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Thread: Discuss: 13.8 Unique item fix / change (added Tuesday 19th)

  1. #1

    Discuss: 13.8 Unique item fix / change (added Tuesday 19th)

    • It will now only be possible to have one item marked as unique in your inventory at at any given time. Unfortunately, this means that Engineers and Bureaucrats can only have one pet shell of the same kind in their inventory.

  2. #2

    Thumbs down Hmmm

    I guess this means, that the effect, that I couldn't pick up a second IP ring since 13.6 is implemented right now - good to know.
    Just in case Funcom forgot, I have to hands and, usually, I can decide to wear two (identical) rings, one for each hand - usually.

    Could you comment on this?

    Btw. this ring was lost for my friend that I called to come by - thanks.

    So long,

    100% curious

  3. #3
    No good can come of this.

  4. #4

    Re: Discuss: 13.8 Unique item fix / change (added Tuesday 19th)

    Originally posted by Cz
    • It will now only be possible to have one item marked as unique in your inventory at at any given time. Unfortunately, this means that Engineers and Bureaucrats can only have one pet shell of the same kind in their inventory.
    Okay, when I said that you should have included this in your patch notes, I meant the patch where the change went into effect!

    The unique item change was done in 13.6 (though it might be new that pet shells are now covered by it, don't know). You can now, in live, not get an IP Ring or Flurry of Blows, for example, if you already have another in your inventory (including your backpacks or equipped). So IP Rings can no longer be dual wielded. Whether this makes us exploiters, as it did all the people that kept pillows dual wielded after they were changed to left-hand only, Cz is supposedly checking on...


  5. #5
    ah...what is the rational for this one?

    1. What is the big deal if an engineer decided to "queue up" several shells so he is "stocked" for the night? They still need to meet the required skill level to use it right?

    2. Things like First Aid kits are also marked as unique in some cases. what I can't buy stock for a friend now and keep mine?

    3. How will this effect people holding "unique no drop" items from quest dungeons and such. I can't have 2 bracers of shrinking flesh that are unique?

    4. What possible conflicts could happen with 2 unique items of a different type that might conflict and not let you hold one or the other?

    5. Finally, I really don't see the need for this. Why do you?

  6. #6

    Thumbs down The answer is ...

    Duping. (if not, Cz, wouldn't you like to clarify?)

    Oh my ...

    So there are still possibilities to dupe uniques and with this 'elegant' move Funcom wants to eliminate that - why do you (Funcom) think, your Customers are dump?!

    My hand crawls slowly to the cancel button. It is getting more and more ridiculous the last few posts.

    So long,

    100% curious

  7. #7

    Re: Discuss: 13.8 Unique item fix / change (added Tuesday 19th)

    Originally posted by Cz
    • this means that Engineers and Bureaucrats can only have one pet shell of the same kind in their inventory.
    No big deal for that part. I am not even sure if anyone is using chain-casting strategy.
    "Donner à des millions une connaissance de l'anglais, c'est les rendre esclaves". (Hind Swarâj, ch. 18)

  8. #8

    Thumbs down

    This sucks big time if you are a MA an find a MA-maneuver of higher lvl in team mission that you can´t use at the time. You now have to choose between getting that maneuver and losing the old one that you can use, and thereby losing ability to have that maneuver for awhile, or leave it.

    I guess that all high lvl MA are so uber with min damage that you need to remove some of the uppgrade ability of MA maneovers (this is irony, if you didn´t notice that).

    Please consider all consequenses of you patches for once.

  9. #9
    this change BLOWS.

    Im sure FC will be flooded with petitions regarding the unique issue if this is implemented.

    Im a crat, and I ALWAYS like to keep more than 1 spare shell in inventory, I CANT SEE ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT.

    What if I found a 5% IQ ring in chest while I have a 3% on me ?

    IQ ring is not NODROP, so its tradable (and highly valuable as well), why not let players able to keep 2 in inventory ?

    If your mean is to eliminate exploit, you pick the wrong way. Spend a little more resources to recode your programing is better than introducing unneccsarily INCONVENIENCE to players.

  10. #10

    Re: Re: Discuss: 13.8 Unique item fix / change (added Tuesday 19th)

    Originally posted by Gummizluv
    No big deal for that part. I am not even sure if anyone is using chain-casting strategy.
    Im am

    But it isn't such a big problem... can only have 1 instead of 3 spares...

    Gotta be more carefull now
    Dhur the Ninja Pirate NT!

  11. #11
    Originally posted by Wenzell
    this change BLOWS.

    Im sure FC will be flooded with petitions regarding the unique issue if this is implemented.

    Im a crat, and I ALWAYS like to keep more than 1 spare shell in inventory, I CANT SEE ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT.

    What if I found a 5% IQ ring in chest while I have a 3% on me ?

    IQ ring is not NODROP, so its tradable (and highly valuable as well), why not let players able to keep 2 in inventory ?
    Okay, one more time:


    All the problems you and others are mentioning are present on live. You cannot pick up an IP Ring, MA maneuver, Flurry of Blows, etc. if you already have one! Right now. On Live. I promise! And yes, the ARKs were getting a lot of petitions, though the one I talked to when this first happened to me didn't realize that it wasn't included in the 13.6 patch notes.


  12. #12
    Hey this just makes us MAz a lot harder to play - gone are the days when U could have more MA attacks - ever heard of debuff/ransack/deprives? I could also ask in another way why do you kick us MAz, that are allready target dummys in PvP, in the head. When we go down in skill we cant attack with specials anymore and we cant even carry backups now, are fling/burst/FullAuto affected as well - no.

    Possible fix there is DROP the nondrop/Uniqe tag on MA attacks and a few other items as well before implementing this little NERF. We cant buy/trade the MA attacks as it is - and now we cant even have 2 of the same ?!? Please at least think of this before doing us this favor - if there is duping I am dead sure it aint MA attacks they are duping. Just take a look over your database and SEE what items have Nondrop/Unigue flags, and ask yourself if they are set at the right places - I dont think they are MA specials, Flurry of Blows are just 2 good exampels. After all you are altering the way we can use these items by altering the meaning of the attribute Unique so look at the ITEMS it affects.
    Lwiz, MA and still dancing the minimum-damage-ring - until Patch 13.8 I hope
    Fleshwall, Enforcer doing 2hand egde for a change, and a lot of aggro
    Tamare, Trader by nature - radient looks

  13. #13
    This change has been horrible for MAs. I found a QL155 Blessed with Thunder on a corpse last night. It would be a nice upgrade from the QL139 I use right now but I'd have to spend IP on parry to use the 155. I had to leave the 155 behind because I couldn't pick it up and can't afford to delete the attack I'm using.

    Why are special attacks (including flurry of blows) UNIQUE? There is nothing unique about them. They are sold in stores in various QLs.

  14. #14

    Exclamation Thx again

    Way to go Fubarcom!
    My small army on rbk2

    Got Nullity Sphere?


    <--flavor of the month

    I See you!

  15. #15
    • This is terrible for Kamikaze Robots...oh...thats right...we don't have Kamikaze Robots...(maybe they won't be UNIQUE!)
    RoboKa & RoboKaKa
    Solitus Neutral Engineer & Pet

  16. #16

    Pre-nerf then?

    Ok I noticed this too, but what about the guy that all ready has 2 IQ rings? Are you going to strip one from him because you cannot have 2 now? If not then your screwing everyone else by making this change. And the previous poster is right, this went into affect in 13.6 without warning or discussion. So now if you happen to have 2 uniques before 13.6 you have an advantage on the rest of us because I am sure that they wont be taking your away. Don't understand this change or why it was neccesary at all.

  17. #17

    Re: Pre-nerf then?

    Originally posted by Trigger
    Ok I noticed this too, but what about the guy that all ready has 2 IQ rings? Are you going to strip one from him because you cannot have 2 now? If not then your screwing everyone else by making this change. And the previous poster is right, this went into affect in 13.6 without warning or discussion. So now if you happen to have 2 uniques before 13.6 you have an advantage on the rest of us because I am sure that they wont be taking your away. Don't understand this change or why it was neccesary at all.
    One word for you.......pillows.

  18. #18

    This just is very bad...

    if I understand it correctly (clarification please) - it is even worse than it sounds.

    Right now - if I have one unique item I cannot get a second unique item *of the same kind*. This was implemented with the last patch.

    The above implies - however - that I can't have *any* 2 unique items in my inventory - period... WTH???
    *Please* correct me if I'm wrong - but this would also mean - that you cannot solve a certain mission anymore - because you need to collect 8 (different) unique items. If this means that not only I have to collect 8 unique items, but *also* have to be lucky enough to find them in the *right order* - well just forget it - mission impossible.
    This is just wrong!!

    Like someone else said - I have two hands where I can wear bracers and/or rings - so I should be able to pick them up!

    I can go along with it - *if* you remove the *unique* tag from certain things, like flurry of blows, certain MA attacks, and so on.
    The only things that should be unique is certain high lvl loot from boss-mobs.

    And yes the change also blows for engies and crats.
    After the dungeon pathing improved I just started an engi, and - yes - I like to keep a small stock of shells - because in the heat of a fight, when my bot dies, I sure don't have time to cast another shell and to create the bot - before being dead myself.

    Why this nerf??? Some explanation would be nice!
    Last edited by Spacegipsy; Feb 19th, 2002 at 20:03:51.

  19. #19

    My vote against this

    This is another half-a$$ed solution that takes something away from the game just because the coders cant think of another way to solve a problem.

    Bad policy - what now, you make some more changes to offset the unintended nerf? This just doesn't make any sense.

    -Nightmayor 78 Crat
    -Moodswing 31 MP
    -Chutzpah 50 Enf
    -Sanitized 48 NT

  20. #20


    MA special attacks UNIQUE NO DROP - Why?

    What logical sense does this possibly make?

    I won't even bother with the other things.
    Future Sword Saint of Rubi-Ka
    Martial Artist

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