by Randa "Poetica" Whites

I had felt “it” for days
Something was about to happened
I knew what “it” was
But I didn’t want to realize
“It” was creeping up behind me
Like a Sabretooth on his pray
I knew “it” was there
But I pretended not to notice
Seemed the sanest thing to do
Because if I let myself realize
Realize what was happening…
Then I would have to do something
And I was lost
Something was moving
Deep inside of me
In my heart
In my soul
I pretended not to notice
And I kept going like I used to
Until “it” caught up with me
And I had no escape
And no will to escape
Only to surrender
To this change
Surrender to these feelings
Surrender in these arms
Surrender in these kisses
And out of this world
I surrendered myself to “it”