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Thread: What buildings/structures would you like to have to improve RP?

  1. #41


    (big, beautiful casinos... with gambling inside...)


  2. #42
    Oh this would be great..maybe I will start thinking about logging onto live to help out with the RP =D lol
    Veteran of Testlive
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    Exploits is considered cheating, no one likes a cheater, so don't do it.
    Kill one man, and your a muderer,
    Kill many, and your a conquerer,
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  3. #43

    i am really backin casinos here.

    i think casinos are a good way to help younger players to get more money than the traditional ways.. which i personally found was not nearly enough to get by on. (engi pets $$$)

    it would also give some of us real life gambling addicts an interesting venue to enjoy our habits in a way that doesnt take the food off our tables and subscription games off our computers.

    AND... no offence, but some of those big bankrollers could use to lose a bit o' cream every now and then, so they have to go out and get more like the rest of us.

    i think this is a huge part of what rp is about (to get back to the topic).

    .......if only i could find a way to display a vicinity text of a random number between 2 other fixed numbers. (like 1-6 for dice)

  4. #44
    Addition to the idea of getting "roleplay missions:" Add in a slider for suppression gas that will put the gas level inside the mission at 0%, 5%, 25%, 75% or 100%
    Taren "Jynne" Suitt, Level 216/16 Eternalist
    Knight of Unity of the Rose - Check out our AO Tools!
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    Iron Law of Exploits: If it can be exploited, it will be exploited. However a rule is exploitable, the exploits become the rule.

  5. #45


    What ever happened with this?

  6. #46

    Combine the suggestions

    A *bump* for one of the most constructive and creative threads on the board!

    My contribution to creativity here, is simply to suggest that several of the ideas here can be combined to avoid some of the obvious problems:

    Like, the 0% interrigation rooms. Obvious danger of non-RPing PvP-gankers. BUT, when you combine that idea with the guildhouse idea, it solves everything! Only guildmembers have access to the guildhouse, and get an engie to warp in the person to be interrigated. Problem solved, I should believe?

    Also, the guildhouse could come in several sizes, with different features (and prices):

    - "army/police-style", with barracs, training area (0%), shooting range (with mobs of different qls? No xp, only for trying out weapons, tactics, etc?), command HQ...

    - "scientific", with labratories, classrooms, a "zoo" with different species in cages...

    - "leisure/showtime/club guild", with bars, scenes, backstage area, heart-shaped bedrooms , swimmingpools, hidden room with gambling facilities... Imagine some exclusive parties being arranged by some of the large guilds.

    All with a pricetag, and/or monthly fee. They could come in three sizes (and prices), small medium and large, for all orgsizes/levels.

    Same goes with apartments. Different kinds, and sizes:

    - "classic": A traditional apartment, cosy, with kitchen/livingroom/bedrooms/etc. And a secret room with chains and leather?

    - "Psycho-phreak": Acid colors, crazy shaped doors, livingroom with a discoball, weird hidden rooms.

    - "the dump": Black/grey cracked up walls, maybe some rollerrats rolling around, cellar-like feeling, for the more shady characters amongs us.

    - "penthouse": top floor, with a view over Omni Ent or Tir, personal bartender, classy two-floor high livingroom, indoor wintergarden.

    Also, a guildhouse/apartment should not technically HAVE to be all indoor (or have an indoor look). A backyard/outdoor area could also be possible, couldnt it?
    Last edited by Beamboom; Dec 11th, 2002 at 16:23:24.

  7. #47

    Guild houseing .

    I made a post a while back in the suggestions thread on guild housing, my motives where mainly rp reasons, but to make them more functional, eachroom provides a small buff.

    A guild would buy or rent their housing, and each special room would be an additional cost.

    The post can be found here :

    I'd also agree with everything said here, and personally I'd only like these things for rp purposes. The prison, courtroom, and the rp room generator idea I like the most
    I quested all the way to Penumbra, and I didn't even get a lousy t-shirt.

  8. #48
    I love the Zero G club idea.

    Being jailed with a bunch of people who helped do the same crime for...oh, an hour would be pretty cool, just to see how we'd all RP it out and react... Even better if people could bring us nail files in cakes...

    Interrogation rooms would also be nice.

    Also, in any Jail-type areas, nanoprograms should be disallowed to avoid fixers gridding away. Call it a nano containment field, or something.

    A courtroom would be awesome..

    Val's Omni-Med and Omni-Admin ideas, "Boss people around and drink coffee"

    The ICC needs terminals, fast. They also need offices, statics...

    Clanners need more clubs.

    A military training area would be cool...

    As an Advy, I want to be able to ride certain animals. Maybe those low-level pony things, Gofles, Ottos, Young Brontos, Blast ride stuff, maybe you'd have to be high-level enough for it to be gray to you?


    I wanna casino.
    Katelin "Missmaul" Locknane -Sloooowly climbing her way out of the dank pits of gimpness. But stil crazy. Ya know...just in case you cared.

  9. #49
    I forgot to add that the casino would probably be one of the best rp areas, and would help bring new players to rp, as many nubes would venture into the casino. As a nube (and an rp nube) I felt that during my days in ao, I ran mostly in to people who are 100% ooc, and this took me away from rp thinking it did not exist, and gave me bad habits (generallY speaking ooc) I think if it where easier to find the rp community or even just run into it as a nube, more players would be aware of rp and maybe more attracted to it. Rompas in ent is hardly easy to find when you havn't got a clue where your going, and you don't even know it exists !
    I quested all the way to Penumbra, and I didn't even get a lousy t-shirt.

  10. #50

  11. #51
    -Guildhouses with some basic vendors inside (ammo etc), a place to gather and hold guildmeetings

    -more functional appartments, meaning give us the needed furniture to make it look like an actual, lived in appartment. Allow more items to be inside as well (what is the current limit again? 10?).
    As it is now, appartments seem like nothing more than a place to hang up that painting and place that cactus you found in a mission, I'd love a bed, a bathroom and a table. Have the stereo systems play the (ingame) music you prefer if possible.

    -do something with the official buildings in rome etc, decorate eg. Omni Med as medical facility with labs and offices and have some NPC's going around doing their stuff.

    Just my 2cents on the subject

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