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Thread: Lost items and Funcom's Followups

  1. #1

    Lost items and Funcom's Followups

    Well, I lost ql 176 tank armor and 2x169+1 189 NCUs in trade crash

    After relogging I did find, however an extra ql 200 tank armor in my bag. I have no need for that tank, since I have another one that quality.

    I sent a petition, waited for 2 hours. Did pet status, saw 3 people ahead of me.

    Did petition status a few minutes later, it told me I have no petitions.

    No one showed up.

    Ok, so now there are 2 things I hate to cope with:

    1. The issue of lost items. These are hard to replace, but not impossible. I could roll another set of items. It's a waste of time though, as I could be doing missions for other things.

    2. The issue of customer support.

    I can understand if someone came down and told me that it is company policy not to replace items lost due to programming errors. I had mixed results with getting lost items back. I think that deleting anyone's petition from the queue without even answering it, however, shows lack of respect for a player. I'm angry right now, and this made me even angrier. I've lost a yalmaha before, somehow got over this. But I'm getting tired of being gullible and just going with the flow.
    Last edited by Loretta; Feb 18th, 2002 at 08:07:08.
    Ananke - Carrah - Loretta

    ZWhen the going got tough, the tough ran away

  2. #2
    I hear you Carrah.

    I had that 2 times as well, Last time I petionned was because I could not get those new defl. shield working (I got the needed parry skill but it says the item is not used in the proper manner, erm ok.. how do I?). I also noticed my character went from small heigth - medium width to small width.

    So I petionned, being maybe a tad too jolly:

    /petition Hi, today I logged on and saw my character looks like she didnt eat for 3 days, I also require your assistance using an item I have the reqs for, but doesnt seem to work

    Thats what I sent. 30 pets in front. 2 hrs later: 3. 15 mins later: you have no active petition. I never went afk nor did I miss a tell (I squelshed all but the area and guildchat). What the -cencored- did the ark/gm think to just delete my pet? If he/she did not then there's something broken with their system

    They also are inconsistent with their set of rules I might add. A few months ago a friend got killed due to lag and had his lost xp re-added by the gm. Okay, fair to me. A month ago I lost xp while zoning, did not tele to respawn-pad and was in res, standing there in the jungle. Petitioning resulted in being tped to the pad, but no way the GM said I would get my exp back. Saying my friend did get his back a while ago resulted in a 'that is not allowed to us, he mustve been lucky'. Dont get me wrong, the GM was very nice and polite, but comon, lucky?! If I want support I dont want LUCK to be a factor of service!

    It gets even worse: since I died I asked the GM if I also lost a pvp point. "We cant see pvp points". Uh right I said, thats why in the past an other GM told me I was near freshman, less then 1 killaway? "He was not allowed to, nor would I know how to do that". herm okay.. next time Ill petition away till I get my old GM back who DID tell me my pvp points..

    Since people do not believe others at their word always please check this screeny where i got told my pvp position:

    I EVEN got /telled by Funcom personnel in both IRC and AO not to conversate these things "as they might be misinterpreted as actions of favourism from gms towards players". I _did_ kept silent about it, but seeing more people had these weird customer support I really can't be bothered not to share this. I do not feel I'm special nor would, you, reader should think I am. Hey, I only am "lucky!", maybe you will have your luck in a petition-session..

    WTB Customer-support luck items, will pay well

    "wtf do you want?" might a FC reader think? Go freaking sit around the table with the GM, heck even might add the ARK's to it and WRITE down what you can and not can ffs! Im tired of seeing people get something done with GM #1 and get a 'no way!' from GM #2! As all customer support companies have (i work at one), create a set of COMPLETE rules and make your workforce obey those! I dont know about your 'rules' but when I notice my collegue made an (even illegal) exception with a client I DONT tell my client he can go f*** himself because its not legal. I help him just as well as my collegue did. I DO tell my collegue he was out of order though!

    A kinda annoyed Letah.

    edit: spelling errors - grammar, hey not my native lang!
    Last edited by Letah; Feb 18th, 2002 at 11:15:33.

    Vhir / 215 Doctor
    Nynke / 205 Agent
    Letah / 200 Doctor
    Firerose / 200 Soldier
    [eqp | imps | pics | sig]

    Yeah I'm back, no need to ask your ebay-check questions

  3. #3
    I've posted another petition about my former petition being cancelled without a reason.

    That petition has been cancelled as well...

    I guess I'm on someone's list...

    Hi Letah
    Ananke - Carrah - Loretta

    ZWhen the going got tough, the tough ran away

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