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Thread: Guild House

  1. #41 come this post did not show up on the board ?
    NT = Nerfed Technician

    My doctor told me I am paranoid, so I shot him.

    Obviously he was an alien agent sent here to kill me...and he did not come alone!

  2. #42

    w00t! and 1/2


    Guild Housing=Good (Plain and simple)

  3. #43

    Cool Hmmmm

    Maybe my guild will just buy the Reet Retreat club.. that place is huge ; P

  4. #44

  5. #45
    Heck, I'd settle for a special guild door key just to have a reasonably private place to hold meetings. I don't care if the building gets used by other people for other things too.


  6. #46
    1st of all... BUMP

    other ideas are a request board with bins beside it to more effectively distribute stuff then spammin people halfway through their missions. ie I need QL140ish armor plz and if anyones got it they drop it in the bin
    another idea is if u buy buildings out in the bumfuc- nowhere u can slap down a save n reclaim for the no yalmahad or slowbie docs ;p of the guild. charge the omnis for use of it too heh.
    yet 1 more idea eh nm im out of em.

  7. #47
    Only game i seen with real housing is UO , was super crowded but amazing ! Prob cost to much in server space for them even to consider it .....

    I dont even have an apartment here in ao , i hate everybody just walk in to the same place , and going in to a what 3 room 4 wall apartment with no windows!!! Claustrofobia !


  8. #48

    I remember UO..

    I bet half of the 300,000 players play just because of the housing. To be honest, I can't picture playing that game longer than six months without housing. I bet if FC implemented housing, AO would go through the roof.
    What if they dedicated a zone to it? It couldn't be any worse than BS...

  9. #49

  10. #50

    Thumbs up Bionic BUMP!

    I like the idea of the guild house. I REALLY like the idea of having it out in a**f**k nowhere, so snoopy folks won't be so tempted to see who goes in and out of them. I'd like mine in Rising Sun pleeze. I love the walk-in waterfall with the tunnel passage way. Easier to place gaurds in as well. DO IT! Nothing fancy requiring a lot of server space. In Bliss (which many hate) are unlocked places with no purpose. Why not use places like these? They're there, they're open, they already exist. Why not?
    Give me liberty, or give me a bronto-burger (or kill me)!

    Whaddevah," We will pillage your women and sodomize your towns!" Corny"The wise-cracking slayer of many!"
    Yahmuddah "Yeah, yours! Whatchagonnadoooo?

  11. #51
    I'd love to see something like this implemented, it would be something that guilds could aim for!

    Oh my, what a wonderful idea!

    A good start would be guild banks/storage areas
    Clan Archdeacon

    "Nothing worth while is ever easy"

  12. #52
    Bumping needed
    NT = Nerfed Technician

    My doctor told me I am paranoid, so I shot him.

    Obviously he was an alien agent sent here to kill me...and he did not come alone!

  13. #53
    We really need guild house!!!!!!! Funcom do something

  14. #54
    It would be nice if they were 0% zones, too. That way we could spar with one another....


  15. #55

    Thumbs up Bump Ahoy!

    This would be the biskies.... Bring it on!

    But first (PLEASE) put in a Guild Bank... PA-LEEEZ!
    If that fails, why not allow people to bank stuff into OTHER peoples banks? That would be cool too (but guild one first

    This would be sooooo cool... Make it so, Mr. FunCom!

  16. #56


    I feel i should be the one getting payed to play this game...

  17. #57

    Question Yeah, where is our guild house anyway???..

    When I first read about AO I noticed guild houses aswell as guild banks were to be part of the game. About the guild bank: Some of you might not know that it actually *does* exist. Just type /org bank and see for yourselves. My guild uses that to store money. Only drawback is that the only one able to do withrawal is the leader. That can be both a good and a bad thing. History is full of greedy leaders

    Anyway, the guild house as it was presented to me when I first read about AO really thrilled me. But as you all know this is something that seems to be forgotten (or maybe too hard to implement) by Funcom. I beleive now that we wont see our beloved guildhouses anytime soon. I fear they are too involved in tweaking, bughunting or whatever they are doing to concentrate on this. I guess their priority list isn't the same as we would like it to be. Hopefully they are working on implementing more content, wich is good as it's starting to feel a bit boring to allways do missions or hunting. Things like all-out war, story missions and static dungeons will also be needed to keep people interested in the game.

    Oh... bump btw

  18. #58
    You know we want it Funcom and not in 6 month. If you make a guild house patch, I promess you that around 90% of the players will be happy (I cant say 100% because some people are never happy with this game ) It could had so much for the story!!!

  19. #59

    If only

    Guild house = nice and needed and not happening anytime soon.
    Guild bank = nice and needed, but needs more options, but not happening anytime soon.
    Guild item bank = nice and needed and not happening anytime soon.

    Too bad

    We need this.

    If only dreams would come true.

    Pvt Nahadra out.
    Formrider - Lvl 73 Crat

    Nahadra - Lvl 55 doc

    Unfitrider - Lvl 101 Shade

    Achiever 66%
    Explorer 66%
    Killer 40%
    Socializer 26%

  20. #60
    Having a guild house will be great, but just don't do it like UO. Placing houses was a joke there, even tho I managed to lay a good house down.

    What would be better is a tower-block system, with a voice activated bell boy. If you click the bell boy then type in the name of the guild, then you are zoned to a reception area for that guild. If the person has been given access rights, then they may pass thru reception, into the main guild office.

    The problem of using keys is that the key will not be under the guild's control once it has been distributed.

    Each guild office has a save terminal and 2 types of bank. Personal and Guild. Permissions are granted by the guild leader as to who may have access to the guild bank. What would also be nice is a guild accountant NPC, that you can trade credits with, which is accessible in the same way as the guild bank.

    The quality of the office could also be upgradeable by the leader asking the accountant to upgrade, thereby reducing the amount within the guild bank according to the upgrade.

    If you want flashy, then you could make it so that once you pass through the reception area, you enter a guild "estate", with certain flora, fauna and wildlife, with the guild building being within the confines of the estate.

    The offices themselves should be placed in areas of beauty by FC, thereby controlling the aesthetics of the area, through usage of properly designed office blocks in accordance to the location and surroundings.

    The one thing that should be avoided is what happened in UO. The sheer volume of guild houses in good locations will not only ruin the locations, but make the load on graphics and people unbearable. You'll also have problems with guilds claiming areas for themselves and causing trouble for their neighbours (which at one time in UO caused a whole town to kill a unwitting person repeatedly until their house decayed).

    Having a central hub for a guild is essential, but it shouldn't be at the detriment of the planet and the population. Given that there are 1329 guilds, that's no small amount of housing.

    Think rationally folks... bugger it up now, and it'll bugger it up good and proper, and no amount of explaining will justify FC ripping guild housing back out if it does go wrong.
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