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Thread: Weapon, nano and perk range formulas

  1. #1

    Weapon, nano and perk range formulas

    I've done some research and testings about range formulas. Here are my results:

    Weapon range: YS + TS + MIN(40, RoundDown(WR x WI))
    Perk range:   YS + TS + PR
    Nano range:   YS + TS + MIN(39, RoundDown(NR x NI))
    YS = your size
    TS = target size
    WR = weapon range
    PR = perk range
    NR = nano range
    WI = 1 + (RangeInc. Weapon / 100)
    NI = 1 + (RangeInc. NF / 100)
    Players = (scale x 2) / 100
    Monsters = (scale x 3) / 100
    1. Weapons and nanos have different cap.
    2. Base scale of the character is influenced by character height (short = 90, medium = 100, tall = 110)
    3. Character bread or build doesn't influence scale.
    4. REMOVED
    5. Rounding down is probably a bug, created as side effect of MIN function. This function seems to take whole numbers (instead of floating points numbers) as arguments. FC fix this BUG please.
    6. Dual wielding weapon range is calculated for each weapon. Specials range is determined by weapon range, from which are fired.
    7. Fists weapon range is 2.
    8. Perks range isn't influenced by "RangeInc. Weapon" or "RangeInc. NF".
    9. 1 point of our scale adds 0,02m range to us and to everyone else when targeting us.
    Last edited by Dragocze; Feb 12th, 2011 at 21:31:30. Reason: Changed formula to reflect difference between players and monsters.
    Dragocz RK1

  2. #2
    So bigger things hit farther?

    I knew I wasn't a fool for not shrinking my pets!
    Brofist 220/30/70 Engineer
    Techbro 220/30/70 Nano-Technician

  3. #3
    Yes Brofist. Also bigger things are being hit from farther.
    Dragocz RK1

  4. #4
    Thank you for posting this! It fits with many things I've noticed

  5. #5
    Good job testing this!

  6. #6
    This is actually very interesting info, thank you for testing this!

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Dragocze View Post
    Yes Brofist. Also bigger things are being hit from farther.
    Kinda makes sense, as position/range is likely calculated from middle of person/mob object and not from skin... So bigger means your skin is closer to target, as well as your weapon is closer to target.

    Tho wonder how to use it in-game to gain advantage =p
    Mireiawen Rose, 215/30/70 neut fixer, setup RK2
    Mireiwen Rose, 220/27/62 neut MA trader/tradeskiller, setup RK2
    Miraiwen Rose, 220/30/70 neut SMG soldier, setup RK2
    Miraeawen Rose, 220/27/70 neut MP, setup RK2
    Mireiaieawen Rose, 220/30/69 neut tank, RK2
    +bunch of others in Rose family...

    President of Neutral Warriors | Neutnet mod |

    Got superior pewpew or nerfbat? But it looks ugly, or you are just plain bored with everyone going around with same? Bump for Weapon Remodeling and get your unique looks!

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