The crowd slowly migrated off of the shuttle after coming from the Morning Star. Looking forward to getting to his final destination Micheal "Cordell" Lamit walked to his next shuttle, the one headed for Omni-1.

He had read of all the struggles and skirmishs between Omni-Tek Corp. and the so called "Clans". To him they were a fly in the big scheme of things. He decided before taking the long shuttle flight to Rubi-Ka to join the company. A former security consultant and "specialist" to many other companys the Omni-Tek Corp. hired him to do more of the same. He enjoyed it, and thats what matters.

As Cordell walked toward his next shuttle he overheard what he'd read in many articles, clanners...talking about how opressed they were. Join us many of them saying. A few bit. Some still confused as to the struggle remained neutral. One approached Cordell ready to give him his crys of opression

"Omni-Tek doesn't protect" the patron cried " they opress."

"Save it for somebody else" replied Cordell coldy

"Well don't you want to know the story behi..."

Cordell cut him short,

"Look, I've heard your story. It stinks. Go sell it to somebody else" Cordell responded and kept walking.

The wide eyed patron only stared as he watched Cordell walk off toward the shuttle bay.

He registered himself as arriving with the Omni-Tek represenative.

"Glad to see you made it Mr. Lamit" the represenative said warmly while sticking out his hand.
Cordell accepted it shaking the mans hand.

"Thank you Mr. Organi, glad I can be here."

"I hope they didn't give you any trouble coming in" Mr. Ogani said gesturing toward the clan patrons.

"None at all" Cordell responded with a slight grin "Nothing I haven't heard before."

Nodding his acceptance Mr. Ogani said."Shall we get going then, the shuttle will leave shortly."

"Absolutly." Cordell responded

The ride to the surface wasn't much. After checking through security Cordell grabbed his bags and headed to Rome where he chose to have his apartment. While walking he stared up at the massive structures that seemed to pierce the sky with their tops. He punched in his security code to his apartment and entered.

He laid in bed wondering what the next day, week, month, even year would bring for him. Knowing very well he could die the next day that didn't bother him. So was the life of an agent. Tomorrow he would report in to his department head. For now it was time for sleep.