just because the coders cant think of another way to solve a problem.

    Bad policy - what now, you make some more changes to offset the unintended nerf? This just doesn't make any sense.
    I'm hoping they started these forums with the release notes so they can get feedback on the changes, and make last-minute modifications to the patch before it goes live.

    This change is obviously very broken and makes little sense. It's another broken solution to a problem which may exist because of a few exploiters, just like the "no longer splitting the xp on missions with your teammates" change.

    If Funcom can't figure out a good way to patch or fix some aspect of the game, starting a thread on the FORUMS to get some real player input *BEFORE* writing a patch would be a *VERY GOOD IDEA*. That way, you can find out if you may be overlooking any adverse effects the patch may have, and write the patch to deal with these issues, instead of implementing changes and having to write patch after patch after patch to fix problems which could have been avoided by prior discussion.

    *deep breath* Long-winded again. *continues to pull his hair out*

    There really is no reason to make this change and punish Engineers and Crats this way. Having more than one bot shell in your inventory is far from unfair, and far from exploiting, as the bot shells still require stats to use. And I agree with the rest of the issues brought up in this thread pertaining to MA's.


  4. #24


    I was going to ask if this change would make it so an MA couldn't pick a higher ql attack for future use. But apparently this is true, so I shall now add myself to the invisible petition to re-think this change. Not the change to not being able to have 2 unique items in your inventory (because unique items should be just that), but the fact that these attacks ARE unique... WHY? This is equivalent to having guns being unique and not being able to cary around the next Vektor (or whatever) that you plan on equipping in the future. Does that make sense? Hmmm...........

    Doh!! Nevermind, I just realized what FunCom has in mind. All we would have to do is: after finding the new attack, leave the area and find a bank, put the currently used attack in a bag, in the bank, go back to the area (where hopefully the body/chest still sits = unlikely) and grab the new attack, go back to the bank to switch the attacks, then go back the area to continue the mission/hunt. Hopefully your team didn't mind waiting for you, because after all, MAs are critical (no pun intended) to killing those nasty mobs. W00t!!! No big deal, bring on the senselessness!!! We've already figured it out!

    /me sighs

    I also have issues about why certain items are NODROP vehicles/attacks/cool story dungeon loot, but that would incorrect forum etiquette.

    Advisor to the Order of the Storm

    p.s. and why not let the pet professions have multiple shells? Once again, FunCom's definition of "unique" is over my head.
    Last edited by Monrakashi; Feb 20th, 2002 at 09:30:30.

  5. #25
    This is one of the most retarded, assinine, jack-assed decisions I think I've seen yet.
    maybe you should set all armour and guns to unique too?

    yeah thanks.

  6. #26

    Just adding my voice I suppose

    As an MA, it's nice to:

    a) be able to have a lower level version of a special attack in case I'm hit by a skill-reducing nano.

    b) be able to carry special attacks that I'm not ready to use but am planning to without having to get rid of the one I'm using.

    Both points have been brought up before, but I'm just adding my agreement that it's a poor change.

    I think the better change would be to remove the unique tag from MA attacks and EN shells.


    -Midoritaka (rk2)

  7. #27
    A typical funcom "fix".

    They can't be bothered to accually fix they problem, they are much more satisfied with removing it altogether at great inconvience to the players. (read: range nerf)

    I would bet good money that funcom removes the tutoring devices in the next patch to "fix" the tutoring exploit.

  8. #28
    Originally posted by Zeroshift
    I would bet good money that funcom removes the tutoring devices in the next patch to "fix" the tutoring exploit.
    But Cosmik said after people were joking about the tutoring bonus from the pioneer backpack that those devices were going to go into effect. This sounded odd since they operated on the same principle that FC said was flawed and required the disabling of the Portable Surgery clinics, but since an FC rep said it then it must be true. Right? Right?

    I mean they have categorically said twice now that there would be a storyline on RK-2 and that they would do an Unanswered questions list and that they read every post on here and...

    Warning: credibility gap ahead.


  9. #29

    Well FC!!!!

    This is 100% vote here, no single player, anyone at all, zip, nada, NO ONE!!!!'

    Want this implemented, I once read an official statement from a FC developer, (can remember who, but you should recognise the phrase),

    "If I thougth that every player wanted the bug then I wouldnt fix it"

    or pretty close to that. Well this aint even a bug, you are gonna CREATE something that will piss off 100% of the player base? Do fc employes have subventioned drugs as a benefit?

    You can NOT make this go live, if you do, then you have to revise the whole Unique/nodrop aspect of the game, severely... As someone stated, dodgas quest will be impossible to solve, trashking/metalheads thingy will be imposible to solve, MA will only have one ma attack, engis/crats will not be able to hold more then on shell, and if they do they cant pickup a unique item. This list can go on and on and on...

    Essence of this:

    There, hope the msg is clear...

    Your friend, (still, but stuff like this feels like you are kicking us in the groin, friends dont do that).


  10. #30

    Re: Well FC!!!!

    Originally posted by FuryFerret
    You can NOT make this go live, if you do, then you have to revise the whole Unique/nodrop aspect of the game, severely...


    Essence of this:

    There, hope the msg is clear...
    Okay, people, I'm getting hoarse here:


    You cannot, currently, on live, have in your possession two of an MA attack or a Flurry of Blows or an IQ Ring unless you were grandfathered in. The change went through with no public notice. It was not a bug as I know someone that was asked to test it, this was a stealth change. It was brought to FC's attention before 13.6 went live that it should be added to the patch notes and it wasn't (see a Dai-Galean thread on here), it has been brought to FC's attention on here since it went live and they refuse to comment about it.


  11. #31


    I know it is in, what is in now is that you can not have an IDENTICAL item more then once in inv..

    What this patch note suggest is that you can now only have one unique, all in all, in inv...

    Are you sure about this scorus, that it does not imply this? In such case I rest my case and admits I am wrong, allthough the one thing in inv is harch, it aint terrible, sorry..


  12. #32

    Re: Re: Well FC!!!!

    Originally posted by Scorus

    You cannot, currently, on live, have in your possession two of an MA attack or a Flurry of Blows or an IQ Ring unless you were grandfathered in.

    I'd believe that except I have no problems buying new Attacks of the Snake while having another in inventory currently on the live server. If it is that way on the live server, it's not affecting MA special attacks. I have multiple in my inventory all the time and am cycling through them so it's not grandfathered. I never delete an attack before I have the other one in inventory. I have also picked them up out of chests without problems.

    - st|k
    - Midoritaka (rk2)

  13. #33

    Re: Scorus?

    Originally posted by FuryFerret
    What this patch note suggest is that you can now only have one unique, all in all, in inv...
    I think it's just a case of bad phrasing by FC.

    Originally posted by Funcom
    Unfortunately, this means that Engineers and Bureaucrats can only have one pet shell of the same kind in their inventory.
    Note the "of the same kind". So I think you can still have uniques, but not multiples of the same uniques. But that's still a royal pain in the rear to MA's who for example find an MA attack of a the same kind that they're equipped with in a chest, but can't use it yet. With this patch you wouldn't be able to pick it up and carry it around until you can use it without getting rid of your current one, thereby leaving you without an MA attack for a while.

    Which is why I still think it's a bad idea.

    - st|k
    - Midoritaka (rk2)
    Last edited by st|k; Feb 20th, 2002 at 19:19:44.

  14. #34

    You gotta be kidding, right?

    Hehe you’re to early, still some time left before 1st of April..

    I mean, seriously... do you even have the slightest idea on how this will affect game play? For instance various quests and static missions, will now require 10-20 bank runs... Maybe we should place a bank in every room, in the static missions...

    And if I'm not mistaken, the first part of the Dodga quest is to assemble 8 unique items.. That’s gonna be interesting..

    Why waste energy...

  15. #35

    Unhappy Woooow

    Hehe this has gotta be another funcom classic. Whats the deal guys! Whats the point of removing the ability to have 2 items? Does that seem a little STUPID to anyone? Geez it's like engineers not having tradeskill buffs....oh wait engineers don't have tradeskill buffs. Wow that makes sense. Hold On I think I'll log into my trader in order to do all my engineers work.

  16. #36

    Re: Scorus?

    Originally posted by FuryFerret
    Are you sure about this scorus, that it does not imply this? In such case I rest my case and admits I am wrong, allthough the one thing in inv is harch, it aint terrible, sorry..
    I have not tested this to make sure, but I am sure enough to base my arguments on another assumption. If this were the case then an engineer or crat couldn't pick up any unique item while they have a pet shell. Even Funcom isn't that stupid...


  17. #37

    Re: Re: Re: Well FC!!!!

    Originally posted by st|k

    I'd believe that except I have no problems buying new Attacks of the Snake while having another in inventory currently on the live server. If it is that way on the live server, it's not affecting MA special attacks. I have multiple in my inventory all the time and am cycling through them so it's not grandfathered. I never delete an attack before I have the other one in inventory. I have also picked them up out of chests without problems.
    Interesting. I have personally tested both IQ Rings and Flurry of Blows and can say that this change went live in 13.6 as it applied to both of them. I attempted to sell the latter to a player and was not able to transfer it and I attempted to buy the former from a player and was not able to receive it. In both cases I got a message saying that I already had the unique item.

    There have also been multiple reports of people not being able to loot MA attacks from chests when they had the same attack in their possession on live. So I'm not sure why you seem to be the exception, but more power to you!


  18. #38

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Well FC!!!!

    Originally posted by Scorus

    There have also been multiple reports of people not being able to loot MA attacks from chests when they had the same attack in their possession on live. So I'm not sure why you seem to be the exception, but more power to you!

    Now that I think about it, I can't swear to having gotten it out of a chest since 13.6 though I'm still pretty convinced that I have. But I did just go online (after rk2 came back up) and bought a new Attack of the Snake which went right into my inventory without problems, right next to my other Attack of the Snake. So either they're being inconsistent (possibly), or it may not apply to MA attacks (equally possible).
    - st|k
    - Midoritaka (rk2)

  19. #39
    Give us some feedback on WHY you change this!

    I can't see how anyone can have asked for it, so why change it?

    I think this is another really stupid idea from Funcom, I see noone gain anything on this, but almost everyone lose alot...

    and again

    Don't "fix" anything that isn't broken.
    ICQ: 419860

    Clan Apocalypse - The guild for models

    Account closed.

  20. #40

    Post Unique tag

    The whole concept of unique is just in ONLY ONE ALLOWED. this is just a fix of previos programming bug that didn't recognise the problem.

    THAT being said, there are many things that should NOT be unique....and are. if implemented, then they SHOULD remove the unique tag on any items sold in flury of blows (upgradeable) as well as ma attacks (if is "knowledge learned" and you are debuffed, you should be able to fall back on old techniques

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