Over the last few patches monsters have gotten a lot harder. In order to be able to do missions in the normal fashion of killing all the monsters, I have to do them at below 50% difficulty. I don't particularly like this since it means every item I get in the mission is useless to my character, including the main mission reward, but at least I can then complete the mission.

The problem is that at level 90 when you go below even by even the slightest bit there is an extreme number of grays in your missions. I'm talking 70% grays here. Add aggressive omni-tek greens to the mix and that's way too much effort for way too little xp. Now the money is down in missions as well, so that doesn't help any. Even an "easy" gray is taking well over a minute, sometimes two to kill and knocking off half my life.

Could we get more XP for grays in missions? It doesn't need to be as much as if the monster is yellow, but one measly point is not enough. If a monster is worth 4k xp when yellow it should be worth at least 1k xp when it is gray. This doesn't have to apply to outdoors areas since outdoor monsters are easy to find in the right level range, but in missions you have no choice but to kill whatever you are dealt by the mission generator. Go 50% or above difficulty and there'll be monsters that will kill you. Go below 50% difficulty and there'll be more than half grays. Its a no-win situation right now.